Determination of residual stresses in autofrettaged steel tubes by neutron and X-ray diffraction

1989 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 371
1986 ◽  
Vol 84 ◽  
pp. 163-170 ◽  
L Pintschovius ◽  
E Macherauch ◽  
B Scholtes

2016 ◽  
Vol 368 ◽  
pp. 99-102
Lukáš Zuzánek ◽  
Ondřej Řidký ◽  
Nikolaj Ganev ◽  
Kamil Kolařík

The basic principle of the X-ray diffraction analysis is based on the determination of components of residual stresses. They are determined on the basis of the change in the distance between atomic planes. The method is limited by a relatively small depth in which the X-ray beam penetrates into the analysed materials. For determination of residual stresses in the surface layer the X-ray diffraction and electrolytic polishing has to be combined. The article is deals with the determination of residual stress and real material structure of a laser-welded steel sample with an oxide surface layer. This surface layer is created during the rolling and it prevents the material from its corrosion. Before the X-ray diffraction analysis can be performed, this surface layer has to be removed. This surface layer cannot be removed with the help of electrolytic polishing and, therefore, it has to be removed mechanically. This mechanical procedure creates “technological” residual stress in the surface layer. This additional residual stress is removed by the electrolytic polishing in the depth between 20 and 80 μm. Finally, the real structure and residual stresses can be determined by using the X-ray diffraction techniques.

1988 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 189 ◽  
RA Winholtz ◽  
JB Cohen

The determination of residual stresses via X-ray diffraction is briefly reviewed, with particular emphasis on the triaxial stress state. A new method is proposed for determining the general stress tensor, which considerably reduces the variances of the stresses due to counting statistics and gradients. The procedure involves a generalised least-squares solution of strains measured at various tilts of the X-ray beam to the sample, and a new set of tilts is recommended to minimise these errors.

1959 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 331-336
B. J. Wooden ◽  
Lt. E. C. House ◽  
R. E. Ogilvie

AbstractThe feasibility of using X-ray diffraction methods to measure residual stresses in uranium and zirconium (Zircaloy-2) was investigated. A precision method was developed for the determination of diffraction peak positions and the precision associated therewith. The statistical tables of Fisher and Yates were used to determine what order polynomial provided the best least squares fit within the known precision of the observed data. It was found that a second-order polynomial provided an adequate regression. With the aid of a desk calculator less than 5 min calculation time is required to determine the peak position to a precision of ±0.01°.The stress constant for uranium was determined to be 1308 ± 110 psi/0.01° shift in Δ2θ for copper radiation on the (116) planes at 2θ = 158.3°. The stress constant for Zircaloy-2 was determined to be 430 ± 1 psi/0.01° shift in Δ2θ for chromium radiation on the (10,4) planes at 2θ = 156.4°.

Metals ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 913
Zhimao Wang ◽  
Jean-Luc Grosseau-Poussard ◽  
Benoît Panicaud ◽  
Guillaume Geandier ◽  
Pierre-Olivier Renault ◽  

In order to clarify the mechanical features of a metal under thermal cyclic loading for the system Ni30Cr-Cr2O3, a specific study has been carried out. In the present work, the residual stresses in both the metal and the oxide layer have been investigated. An adapted method is applied to process the experimental results that were obtained by using in-situ high temperature synchrotron diffraction at European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. The sin2ψ analysis provides information about the stress in metal and oxide. X-ray diffraction provides also the lattice parameter between crystallographic planes in the metal. To obtain correct stress values, a correction method is also proposed taking into account different discrepancies sources to ensure the equation of mechanical balance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
Juciane Maria Alves ◽  
Luiz Paulo Brandao ◽  
Andersan dos Santos Paula

ABSTRACT The 304L austenitic stainless steel is susceptible to deformation induced martensitic transformation. This phase transformation depends on the temperature as well as on the mode, rate and level of deformation. In this work the phases and residual stresses of a 304L TRIP steel where martensitic transformation was induced by cold rolling were investigated by X-ray diffraction XRD. The analyses were performed for different sample thicknesses. The results showed that the phase composition and the residual stresses are strongly dependent on sample thickness. All samples showed a compressive residual stress.

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