Effect of hydrogen flow on growth of 3C-SiC heteroepitaxial layers on Si(111) substrates

2015 ◽  
Vol 353 ◽  
pp. 744-749 ◽  
Guoguo Yan ◽  
Feng Zhang ◽  
Yingxi Niu ◽  
Fei Yang ◽  
Xingfang Liu ◽  
Ashok Jadhavar ◽  
Vidya Doiphode ◽  
Ajinkya Bhorde ◽  
Yogesh Hase ◽  
Pratibha Shinde ◽  

: Herein, we report effect of variation of hydrogen flow rate on properties of Si:H films synthesized using PE-CVD method. Raman spectroscopy analysis show increase in crystalline volume fraction and crystallite size implying that hydrogen flow in PECVD promote the growth of crystallinity in nc-Si:H films with an expense of reduction in deposition rate. FTIR spectroscopy analysis indicates that hydrogen content in the film increases with increase in hydrogen flow rate and hydrogen is predominantly incorporated in Si-H2 and (Si-H2)n bonding configuration. The optical band gap determined using E04 method and Tauc method (ETauc) show increasing trend with increase in hydrogen flow rate and E04 is found higher than ETauc over the entire range of hydrogen flow rate studied. We also found that the defect density and Urbach energy also increases with increase in hydrogen flow rate. Photosensitivity (Photo /Dark) decreases from  103 to  1 when hydrogen flow rate increased from 30 sccm to 100 sccm and can attributed to amorphous-to-nanocrystallization transition in Si:H films. The results obtained from the present study demonstrated that hydrogen flow rate is an important deposition parameter in PE-CVD to synthesize nc-Si:H films.

2020 ◽  
Vol 96 (3s) ◽  
pp. 154-159
Н.Н. Егоров ◽  
С.А. Голубков ◽  
С.Д. Федотов ◽  
В.Н. Стаценко ◽  
А.А. Романов ◽  

Высокая плотность структурных дефектов является основной проблемой при изготовлении электроники на гетероструктурах «кремний на сапфире» (КНС). Современный метод получения ультратонких структур КНС с помощью твердофазной эпитаксиальной рекристаллизации позволяет значительно снизить дефектность в гетероэпитаксиальном слое КНС. В данной работе ультратонкие (100 нм) слои КНС были получены путем рекристаллизации и утонения субмикронных (300 нм) слоев кремния на сапфире, обладающих различным структурным качеством. Плотность структурных дефектов в слоях КНС оценивалась с помощью рентгеноструктурного анализа и просвечивающей электронной микроскопии. Кривые качания от дифракционного отражения Si(400), полученные в ω-геометрии, продемонстрировали максимальную ширину на полувысоте пика не более 0,19-0,20° для ультратонких слоев КНС толщиной 100 нм. Формирование структурно совершенного субмикронного слоя КНС 300 нм на этапе газофазной эпитаксии обеспечивает существенное уменьшение плотности дислокаций в ультратонком кремнии на сапфире до значений ~1 • 104 см-1. Тестовые n-канальные МОП-транзисторы на ультратонких структурах КНС характеризовались подвижностью носителей в канале 725 см2 Вс-1. The high density of structural defects is the main problem on the way to the production of electronics on silicon-on-sapphire (SOS) heteroepitaxial wafers. The modern method of obtaining ultrathin SOS wafers is solid-phase epitaxial recrystallization which can significantly reduce the density of defects in the SOS heteroepitaxial layers. In the current work, ultrathin (100 nm) SOS layers were obtained by recrystallization and thinning of submicron (300 nm) SOS layers, which have various structural quality. The density of structural defects in the layers was estimated by using XRD and TEM. Full width at half maximum of rocking curves (ω-geometry) was no more than 0.19-0.20° for 100 nm ultra-thin SOS layers. The structural quality of 300 nm submicron SOS layers, which were obtained by CVD, depends on dislocation density in 100 nm ultrathin layers. The dislocation density in ultrathin SOS layers was reduced by ~1 • 104 cm-1 due to the utilization of the submicron SOS with good crystal quality. Test n-channel MOS transistors based on ultra-thin SOS wafers were characterized by electron mobility in the channel 725 cm2 V-1 s-1.

2021 ◽  
Vol 46 (11) ◽  
pp. 7676-7700
Rebah Maamouri ◽  
Damien Guilbert ◽  
Michel Zasadzinski ◽  
Hugues Rafaralahy

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 349
Jiawen Li ◽  
Tao Yu

In the proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) system, the flow of air and hydrogen is the main factor influencing the output characteristics of PEMFC, and there is a coordination problem between their flow controls. Thus, the integrated controller of the PEMFC gas supply system based on distributed deep reinforcement learning (DDRL) is proposed to solve this problem, it combines the original airflow controller and hydrogen flow controller into one. Besides, edge-cloud collaborative multiple tricks distributed deep deterministic policy gradient (ECMTD-DDPG) algorithm is presented. In this algorithm, an edge exploration policy is adopted, suggesting that the edge explores including DDPG, soft actor-critic (SAC), and conventional control algorithm are employed to realize distributed exploration in the environment, and a classified experience replay mechanism is introduced to improve exploration efficiency. Moreover, various tricks are combined with the cloud centralized training policy to address the overestimation of Q-value in DDPG. Ultimately, a model-free integrated controller of the PEMFC gas supply system with better global searching ability and training efficiency is obtained. The simulation verifies that the controller enables the flows of air and hydrogen to respond more rapidly to the changing load.

1988 ◽  
Vol 138 ◽  
S. J. Miles ◽  
G. S. Green ◽  
B. K. Tanner ◽  
M. A. G. Halliwell ◽  
M. H. Lyons

2009 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
J. Saktioto ◽  
J. Ali ◽  
M. Fadhali

AbstractFiber coupler fabrication used for an optical waveguide requires lossless power for an optimal application. The previous research coupled fibers were successfully fabricated by injecting hydrogen flow at 1 bar and fused slightly by unstable torch flame in the range of 800–1350°C. Optical parameters may vary significantly over wide range physical properties. Coupling coefficient and refractive index are estimated from the experimental result of the coupling ratio distribution from 1% to 75%. The change of geometrical fiber affects the normalized frequency V even for single mode fibers. V is derived and some parametric variations are performed on the left and right hand side of the coupling region. A partial power is modelled and derived using V, normalized lateral phase constant u, and normalized lateral attenuation constant, w through the second kind of modified Bessel function of the l order, which obeys the normal mode and normalized propagation constant b. Total power is maintained constant in order to comply with the energy conservation law. The power is integrated through V, u, and w over the pulling length of 7500 µm for 1-D. The core radius of a fiber significantly affects V and power partially at coupling region rather than wavelength and refractive index of core and cladding. This model has power phenomena in transmission and reflection for an optical switch and tunable filter.

1969 ◽  
Vol 40 (9) ◽  
pp. 1234-1235 ◽  
Douglas Brenner

2013 ◽  
Vol 52 (11S) ◽  
pp. 11NB01 ◽  
Hye Ran Kim ◽  
Long Wen ◽  
Su Bong Jin ◽  
Yoon Seok Choi ◽  
In Sik Choi ◽  

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