Saw dust-derived activated carbon in different impregnation ratios and its application in de-fluoridation of waste water using IT2FLC and RSM

Dipak Kumar Jana ◽  
Swapnila Roy ◽  
Samyabrata Bhattacharjee ◽  
Petr Dostal ◽  
Sudipta Roy
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Ridlo Barkah Jembar Pinanggih ◽  
Dyah Ratri Nurmaningsih ◽  
Sulistiya Nengse ◽  
Teguh Taruna Utama ◽  
Abdul Hakim

Permasalahan air limbah di Indonesia merupakan isu pencemaran lingkungan yang strategis dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan, baik yang bersumber dari pemukiman penduduk maupun unit usaha perkantoran. Tingginya kandungan organik terlarut di dalam air limbah dapat menyebabkan penurunan intesitas masuknya cahaya matahari yang dibutuhkan oleh mikroorganisme fotosintetik dan berdampak pada penurunan kualitas badan air. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu merencankan pembangunan unit Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) domestik di Kantor Pusat PT. Pertamina Marketing Operation Region (MOR) V Surabaya dengan menggunakan kombinasi unit biofilter aerobik dan adsorpsi karbon aktif beserta perhitungan volume bangunan dan Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB) yang dibutuhkan. Teknologi pengolahan ini dipilih karena memiliki keunggulan dalam meremoval kadar pencemar organik dengan tingkat efisiensi yang tinggi dan kebutuhan lahan yang tidak terlalu luas. Metode penelitian menggunakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari data perusahaan berupa debit pemakaian air bersih, layout kantor, data kualitas air limbah, serta informasi lain yang terkait dengan perencanaan. Hasil penelitian yang didapat berupa gambar desain (DED) unit IPAL, dimensi total bangunan pengolah seluas 34m2(P=17m dan L=2m), spesifikasi bahan yang digunakan, serta rencana anggaran biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk pembangunan kontruksi unit IPAL yaitu sebesar Rp243.136.020,00. Perencanaan ini juga ditunjang dengan panduan dalam operasional dan perawatan unit IPAL.  Kata kunci: Adsorpsi karbon aktif, air limbah domestik, biofilter aerobik, desain IPAL. The problem of wastewater in Indonesia is a strategic issue of environmental pollution in sustainable development, both sourced from residential areas and office business units. The high dissolved organic content in wastewater can cause a decrease in the intensity of sunlight needed by photosynthetic microorganisms and have an impact on the quality of water bodies. The purpose of this study is to plan the construction of a domestic Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) at the Head Office of PT. Pertamina Marketing Operation Region (MOR) V Surabaya using a combination of aerobic biofilter units and activated carbon adsorption along with the calculation of building volume and the required Budget Plan. This processing technology was chosen because it has advantages in renovating organic pollutant levels with a high level of efficiency and land requirements that are not too broad. The research method uses secondary data obtained from company data in the form of debit of clean water usage, office layout, waste water quality data, and other information related to planning. The results obtained in the form of design drawings (DED) of WWTP units, the total dimensions of the processing plant area of 34m2 (P = 17m and L = 2m), as well as the material specifications used, as well as the budget plan required for the construction of WWTP unit construction is Rp243. 136,020.00. This planning is also supported by guidelines in the operation and maintenance of WWTP units. Keywords: Activated carbon adsorption, aerobic biofilter, domestic wastewater, WWTP design.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 588-594
Omar Abed Habeeb ◽  
Ramesh Kanthasamy ◽  
Shihab Ezzuldin M. Saber ◽  
Olusegun Abayomi Olalere

2019 ◽  
Vol 268 ◽  
pp. 03002 ◽  
Dinh Quan Nguyen ◽  
Le Nhat Minh Nguyen ◽  
Thi Tuong An Tran ◽  
Hoai Nhan Cao ◽  
Thi Kim Phung Le ◽  

Alkaline pretreatment has been known as the most popular method to process lignocellulosic materials for bioethanol production due to its simplicity and high efficiency. However, the waste water of the process has a very high basicity, which requires neutralization with acids upon further disposal. In this study, rubber wood saw dust (Hevea brasiliensis) was employed as lignocellulosic material and its pretreatment was inspected with both diluted H2SO4 and NaOH in different combination ways. Hereby, acid was used not only for waste water neutralization but also to contribute to lignin removal. Analysis results showed that an aqueous solution of 2.0 - 2.5 wt.% H2SO4 can be used to treat the biomass followed by alkaline pretreatment. By this so-called combo-pretreatment technique, cellulose was well preserved without significant hydrolysis while the final pretreatment efficiency was up to 63.0%, compared to 48.2% of using only the alkaline solution and 13.7% of using only the acidic solution. Finally, alkaline waste water can be mixed to be neutralized with acidic waste water from the two previous steps. This innovated technique improved the pretreatment efficiency almost without increasing in chemical cost.

2013 ◽  
Vol 295-298 ◽  
pp. 1793-1797
Lan Qiang Tian ◽  
Na Li ◽  
Qing Wei Ping ◽  
Jian Zhang ◽  
Hai Qing Shi

The waste liquor from the first cooking stage of reed three-stage counter-current batch cooking with ethanol-water process was decolorized by preliming, sulfitation and activated carbon absorption combination method. The preliming temperature, calcium superphosphate dosage, pH Value, Na2SO3dosage in preliming and sulfitation, column height and velocity in activated carbon absorption have effect on decolorization. The results indicated that the 50 mL un decolorized waste liquor have the best decolorizing effect when the preliming temperature was 80°C, calcium superphosphate dosage was 1 g, pH value was 7, Na2SO3dosage was 0.04 mol, column height was 12 cm and velocity was 2mL/min, the decolorized rate of waste liquor could be up to 98.1%.

2014 ◽  
Vol 22 (8) ◽  
pp. 5780-5792 ◽  
O. F. Olorundare ◽  
T. A. M. Msagati ◽  
R. W. M. Krause ◽  
J. O. Okonkwo ◽  
B. B. Mamba

2013 ◽  
Vol 726-731 ◽  
pp. 2270-2273
Jing Wen Xue ◽  
Shi Shuai Gao ◽  
Chun Hua Yin ◽  
Zheng Heng Li

Corncob xylitol residue was soaked with H3PO4 for 16h and carbonized in microwave for 9min to obtain activated carbon. The adsorbing property of the activated carbon was investigated. Results showed phenol could be adsorbed effectively by activated carbon and the optimum adsorbing condition was: 20°C, 2h, pH 3-4. Increasing the amount of activated carbon could adsorb more phenol, and this effect was not apparent when the amount of activated carbon was more than 0.5g when adsorbing 100mL of 200mg/L phenol solution.

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