scholarly journals Effect of T6 Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Hardness of Nanosized Al2O3 Reinforced 7075 Aluminum Matrix Composites

Metals ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 44 ◽  
Peng-Xiang Zhang ◽  
Hong Yan ◽  
Wei Liu ◽  
Xiu-Liang Zou ◽  
Bin-Bing Tang

In this study, 7075 aluminum matrix composites reinforced with 1.5 wt.% nanosized Al2O3 were fabricated by ultrasonic vibration. The effect of T6 heat treatment on both microstructure and hardness of nanosized Al2O3 reinforced 7075 (Al2O3np/7075) composites were studied via scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and hardness tests. The Mg(Zn,Cu,Al)2 phases gradually dissolved into the matrix under solution treatment at 480 °C for 5 h. However, the morphology and size of Al7Cu2Fe phases remained unchanged due to their high melting points. Furthermore, the slenderness strips MgZn2 phases precipitated under aging treatment at 120 °C for 24 h. Compared to as-cast composites, the hardness of the sample under T6 heat treatment was increased ~52%. The strengthening mechanisms underlying the achieved hardness of composites are revealed.

2007 ◽  
Vol 561-565 ◽  
pp. 247-250
Jing Zhang ◽  
Fu Sheng Pan ◽  
Ru Lin Zuo

Effect of solution and aging treatment on the microstructure of Mg-7Zn-3Al alloy is studied by using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and quantitative image analysis. The results show that the as-aged microstructure is composed of α-Mg matrix, grain boundary τ (Mg32(Al,Zn)49 ) phase, and fine dispersed τ particles inside the grain. The solution degree has significant effects on the formation, morphology, and size of the grain boundary τ phase. The volume fraction and the size of the undissolved eutectic τ phase decrease with the increase of solution time treated at 325°C. Through sufficient solution treatment, discontinuous eutectic τ phase retains fine strip morphology after aging, in contrast to the microstructure in sample undergone insufficient solution which manifests as-cast feature, while at the same time nano-sized particles precipitate out from the matrix. The precipitates display paralleled short bar, having certain orientation relationship with the matrix.

2016 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 1075-1081
A. Gryc ◽  
T. Rzychoń

Abstract In the paper the microstructures of WE43 matrix composites reinforced with carbon fibres have been characterised. The influence of reinforcement type and T6 heat treatment (a solution treatment at 525°C for 8 h, a hot water quench and a subsequent ageing treatment at 250°C for 16 h) on microstructure have been evaluated. The light microscope and scanning electron microscope investigations have been carried out. No significant differences in samples reinforced with non-coated textiles have been reported. The substantial changes in sample reinforced with nickel-coated textile have been observed. The segregation of alloying elements to the matrix-reinforcement layer has been identified. The T6 heat treatment caused the appearance of disperse precipitates of β phase, but the process cannot be considered as satisfactory (irregular distribution, low volume fraction, relatively large size).

1994 ◽  
Vol 372 ◽  
M. T. Kiser ◽  
M. He ◽  
B. Wuj ◽  
F. W. Zok

AbstractThe compressive deformation characteristics of hollow alumina microsphere reinforced aluminum matrix composites have been studied through both experiments and finite element analysis of unit cell models. Tests have been performed on composites containing around 50 volume percent of microspheres. The effects of the matrix flow stress and microsphere morphology (characterized by the ratio of wall thickness to radius) have been examined. The measured strength enhancement due to the hollow microspheres was found to be considerably less than that predicted by the FEM calculations; a result of microsphere cracking. Experiments have been conducted to document the progression of such damage following casting and mechanical deformation. The potential of this class of composite for impact energy absorption applications is also explored.

