θ-Expansion and light-cone gauge fixing in curved superspace σ-models

1987 ◽  
Vol 284 ◽  
pp. 131-145 ◽  
Joseph J. Atick ◽  
Avinash Dhar
2012 ◽  
Vol 27 (27) ◽  
pp. 1250157 ◽  

Vector Schwinger model with a mass term for the photon, describing 2D electrodynamics with massless fermions, studied by us recently [U. Kulshreshtha, Mod. Phys. Lett. A22, 2993 (2007); U. Kulshreshtha and D. S. Kulshreshtha, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A22, 6183 (2007); U. Kulshreshtha, PoS LC2008, 008 (2008)], represents a new class of models. This theory becomes gauge-invariant when studied on the light-front. This is in contrast to the instant-form theory which is gauge-non-invariant. In this work, we study the light-front Hamiltonian and path integral quantization of this theory under appropriate light-cone gauge-fixing. The discretized light-cone quantization of the theory where we wish to make contact with the experimentally observational aspects of the theory would be presented in a separate paper.

1994 ◽  
Vol 09 (33) ◽  
pp. 3041-3051

The D = 2 free string in the linear dilaton background is considered in the so-called target space/worldsheet light-cone gauge X+ = 0, g++ = 0, g+− = 1. After gauge-fixing, the theory has the residual Virasoro and U(1) current symmetries. The physical spectrum related to the SL 2-invariant vacuum is found to be trivial. We find that the theory has a non-trivial spectrum if the states in different nonequivalent representations ("pictures") of CFT algebra of matter fields are considered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
Max Guillen

Abstract Bosonic and RNS chiral strings have been defined from a singular gauge fixing of the respective Polyakov and spinning string actions, enforcing, among other things, the finite nature of their physical spectra. Except for the heterotic case, the tensionless limits of such chiral models have been shown to describe the same field theories predicted by their ambitwistor analogues. In this paper, we study the Green-Schwarz formulation for Type II and heterotic superstrings in a singular gauge. After performing a light-cone gauge analysis, their physical spectra are shown to match those of RNS chiral strings, and their respective tensionless limits are found to describe the same field theories predicted by RNS ambitwistor strings. Their pure spinor counterparts are then introduced by making use of the Oda-Tonin method. In doing so, symmetries hidden in the pure spinor ambitwistor string action become manifest, proposals motivating the sectorized pure spinor BRST charges find simple grounds, and integrated vertex operators emerge naturally.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (8) ◽  
Kirill Krasnov ◽  
Evgeny Skvortsov

Abstract We construct a new covariant action for “flat” self-dual gravity in four space-time dimensions. The action has just one term, but when expanded around an appropriate background gives rise to a kinetic term and a cubic interaction. Upon imposing the light-cone gauge, the action reproduces the expected chiral interaction of Siegel. The new action is in many ways analogous to the known covariant action for self-dual Yang-Mills theory. There is also a sense in which the new self-dual gravity action exhibits the double copy of self-dual Yang-Mills structure.

1992 ◽  
Vol 07 (35) ◽  
pp. 3291-3302 ◽  

We show that the two-dimensional gravity coupled to c=−2 matter field in Polyakov’s light-cone gauge has a twisted N=2 superconformal algebra. We also show that the BRST cohomology in the light-cone gauge actually coincides with that in the conformal gauge. Based on this observation the relations between the topological algebras are discussed.

1990 ◽  
Vol 05 (16) ◽  
pp. 1251-1258 ◽  

We find the relationship between the Jackiw-Teitelboim model of two-dimensional gravity and the SL (2, R) induced gravity. These are shown to be related to a two-dimensional gauge theory obtained by dimensionally reducing the Chern-Simons action of the 2+1 dimensional gravity. We present an explicit solution to the equations of motion of the auxiliary field of the Jackiw-Teitelboim model in the light-cone gauge. A renormalization of the cosmological constant is also given.

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