scholarly journals Soil moisture remote-sensing applications for identification of flood-prone areas along transport infrastructure

2018 ◽  
Vol 77 (14) ◽  
Anna-Klara Ahlmer ◽  
Marco Cavalli ◽  
Klas Hansson ◽  
Alexander J. Koutsouris ◽  
Stefano Crema ◽  

AbstractThe expected increase in precipitation and temperature in Scandinavia, and especially short-time heavy precipitation, will increase the frequency of flooding. Urban areas are the most vulnerable, and specifically, the road infrastructure. The accumulation of large volumes of water and sediments on road-stream intersections gets severe consequences for the road drainage structures. This study integrates the spatial and temporal soil moisture properties into the research about flood prediction methods by a case study of two areas in Sweden, Västra Götaland and Värmland, which was affected by severe flooding in August 2014. Soil moisture data are derived from remote-sensing techniques, with a focus on the soil moisture-specific satellites ASCAT and SMOS. Furthermore, several physical catchments descriptors (PCDs) are analyzed and the result shows that larger slopes and drainage density, in general, mean a higher risk of flooding. The precipitation is the same; however, it can be concluded that more precipitation in most cases gives higher soil moisture values. The lack, or the dimensioning, of road drainage structures seems to have a large impact on the flood risk as more sediment and water can be accumulated at the road-stream intersection. The results show that the method implementing soil moisture satellite data is promising for improving the reliability of flooding.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 2729
Adênio Miguel Silva da Costa ◽  
Aline Maria Meiguins de Lima ◽  
Milena Marília Nogueira de Andrade

O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar os efeitos das alterações na paisagem sobre os recursos hídricos em bacias hidrográficas do nordeste paraense, como consequência do processo de urbanização e de mudanças de uso e cobertura da terra. Para tanto, foram selecionadas quatro mesobacias na porção mais populosa do estado, área de influência de sua capital Belém. Através da aplicação de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto, inicialmente, foi quantificada a área florestal por bacia, com imagens do satélite RapidEye, no período de 2011 a 2015; os resultados mostraram progressiva perda de área florestal nos quatro casos, sobretudo para as mesobacias dos rios Caraparu e Tauá. Em seguida, a estrutura da paisagem foi analisada mediante o uso da métricas, as quais revelaram aumento da fragmentação e diminuição das maiores machas; o que tem efeito direto sobre a biodiversidade desses habitats. Uma terceira etapa compreendeu a delimitação de áreas de preservação permanente (APP) e a análise de área de conflito de uso da terra em seu território, nos moldes das faixas marginais mínimas estipuladas pelo Código Florestal Brasileiro (Lei Federal nº 12.651/2012). Os dados evidenciaram que as APP de menor extensão, relacionadas a rios menores que 10 m, e aquelas ao redor de nascentes de cursos d’água são as mais afetadas pela processo de desenvolvimento urbano, já que estão mais próximas do centros das cidades e sob influência da malha viária. As informações mostraram a importância do monitoramento espacial das bacias hidrográficas no meio urbano, como auxílio ao planejamento e gestão dos recursos hídricos.  Changes in Landscape and its Effects on Permanent Preservation Areas in Hydrographic Basins in the Northeast of Pará State A B S T R A C TThe objective of this research was to study the effects of changes in the landscape on water resources in watersheds in northeastern Paraguay as a consequence of the urbanization process and changes in land use and land cover. Therefore, four mesobacias were selected in the most populous portion of the state, area of influence of its capital Belém. The application of remote sensing techniques initially quantified the forest area by basin, with images of the RapidEye satellite, during the 2011 to 2015; the results showed a progressive loss of forest area in the four cases, especially for the Mesobacias of the Caraparu and Tauá rivers. Then, the landscape structure was analyzed using metrics, which revealed increased fragmentation and decrease of the larger males; which has a direct effect on the biodiversity of these habitats. A third stage comprised the delimitation of permanent preservation areas (APP) and the analysis of the land use conflict area in its territory, according to the minimum marginal ranges stipulated by the Brazilian Forest Code (Federal Law nº 12.651/2012). The data showed that the smaller APP, related to rivers smaller than 10 m, and those around water source springs are the most affected by the urban development process, since they are closer to the cities' centers and under the influence of the road network. The information showed the importance of the spatial monitoring of watersheds in urban areas, as an aid to the planning and management of water resources.Keyworks: urbanization, land use change and land cover, remote sensing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 366
Renato Macciotta ◽  
Michael T. Hendry

Transportation infrastructure in mountainous terrain and through river valleys is exposed to a variety of landslide phenomena. This is particularly the case for highway and railway corridors in Western Canada that connect towns and industries through prairie valleys and the Canadian cordillera. The fluidity of these corridors is important for the economy of the country and the safety of workers, and users of this infrastructure is paramount. Stabilization of all active slopes is financially challenging given the extensive area where landslides are a possibility, and monitoring and minimization of slope failure consequences becomes an attractive risk management strategy. In this regard, remote sensing techniques provide a means for enhancing the monitoring toolbox of the geotechnical engineer. This includes an improved identification of active landslides in large areas, robust complement to in-place instrumentation for enhanced landslide investigation, and an improved definition of landslide extents and deformation mechanisms. This paper builds upon the extensive literature on the application of remote sensing techniques and discusses practical insights gained from a suite of case studies from the authors’ experience in Western Canada. The review of the case studies presents a variety of landslide mechanisms and remote sensing technologies. The aim of the paper is to transfer some of the insights gained through these case studies to the reader.