2019 ◽  
Vol 814 ◽  
pp. 102-106
He Ping Liu ◽  
Feng Er Sun ◽  
Shao Lei Cheng ◽  
Lang Lang Liu ◽  
Yi Bo Gao

Although many problems in aluminium matrix composites have been solved, there are still many difficulties and challenges that need to be solved. In this work, graphene reinforced aluminum matrix composites are prepared by hot isostatic pressing and vacuum sintering. The microstructures of composite powders and composites were studied by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The effects of different ball milling parameters on the microstructures of composite powders were analyzed. The particle size of graphene coated aluminium composite powder increases with the increase of ball-to-material ratio. With the increase of milling time, graphene was gradually dispersed and coated on the aluminium powder particles, and the aluminium powder particles could be completely coated. with the increase of the speed, the large particles are extruded, sheared and the particles become smaller. The internal micro-deformation characteristics of graphene reinforced aluminium matrix composites were analyzed in detail.

2014 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-38
Oscar Marcelo Suárez ◽  
Natalia Cortes-Urrego ◽  
Sujeily Soto-Medina ◽  
Deborah Marty-Flores

AbstractAn aluminum-copper matrix composite reinforced with aluminum diboride particles was studied at high temperature via thermomechanometry experiments. The matrix contained 2 wt% Cu, whereas the amount of boron forming AlB2 ranged from 0 to 4 wt%, i.e., 0 to 8.31 vol% of diboride particles. In the first segment of the research, we demonstrated that larger amounts of AlB2 particles raised the composite hardness even at 300°C. To assess the material creep behavior, another set of specimens were tested under 1 N compression at 400°C and 500°C for 12 h. Higher levels of AlB2 allowed the composites to withstand compression creep deformations at those temperatures. By using existing creep models developed for metal matrix composites we were able to determine that viscous slip deformation was the dominant deformation mechanism for the temperatures and stress levels used in our experiments. Additionally, the computed creep activation energy for these aluminum matrix composites were found comparable to the energies reported for other similar materials, for instance, Al/SiCp composites.

2020 ◽  
Vol 822 ◽  
pp. 153658 ◽  
Zhanwei Yuan ◽  
Wenbin Tian ◽  
Fuguo Li ◽  
Qinqin Fu ◽  
Xingang Wang ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 256 ◽  
pp. 81-87 ◽  
Ju Fu Jiang ◽  
Ying Wang ◽  
Shou Jing Luo

Semisolid slurries of 7075 aluminum matrix composite reinforced with nano-sized SiC particles were fabricated by ultrasonic assisted semisolid stirring (UASS) method. Rheoforming and thixoforming of typical cylindrical parts were investigated. The results show that high-quality semisolid slurries with spheroidal solid grain of 38 µm were fabricated by UASS. The nano-sized SiC particles were dispersed uniformly due to transient cavitation and acoustic streaming of ultrasonic wave and high and controllable viscosity of semisolid slurry. Typical cylindrical composite parts with good surface quality and complete filling were rheoformed and thixoformed successfully. Ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the rheoformed and thixoformed composite parts are enhanced due to addition of nano-sized SiC particles. However, elongation decreased as compared to those of the matrix parts. Maximum UTS of 550 MPa was achieved in the thixoformed composite part with T6 treatment. Increase of dislocation density around the reinforcement particles leads to improvement of the strength and wear resistance of the composite.

2012 ◽  
Vol 567 ◽  
pp. 15-20 ◽  
Ling Cheng ◽  
De Gui Zhu ◽  
Ying Gao ◽  
Wei Li ◽  
Bo Wang

Alumina reinforced aluminum matrix composites (Al-5wt.%Si-Al2O3) fabricated by powder metallurgy through hot isotactic pressing were sintered in different processes, i.e. solid and liquid phase sintering. Optical microscopy (OM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) techniques were used to characterize the sintered composites. The effects of solid phase and liquid phase sintering on density, microstructure, microhardness, compression and shear strength were investigated. It was found that in situ chemical reaction was completed in solid phase sintering, but the composites had lower microhardness, comprehension and shear strength due to low density and segregation of alumina and Si particles in microstructure. Segregation of reinforcement particles in solid phase sintering resulted from character of solid reaction and Si diffusion at high temperature over a long hold time.

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