Protein concentration and colloid osmotic pressure of interstitial fluid collected by the wick technique

1977 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-25 ◽  
H.O. Fadnes ◽  
K. Aukland
2001 ◽  
Vol 280 (5) ◽  
pp. L1057-L1065 ◽  
Daniela Negrini ◽  
Alberto Passi ◽  
Katia Bertin ◽  
Federica Bosi ◽  
Helge Wiig

Interstitial fluid protein concentration (Cprotein) values in perivascular and peribronchial lung tissues were never simultaneously measured in mammals; in this study, perivascular and peribronchial interstitial fluids were collected from rabbits under control conditions and rabbits with hydraulic edema or lesional edema. Postmortem dry wicks were implanted in the perivascular and peribronchial tissues; after 20 min, the wicks were withdrawn and the interstitial fluid was collected to measure Cprotein and colloid osmotic pressure. Plasma, perivascular, and peribronchial Cproteinvalues averaged 6.4 ± 0.7 (SD), 3.7 ± 0.5, and 2.4 ± 0.7 g/dl, respectively, in control rabbits; 4.8 ± 0.7, 2.5 ± 0.6, and 2.4 ± 0.4 g/dl, respectively, in rabbits with hydraulic edema; and 5.1 ± 0.3, 4.3 ± 0.4 and 3.3 ± 0.6 g/dl, respectively, in rabbits with lesional edema. Contamination of plasma proteins from microvascular lesions during wick insertion was 14% of plasma Cprotein. In control animals, pulmonary interstitial Cprotein was lower than previous estimates from pre- and postnodal pulmonary lymph; furthermore, although the interstitium constitutes a continuum within the lung parenchyma, regional differences in tissue content seem to exist in the rabbit lung.

2007 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 123-134 ◽  
Mitchell V. Kaminski ◽  
Rose Lopez de Vaughan

Introduction: Correction of the dilution effect of Kline Solution on colloid osmotic pressure in fat harvested for autografting may be an important factor in enhancing graft viability. The specific deficit is an acute decrease in interstitial soluble protein concentration as tumescent solution is infiltrated for local anesthesia. The most important protein component creating colloid osmotic pressure in interstitial fluid is albumin. Thus, the commercial availability of human serum albumin makes correction of this physiologic perturbation easily accomplished by the addition of 1 ml of albumin per 10-ml fat-harvesting syringe. Materials and Methods: Review of the literature and description of technique. Results: The steps to ensure fat autograph retention include: harvest using small cannulas (16- or 18-gauge), restore colloid pressure using albumin in the collection syringe, inject the graft with relatively atraumatic needles (modified 18- or 22-gauge needles), and inject the fat to produce a trail of small beads in multiple fine layers with each bead touching the nutrient bed. Discussion: The study of fat grafting continues to evolve. As it does, the science behind graft has led to better understanding of the adipocyte as a member of a dynamic organ with endocrine, apocrine, and paracrine functions. The fat mass is dynamic. Adipocyte number is not as stagnant as previously thought. They can differentiate and dedifferentiate and become stem cells with the potential to become bone, cartilage, fat and nerve cells. Stem cells from lipo-aspirate make more sense than bone marrow or embryonic sources. For one thing, fat is easy to obtain, and when used in the same patient its endogenous genetic code is identical, removing another obstacle to retention. Conclusion: These observations are reported here as they seem to result in a nearly 90% graft retention rate and reduce the need to overfill.

1982 ◽  
Vol 243 (3) ◽  
pp. H351-H359 ◽  
T. H. Adair ◽  
D. S. Moffatt ◽  
A. W. Paulsen ◽  
A. C. Guyton