2021 ◽  
Vol 80 (12) ◽  
Mohammad Roohi ◽  
Mehdi Faeli ◽  
Maryam Irani ◽  
Ehsan Shamsaei

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 614 ◽  
Elânia Daniele Silva Araújo

A intensa urbanização causa diversos problemas de natureza ambiental, climática e social. O crescimento não planejado da população urbana e a remoção da vegetação são fatores que intensificam estes problemas. As temperaturas na cidade são significativamente mais quentes do que as suas zonas rurais circundantes devido às atividades humanas. As intensas mudanças espaciais em áreas urbanas, promovem significativo aumento na temperatura, causando o chamado efeito de Ilha de Calor Urbano (ICU). Campina Grande é uma cidade de tamanho médio que experimentou um crescimento desordenado, desde o tempo do comércio de algodão e, como qualquer cidade de grande ou médio porte, sofre alterações em seu espaço. Dessa forma, este estudo teve por objetivo analisar a variabilidade espaço-temporal da temperatura da superfície (Ts) e detectar ICU, através de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto. Para o efeito, foram utilizadas imagens dos satélites Landsat 5 e 8, dos anos de 1995, 2007 e 2014. Aumentos da Ts foram bem evidentes e foram detectadas duas ICU. Campina Grande mostra um padrão de tendência: o crescimento urbano não planejado é responsável por mudanças no ambiente físico e na forma e estrutura espacial da cidade, o que se reflete sobre o microclima e, em última análise, na qualidade de vida das pessoas.   ABSTRACT The intense urbanization causes several problems of environmental, climate and social nature. The unplanned growth of urban population and the vegetation removal are factors that deepen these problems. Temperatures in the city are significantly warmer than its surrounding rural areas due to human activities. Large spatial changes in urban areas promote significant increase in temperature, causing the so-called Urban Heat Island effect (UHI). Campina Grande is a medium-sized town that experienced an uncontrolled growth since the time of the cotton trade and like any large or medium-sized city, undergoes changes in its space. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze surface temperature spatial and temporal variability and to detect potential UHI, through remote sensing techniques. Spectral images from Landsat 5 and 8 satellites were used. Using images from years 1995, 2007 and 2014, considerable increases in temperature were identified and two UHI were recognize. Campina Grande shows a trend pattern: the urban unplanned growth is responsible for changes in the physical environment and in the form and spatial structure of the city, reflecting on people quality of life. Keywords: change detection, surface temperature, heat islands, urbanization.   

10.29007/hbs2 ◽  
2019 ◽  
Juan Carlos Valdiviezo-Navarro ◽  
Adan Salazar-Garibay ◽  
Karla Juliana Rodríguez-Robayo ◽  
Lilián Juárez ◽  
María Elena Méndez-López ◽  

Maya milpa is one of the most important agrifood systems in Mesoamerica, not only because its ancient origin but also due to lead an increase in landscape diversity and to be a relevant source of families food security and food sovereignty. Nowadays, satellite remote sensing data, as the multispectral images of Sentinel-2 platforms, permit us the monitor- ing of different kinds of structures such as water bodies, urban areas, and particularly agricultural fields. Through its multispectral signatures, mono-crop fields or homogeneous vegetation zones like corn fields, barley fields, or other ones, have been successfully detected by using classification techniques with multispectral images. However, Maya milpa is a complex field which is conformed by different kinds of vegetables species and fragments of natural vegetation that in conjunction cannot be considered as a mono-crop field. In this work, we show some preliminary studies on the availability of monitoring this complex system in a region of interest in Yucatan, through a support vector machine (SVM) approach.

George Papadavid ◽  
Skevi Perdikou ◽  
Michalakis Hadjimitsis ◽  
Diofantos Hadjimitsis

Abstract Water allocation to crops has always been of great importance in the agricultural process. In this context, and under the current conditions, where Cyprus is facing a severe drought the last five years, the purpose of this study is basically to estimate the needed crop water requirements for supporting irrigation management and monitoring irrigation on a systematic basis for Cyprus using remote sensing techniques. The use of satellite images supported by ground measurements has provided quite accurate results. Intended purpose of this paper is to estimate the Evapotranspiration (ET) of specific crops which is the basis for irrigation scheduling and establish a procedure for monitoring and managing irrigation water over Cyprus, using remotely sensed data from Landsat TM/ ETM+ and a sound methodology used worldwide, the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL).

1996 ◽  
Vol 41 (4) ◽  
pp. 517-530 ◽  

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