Computer application systems at the university

1979 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-80
Mieczyslaw Bazewicz
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 14-21
Jesús Alejandro Carrasco Viera ◽  
José Ignacio Cruz Moreira

La presente investigación se llevó a cabo en la Universidad de Cienfuegos con el fin de diseñar un sistema informático e implementar el módulo de Descargas Automáticas para el control, seguimiento y procesamiento automático de las solicitudes de descargas hechas por parte de los usuarios de la red de dicho centro. Para el desarrollo de la aplicación informática se utilizó la arquitectura cliente-servidor y el patrón Modelo Vista Controlador; se usó Python como lenguaje de programación del lado del servidor y el framework Django. El Sistema de Gesión de Base de Datos usado fue PostgresSQL, el Proceso Unificado de Desarrollo de Software como metodología de desarrollo de software, Visual Paradigm para UML como herramienta CASE y PyCharm como Entorno de Desarrollo Integrado. El sistema desarrollado mantiene un control del flujo de información que hasta ahora ocurría de forma manual y gestiona todas las solicitudes de descargas de los usuarios. Además, el módulo de Descargas Automáticas se encarga de procesar las descargas, informar a cada usuario el estado de su descarga y a cada administrador cualquier error que ocurra al procesar las solicitudes. También elimina cada archivo descargado luego que pase un determinado tiempo en los servidores. De esta forma se logró mejorar el proceso de solicitud de descarga en todos sus aspectos. Palabras clave: descarga, sistema automático de descarga, tareas programadas. ABSTRACT This research was carried out at the University of Cienfuegos in order to design a computer system and implement the Automatic Downloads module for the automatic control, monitoring and processing of download requests made by users of the Internet. said center. For the development of the computer application, the client-server architecture and the Model View Controller pattern were used; Python was used as the server-side programming language and the Django framework. The Database Management System used was PostgresSQL, the Unified Software Development Process as a software development methodology, Visual Paradigm for UML as a CASE tool and PyCharm as an Integrated Development Environment. The developed system maintains a control of the information flow that until now occurred manually and manages all the users' download requests. In addition, the Automatic Downloads module is responsible for processing downloads, informing each user of the status of their download and each administrator of any error that occurs when processing requests. It also deletes each downloaded file after it spends a certain time on the servers. In this way, the download request process was improved in all its aspects. Keywords: download, automatic download system, scheduled tasks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 27-34
Kendrick Berberena Suárez ◽  
Greter Torres Vázquez ◽  
Yisel Barberena Fraga

El presente trabajo de diploma lleva por título “Sistema de Gestión de Bibliotecas”, se desarrolla en la universidad de Cienfuegos y tiene como objetivo diseñar un sistema informático para gestionar la bibliografía en las unidades de las FAR, a partir de la creación de la Empresa de Tecnologías de la Información para la Defensa (XETID), la cual asumió la responsabilidad de informatizar las unidades militares. Esto trajo consigo el compromiso del soporte y mantenimiento de los softwares que están en explotación. Algunas bibliotecas en unidades militares emplean un gestor bibliográfico creado por el Grupo de Diseño del Ejército, que fue sustituido por XETID, y otras realizan sus labores manualmente porque sus características no se adecuan al mismo, por lo que la empresa XETID con el objetivo de nivelar este proceso, darle soporte y mantenimiento, se ha planteado estandarizar la gestión bibliográfica en las unidades de las FAR. Para el diseño de la aplicación informática se utiliza la arquitectura cliente servidor y el patrón Modelo Vista Controlador y para el modelado se emplea la herramienta Visual Paradigm for UML 8.0. Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) como lenguaje de modelado para el negocio y Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado (UML) para el diseño. Al mismo tiempo se utiliza Prodesoft como metodología de desarrollo de software. Palabras clave: Diseño, soporte, mantenimiento.   ABSTRACT   This diploma work is entitled "Library Management System", it is developed at the University of Cienfuegos and aims to design a computer system to manage the bibliography in the units of the FAR, from the creation of the Company of Information Technologies for Defense (XETID), which assumed responsibility for computerizing military units. This brought with it the commitment to support and maintain the software that is in operation. Some libraries in military units use a bibliographic manager created by the Army Design Group, which was replaced by XETID, and others carry out their tasks manually because its characteristics are not adapted to it, so the XETID company with the objective of leveling This process, providing support and maintenance, has been proposed to standardize the bibliographic management in the units of the FAR. For the design of the computer application, the client server architecture and the Model View Controller pattern are used, and the Visual Paradigm for UML 8.0 tool is used for modeling. Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) as a modeling language for business and Unified Modeling Language (UML) for design. At the same time, Prodesoft is used as a software development methodology. Keywords: Design, support, maintenance.

Aethiopica ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 132-152
Berhanu Beyene ◽  
Manfred Kudlek ◽  
Olaf Kummer

Encoding Ethiopic for computer application is increasingly important for linguists, librarians, information and communication technologists. This paper focusses on encoding Ethiopic for the LATEX document preparation system, and on the methods and principles of the ethiop package which supports Ethiopie for LATEX. ethiop is a package developed by a research group at the University of Hamburg, that integrates Ethiopic to the TEX/LATEX system.We hope that this package opens up a new venue to scientific and mathematical document processing, using the rich and well developed  TEX/LATEX system. Moreover, it could render a better data exchange mechanism by virtue of its platform independence and plain ASCII nature.

2010 ◽  
Vol 34-35 ◽  
pp. 1592-1595
Quan Deng Wang ◽  
Xi Long Qu

With the rapid development of the Internet and information, communication technology, human society began to enter into the intelligence community with the digital and network platform. With the popularization of computer application in schools, enterprises and other institutions, the meetings of governments, enterprises and institutions has broken the traditional model that the meetings are held in the same place and at the same time, and network meetings is to be popularized with the increasingly fast paces. But regardless of the company or the university, there exists the problems of meeting management. Now the overwhelming majority of the conference management is still in a state of manual, inefficient and prone to error, not manageable, not rule out any untrue phenomenon. Therefore, the internal management, self-improvement of the meeting management can not be ignored. This paper aims to resolve this problem by designing a meeting management website. Conference Management website ASP can be used to design the conference management website, ASP (Active Server Pages) dynamic website is a technology which is introduced by Microsoft Company to replace CGI (Common Gateway Interface)-a common Gateway Interface. By combining the knowledge of ASP HTML language, ASP directives and ActiveX components and Access database, the paper uses the own Web server to create and run a dynamic interactive Website 。The paper aims to realize the work of meeting managing, application, auditing, controlling, minutes of meetings processing through the meeting management website.

2012 ◽  
Vol 241-244 ◽  
pp. 747-751
Ding Li ◽  
Shuang Ya Zhou ◽  
Shun Tao ◽  
Jia Jia Xue ◽  
Xiang Ning Xiao

The common information model CIM in IEC61970 standard is an abstract description of existing physical objects and their relationship in power system, which has been widely used in the construction of computer application systems of power system. In order to track the real-time operation state of power system when analyzing the area of vulnerability (AOV) to voltage sags, this paper proposes a novel method to obtain the data required by AOV analysis through parsing source data defined with CIM, and source data are from the SCADA system, equipment management system and management information system of safe production. The design scheme of AOV analysis using CIM is introduced, and method of parsing CIM is also provided. Finally, the method is applied to a regional power system of China, and graphic results of AOV are shown under balanced and unbalanced faults.

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