Many investigators assume the protein concentration and colloid osmotic pressure of interstitial fluid and lymph to be identical even after the lymph has passed through a lymph node. We quantitated the degree of modification of lymph by the dog popliteal lymph node by perfusing isolated lymph nodes in situ at physiological flow rates with homologous plasma or plasma diluted to low protein concentration. This enabled us to compare directly prenodal and postnodal lymph flows and protein concentrations. When undiluted plasma was infused into the node, fluid filtered from the blood into the lymph, diluting the lymph. When diluted plasma was infused, fluid was absorbed from the lymph, concentrating the lymph. Nearly all (98%) of the change in lymph protein concentration could be explained by transfer of protein-free fluid either into or out of the lymph. However, when the nodes were perfused with lymph having a colloid osmotic pressure that exactly balanced the hydrostatic and osmotic forces acting across the lymph node blood-lymph barrier, the lymph was not modified during nodal transit. This "equilibrium colloid osmotic pressure" averaged 60% of that of plasma. The concentrating-diluting mechanism became more significant as the perfusion rate decreased and/or as the colloid osmotic pressure of the afferent lymph was made progressively greater than or less than the equilibrium colloid osmotic pressure. We conclude that lymph nodes modify lymph protein concentration and colloid osmotic pressure except when these are already at equilibrium values for given lymph node conditions. Therefore, the assumption that postnodal lymph is representative of interstitial fluid, especially at low but still physiological lymph flows, is likely to be incorrect.

2008 ◽  
Vol 104 (3) ◽  
pp. 809-820 ◽  
Elvira Semaeva ◽  
Olav Tenstad ◽  
Athanasia Bletsa ◽  
Eli-Anne B. Gjerde ◽  
Helge Wiig

Access to interstitial fluid from trachea is important for understanding tracheal microcirculation and pathophysiology. We tested whether a centrifugation method could be applied to isolate this fluid in rats by exposing excised trachea to G forces up to 609 g. The ratio between the concentration of the equilibrated extracellular tracer 51Cr-labeled EDTA in fluid isolated at 239 g and plasma averaged 0.94 ± 0.03 ( n = 14), suggesting that contamination from the intracellular fluid phase was negligible. The protein pattern of the isolated fluid resembled plasma closely and had a protein concentration 83% of that in plasma. The colloid osmotic pressure in the centrifugate in controls ( n = 5) was 18.8 ± 0.6 mmHg with a corresponding pressure in plasma of 22 ± 1.5 mmHg, whereas after overhydration ( n = 5) these pressures fell to 9.8 ± 0.4 and 11.9 ± 0.4 mmHg, respectively. We measured inflammatory cytokine concentration in serum, interstitial fluid, and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in LPS-induced inflammation. In control animals, low levels of IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α in serum, trachea interstitial fluid, and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were detected. LPS resulted in a significantly higher concentration in IL-1β and IL-6 in interstitial fluid than in serum, showing a local production. To conclude, we have shown that interstitial fluid can be isolated from trachea by centrifugation and that trachea interstitial fluid has a high protein concentration and colloid osmotic pressure relative to plasma. Trachea interstitial fluid may also reflect lower airways and thus be of importance for understanding, e.g., inflammatory-induced airway obstruction.

1980 ◽  
Vol 238 (6) ◽  
pp. H886-H888
J. L. Christian ◽  
R. A. Brace

Membrane osmometry was used to estimate the four transcapillary Starling pressures in subcutaneous tissue of rats, guinea pigs, and dogs. Isolated subcutaneous tissue samples were either placed on a large-pore or small-pore osmometer that measured the interstitial fluid pressure (Pif) and the difference between the interstitial fluid pressure and the interstitial protein osmotic pressure (Pif-pi if), respectively. The colloid osmotic pressure of the interstitial fluid (pi if) was obtained from the difference in these two pressures. A plasma sample placed on the small-pore osmometer yielded the colloid osmotic pressure of the plasma proteins (pi c). Finally the capillary pressure (Pc) was calculated from the three other Starling forces. In the rat, guinea pig, and dog, respectively, the estimated Starling forces were as follows: Pif -2.2, -2.1, and -4.8 mmHg; pi if, 7.3, 4.8, and 4.4 mmHg; pi c, 21.3, 19.5, and 19.2 mmHg; and Pc, 11.8, 12.6, and 10.0 mmHg. A comparison with data obtained in other studies using different methods shows good agreement and strongly supports membrane osmometry as a method for measuring the Starling pressures in subcutaneous tissue.

1973 ◽  
Vol 340 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-131 ◽  
M. Wolgast ◽  
E. Persson ◽  
J. Schnermann ◽  
H. Ulfendahl ◽  
P. Wunderlich

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