Synthesis of nano- to micrometer-sized B4C particle-reinforced aluminum matrix composites via powder metallurgy and subsequent heat treatment

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (8) ◽  
pp. 2295-2306
Rui-feng Liu ◽  
Wen-xian Wang ◽  
Hong-sheng Chen
Materials ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (24) ◽  
pp. 4030 ◽  
Amélie Veillère ◽  
Hiroki Kurita ◽  
Akira Kawasaki ◽  
Yongfeng Lu ◽  
Jean-Marc Heintz ◽  

Aluminum matrix composites reinforced with carbon fibers or diamond particles have been fabricated by a powder metallurgy process and characterized for thermal management applications. Al/C composite is a nonreactive system (absence of chemical reaction between the metallic matrix and the ceramic reinforcement) due to the presence of an alumina layer on the surface of the aluminum powder particles. In order to achieve fully dense materials and to enhance the thermo-mechanical properties of the Al/C composite materials, a semi-liquid method has been carried out with the addition of a small amount of Al-Si alloys in the Al matrix. Thermal conductivity and coefficient of thermal expansion were enhanced as compared with Al/C composites without Al-Si alloys and the experimental values were close to the ones predicted by analytical models.

Metals ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 44 ◽  
Peng-Xiang Zhang ◽  
Hong Yan ◽  
Wei Liu ◽  
Xiu-Liang Zou ◽  
Bin-Bing Tang

In this study, 7075 aluminum matrix composites reinforced with 1.5 wt.% nanosized Al2O3 were fabricated by ultrasonic vibration. The effect of T6 heat treatment on both microstructure and hardness of nanosized Al2O3 reinforced 7075 (Al2O3np/7075) composites were studied via scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and hardness tests. The Mg(Zn,Cu,Al)2 phases gradually dissolved into the matrix under solution treatment at 480 °C for 5 h. However, the morphology and size of Al7Cu2Fe phases remained unchanged due to their high melting points. Furthermore, the slenderness strips MgZn2 phases precipitated under aging treatment at 120 °C for 24 h. Compared to as-cast composites, the hardness of the sample under T6 heat treatment was increased ~52%. The strengthening mechanisms underlying the achieved hardness of composites are revealed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 822 ◽  
pp. 153658 ◽  
Zhanwei Yuan ◽  
Wenbin Tian ◽  
Fuguo Li ◽  
Qinqin Fu ◽  
Xingang Wang ◽  

2013 ◽  
Vol 457-458 ◽  
pp. 131-134 ◽  
Tao Fan ◽  
Cong Li Xiao ◽  
Yan Rong Sun ◽  
Hong Bo Li

The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of SiC particle pretreatment, aluminum matrix particle size and sintering temperature on relative density, hardness, microstructure and wear resistance to SiC particle einforced aluminum matrix composites. To this end, the amount of 16.7 wt.% SiC with average particle sizes 20μm was used along with pure aluminum of average particle size of 75 μm and 25μm. Powder metallurgy is a method used in the fabrication of this composite in which the powders were mixed using a planetary ball mill. By analyzing SEM micrograph and the Property test, it is concluded that SiC particle pretreatment has significant effect on the morphology of pecimens. pretreatment increase the interface adhesion, improve the wettability. SiC is uniformly distributed in the matrix, with good relation to the substrate, the maximum hardness is 51.1HB, the minimum wear rate is 0.1684%, while the density is 97.3%.For the same SiC content and particle size, the smaller the particle size of aluminum matrix is, the higher wear resistance of composite materials is on condition that others are same, the higher sintering temperature and the higher the wearability of composites, the wear resistance of the composite material is significantly improved after SiC pre-processing.The relative density increases with increasing aluminum matrix particle sizes under the same pressure and the holding time. The actual density of all samples reached the theoretical density over 96%, to a maximum of 98.9%.

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