light cone gauge
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2022 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 04006
Miguel Ángel Escobedo ◽  
Tuomas Lappi

We study exclusive quarkonium production in the dipole picture at next-to-leading order (NLO) accuracy, using the non-relativistic expansion for the quarkonium wavefunction. The quarkonium light cone wave functions needed in the dipole picture have typically been available only at tree level, either in phenomenological models or in the nonrelativistic limit. Here, we discuss the compatibility of the dipole approach and the non-relativistic expansion and compute NLO relativistic corrections to the quarkonium light-cone wave function in light-cone gauge.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
R. R. Metsaev

Abstract Massive arbitrary spin supermultiplets and massless (scalar and spin one-half) supermultiplets of the N = 2 Poincaré superalgebra in three-dimensional flat space are considered. Both the integer spin and half-integer spin supermultiplets are studied. For such massive and massless supermultiplets, a formulation in terms of light-cone gauge unconstrained superfields defined in a momentum superspace is developed. For the supermultiplets under consideration a superspace first derivative representation for all cubic interaction vertices is obtained. A superspace representation for dynamical generators of the N = 2 Poincaré superalgebra is also found.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
J. Klusoň

Abstract We perform canonical analysis of new non-relativistic string action that was found recently in [32]. We also discuss its gauge fixed form.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
Max Guillen

Abstract Bosonic and RNS chiral strings have been defined from a singular gauge fixing of the respective Polyakov and spinning string actions, enforcing, among other things, the finite nature of their physical spectra. Except for the heterotic case, the tensionless limits of such chiral models have been shown to describe the same field theories predicted by their ambitwistor analogues. In this paper, we study the Green-Schwarz formulation for Type II and heterotic superstrings in a singular gauge. After performing a light-cone gauge analysis, their physical spectra are shown to match those of RNS chiral strings, and their respective tensionless limits are found to describe the same field theories predicted by RNS ambitwistor strings. Their pure spinor counterparts are then introduced by making use of the Oda-Tonin method. In doing so, symmetries hidden in the pure spinor ambitwistor string action become manifest, proposals motivating the sectorized pure spinor BRST charges find simple grounds, and integrated vertex operators emerge naturally.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (9) ◽  
Fiona K. Seibold ◽  
Stijn J. van Tongeren ◽  
Yannik Zimmermann

Abstract We consider various integrable two-parameter deformations of the AdS3 × S3 × T4 superstring with quantum group symmetry. Working on the string worldsheet in light-cone gauge and to quadratic order in fermions, we obtain their common massive tree-level two-body S matrix, which matches the expansion of the conjectured exact q-deformed S matrix. We then analyze the behavior of the exact S matrix under mirror transformation — a double Wick rotation on the worldsheet — and find that it satisfies a mirror duality relation analogous to the distinguished q-deformed AdS5 × S5 S matrix in the one parameter deformation limit. Finally, we show that the fermionic q-deformed AdS5 × S5 S matrix also satisfies such a relation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (8) ◽  
Kirill Krasnov ◽  
Evgeny Skvortsov

Abstract We construct a new covariant action for “flat” self-dual gravity in four space-time dimensions. The action has just one term, but when expanded around an appropriate background gives rise to a kinetic term and a cubic interaction. Upon imposing the light-cone gauge, the action reproduces the expected chiral interaction of Siegel. The new action is in many ways analogous to the known covariant action for self-dual Yang-Mills theory. There is also a sense in which the new self-dual gravity action exhibits the double copy of self-dual Yang-Mills structure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (7) ◽  
Michael Gutperle ◽  
Nicholas Klein

Abstract In this paper a Penrose limit is constructed for type IIB AdS6× S2× Σ supergravity solutions. These solutions are dual to five dimensional SCFTs related to (p,q) five brane webs, which can often be described in terms of long quiver gauge theories. The null geodesic from which the Penrose limit is constructed is localized at a unique point on the two dimensional Riemann surface Σ, where the AdS6 and S2 metric factors are extremal. The resulting pp-wave spacetime takes a universal form. The world sheet action of the Green-Schwarz string is quadratic in the light cone gauge and the spectrum of string excitations is obtained.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (7) ◽  
Hiren Kakkad ◽  
Piotr Kotko ◽  
Anna Stasto

Abstract We perform a canonical transformation of fields that brings the Yang-Mills action in the light-cone gauge to a new classical action, which does not involve any triple-gluon vertices. The lowest order vertex is the four-point MHV vertex. Higher point vertices include the MHV and $$ \overline{\mathrm{MHV}} $$ MHV ¯ vertices, that reduce to the corresponding amplitudes in the on-shell limit. In general, any n-leg vertex has 2 ≤ m ≤ n − 2 negative helicity legs. The canonical transformation of fields can be compactly expressed in terms of path-ordered exponentials of fields and their functional derivative. We apply the new action to compute several tree-level amplitudes, up to 8-point NNMHV amplitude, and find agreement with the standard methods. The absence of triple-gluon vertices results in fewer diagrams required to compute amplitudes, when compared to the CSW method and, obviously, considerably fewer than in the standard Yang-Mills action.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (6) ◽  
Chantelle Esper ◽  
Sergey Frolov

Abstract The light-cone gauge approach to $$ T\overline{T} $$ T T ¯ deformed models is used to derive the $$ T\overline{T} $$ T T ¯ deformed matrix nonlinear Schrödinger equation, the Landau-Lifshitz equation, and the Gardner equation. Properties of one-soliton solutions of the $$ T\overline{T} $$ T T ¯ deformed nonlinear Schrödinger and Korteweg-de Vries equations are discussed in detail. The NLS soliton exhibits the recently discussed phenomenon of widening/narrowing width of particles under the $$ T\overline{T} $$ T T ¯ deformation. However, whether the soliton’s size is increasing or decreasing depends not only on the sign of the deformation parameter but also on soliton and potential parameters. The $$ T\overline{T} $$ T T ¯ deformed KdV equation admits a one-parameter family of one-soliton solutions in addition to the usual velocity parameter. The extra parameter modifies the properties of the soliton, in particular, it appears in the dispersion relation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (12) ◽  
Fiona K. Seibold ◽  
Stijn J. van Tongeren ◽  
Yannik Zimmermann

Abstract We study the worldsheet scattering theory of the η deformation of the AdS5 × S5 superstring corresponding to the purely fermionic Dynkin diagram. This theory is a Weyl-invariant integrable deformation of the AdS5 × S5 superstring, with trigonometric quantum-deformed symmetry. We compute the two-body worldsheet S matrix of this string in the light-cone gauge at tree level to quadratic order in fermions. The result factorizes into two elementary blocks, and solves the classical Yang-Baxter equation. We also determine the corresponding exact factorized S matrix, and show that its perturbative expansion matches our tree-level results, once we correctly identify the deformed light-cone symmetry algebra of the string. Finally, we briefly revisit the computation of the corresponding S matrix for the η deformation based on the distinguished Dynkin diagram, finding a tree-level S matrix that factorizes and solves the classical Yang-Baxter equation, in contrast to previous results.

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