Water supply pumping stations are among the main energy-consuming elements in the water supply system. The energy optimization of a pumping station can significantly affect the energy consumption of a water utility. This article deals with the energy optimization of water pumping stations. The work assumes several variants of optimization of water supply pumping stations through changes in the water supply system, pressure changes in the pumping station, and modification of the number of pumps. After analyzing the network, conducting field tests, and creating a model of the water supply network, the network was calibrated in order to reproduce the existing water network as accurately as possible. Then, a variant analysis was performed, and the best optimization method for the pumping station was selected. In two variants, there was a decrease in electricity consumption; in three there, was an increase; in one, there was no change. By connecting the DMA zones and modifying the pressure in the pumping station, the energy consumption of the pumping stations was reduced. On this basis, it was found that it is possible to optimize the water pumping station by modifying the pumping station and work related to the network layout.