Determining the structure of details on the reverse side of the moon from photographs taken at small phase angles

1962 ◽  
Vol 9 (9) ◽  
pp. 589-595 ◽  
A.V. Markov
The Moon ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 23 (11) ◽  
pp. 1841-1844 ◽  
Y. Yokota ◽  
Y. Iijima ◽  
R. Honda ◽  
T. Okada ◽  
H. Mizutani
The Moon ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (22) ◽  
pp. 3676
Xuesen Xu ◽  
Jianjun Liu ◽  
Dawei Liu ◽  
Bin Liu ◽  
Rong Shu

The main objective of this study is to develop a Hapke photometric model that is suited for Chang’E-1 (CE-1) Interference Imaging Spectrometer (IIM) data. We first divided the moon into three areas including ‘maria’, ‘new highland’ and old ‘highland’ with similar photometry characteristic based on the Hapke parameters of the moon derived from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) Wide Angle Camera (WAC) multispectral data. Then, we selected the sample data in the ‘maria’ area and obtained a new set of Hapke model’s parameters that can best fit these data. Result shows that photometric correction using Hapke model with these new derived parameters can eliminate the effect of variations in viewing and luminating geometry, especially ‘opposition surge’, more efficiently than the empirical model. The corrected mosaic shows no significant artifacts along the tile boundaries and more detailed information of the image can be exhibited due to a better correction of ‘opposition surge’ at small phase angle (g < 15°).

1965 ◽  
Vol 42 (4) ◽  
pp. 225-230 ◽  
E Hotston ◽  
M Seidl

1984 ◽  
Vol 75 ◽  
pp. 147-154 ◽  
Audouin Dollfus

ABSTRACTThe high magnification visual telescopic observation of Saturn’s rings exhibits divisions, gaps and bright sub-rings. B. Lyot gave a first description of these features. Later, with still more resolving telescopes, we improved the analysis of the ring features. Some gaps and concentric bright or dark sub-rings are phase angle dependent; the steep luminance peaks of their light curves around zero phase angle are volume-density dependent (opposition effect); the overall result produces changes in the shapes and intensities of these features at small phase angles, which are analysed.

2020 ◽  
Costanza Rossi ◽  
Natalie Gallegos ◽  
Luciana Filomena ◽  
Shan Malhotra ◽  
Emily Law ◽  

&lt;p&gt;The Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) investigations have provided time high-precision measurements of geodesy, dynamics and distance of the Earth-Moon system, and inferences about lunar interior and gravitational physics. LLR studies are supported by a total of five passive Laser Retro-Reflectors (LRR) placed on the Moon surface by the past missions Apollo-11, -14, -15 and Luna-17 and -21. The detection of their positions is decisive to improve the measurement accuracy and the data from alternative instrumentations contributed to their analysis. The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) operated by using the Standardized Lunar Coordinate System as reference system has acquired images of the Moon surface that represent data applicable to LLR planning and research. Several LROC images present nominal lighting conditions and solar glints reflected off of an LRR. Glints represent specular reflections of light that define higher-precision measurement of LRR position. In this way, their detection plays an important role in LRR analysis. The identification of candidate images with solar glints through time allows researchers to record these measurements. NASA and INFN-LNF (National Lab of Frascati) have collaboratively developed an LLR tool to support glint identification. The tool can be accessed using the Moon Trek ( which is one of the web based interactive visualization and analysis portals provided by the NASA&amp;#8217;s Solar System Trek ( project. The tool facilitates current ranging studies as well as planning of future missions that involve ranging activities such as future retroreflector deployments. Glint identification has been performed by using the LLR tool that allows us to investigate the image data, and to compute geometric calculations and LLR analyses. The tool with SPICE computations is provided to search for nominal conditions to catch a solar glint off of a retroreflector, to search for time intervals in which a reflector can be seen from a ground station on Earth, and to search in PDS database for images with these conditions. Moon Trek&amp;#8217;s LLR tool allows us to find time intervals when spacecraft positioning was able to catch a solar glint reflected off of a retroreflector by setting the maximum incidence and phase angles. This analysis is accompanied by the search for LROC images available in Planetary Data System (PDS) that have solar glint off the LRR. Using the Moon Trek, it is possible to identify LROC images with solar glint off the LRR and to recognize optimal LROC candidates. This research allows us to identify good examples of LROC images that present solar glints. More than six candidate images over a period of 10 years of LROC data were recognized. In this contribution, we present the recognized LROC candidates and we show their detection in the image data, by avoiding the bias of the surface high albedo and the morphological pattern that can interfere with the analysis. The identification of solar glints off LRR will allow us to find previous observation that might be incorrect and to measure the LRR position in the Standardized Lunar Coordinate System of LROC images. These measures will be then compared with the ephemeris calculations obtained from LLR data.&lt;/p&gt;

2015 ◽  
Vol 113-114 ◽  
pp. 120-134 ◽  
Elena V. Petrova ◽  
Oksana S. Shalygina ◽  
Wojciech J. Markiewicz

2007 ◽  
Vol 106 (1-3) ◽  
pp. 455-463 ◽  
V. Psarev ◽  
A. Ovcharenko ◽  
Yu. Shkuratov ◽  
I. Belskaya ◽  
G. Videen

1974 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 897-904 ◽  
N. W. Tschoegl

2002 ◽  
Vol 92 (3) ◽  
pp. 443-448 ◽  
E. S. Zubko ◽  
A. A. Ovcharenko ◽  
Yu. G. Shkuratov

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