The Impact of Techno-stressors on Work–Life Balance: The Moderation of Job Self-efficacy and the Mediation of Emotional Exhaustion

2021 ◽  
pp. 106811
Jichang Ma ◽  
Ariane Ollier-Malaterre ◽  
Chang-qin Lu
2020 ◽  
Vol 45 (5) ◽  
pp. 709-740 ◽  
Liuba Y. Belkin ◽  
William J. Becker ◽  
Samantha A. Conroy

Emerging research demonstrates detrimental effects of work-related email use after-hours on employee emotions and well-being. This article extends existing literature by examining organizational expectations for email monitoring (OEEM) during nonwork hours as an antecedent of employee low work detachment, emotional exhaustion, diminished work–life balance, and increased turnover intentions. Adapting the conservation of resources perspective, we theorize that OEEM leads to negative individual and organizational outcomes via two different paths: lack of work detachment, and emotional depletion. The findings of a study with time-separated data collected from a large sample of 570 working adults support our predictions that OEEM decreases employee work–life balance through both low work detachment and emotional exhaustion, while the indirect effect of OEEM on employee turnover intentions is mediated by employee emotional exhaustion, and by work detachment through emotional exhaustion. We also find that decrease in work–life balance is negatively correlated with employee intentions to leave the company, but that this direct effect is not significant in the full model. Finally, we demonstrate that the time employees spend on work-related emails after-hours is not the main driver of negative outcomes. Taken together, our findings highlight deleterious implications of OEEM on employee resources and subsequent organization-related outcomes.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (15) ◽  
pp. 4556
Anuradha Iddagoda ◽  
Eglantina Hysa ◽  
Helena Bulińska-Stangrecka ◽  
Otilia Manta

Some of the frequently used buzz words in the corporate sector include green leadership, green human resource management, green employee engagement and green work-life balance. The intention of this article is to identify and examine the logical reasons that govern “green work-life balance” or, in simple terms, “greenwashing” work-life balance. The paper also aims at providing a comprehensive conceptualization of work-life balance, while thoroughly examining the components of measuring the construct. Based on a cross-sectional study in the banking industry with a sample of 170 managerial employees, this study analyzes the impact of work-life balance on employee job performance mediated by employee engagement. Results support the assumed relationship between work-life balance and employee job performance embedded in employee engagement. The theoretical contribution of this study concerns the application of role behavior theory to describe the mechanisms shaping the relationship between work-life balance and job performance through employee engagement. The practical implications of the paper include recommendations for improving job performance by enhancing the work-life balance and strengthening employee engagement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-46
Olga Rymkevich

The COVID-19 pandemic is bringing immense pressure to bear on labour law and social security institutions in all countries of the world, while having a major impact on work-life balance. The total lockdown, also of schools and higher education, the unprecedented fall in the level of production, the reduced possibility of relying on other family members, friends and domestic workers, traditionally constituting the essential pillars of formal and informal caring, in addition to working from home with children doing their schooling online (in large part on the parents’ shoulders) have compelled families to face new and abrupt organizational changes. The aim of this article is to investigate the legislative measures such as parental leave (ordinary and emergency) adopted in Italy aimed at supporting families during the pandemic, with a view to assessing their effectiveness and the impact on the Italian labour market during and after the pandemic. For this purpose, the socio-economic and legal framework dealing with parental leave before the COVID-19 emergency will be outlined, followed an the analysis of the emergency measures to provide support for parents, concluding with some reflections on possible future developments.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 415-419 ◽  
Eric J. Ip ◽  
Tristan A. Lindfelt ◽  
Annie L. Tran ◽  
Amanda P. Do ◽  
Mitchell J. Barnett

Introduction The percentage of women pharmacy students and pharmacy faculty has greatly increased over the last 40 years. However, it is not known whether gender differences exist in terms of career satisfaction, work–life balance, and stress in the pharmacy academia workplace. Methods Results from a national web-based survey administered to American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) members were utilized. Bivariate analyses were conducted to compare differences among faculty according to gender (men vs women). A series of multivariate models controlling for demographic and other faculty and school-level factors were created to explore the impact of gender on satisfaction with current position, satisfaction with work–life balance, and perceived stress. Results Among the 802 survey respondents, 457 (57.0%) women were more likely to be younger, hold a lower academic rank, and be in a pharmacy practice department, relative to 345 (43.0%) men. In adjusted results, men pharmacy faculty were more likely to report being extremely satisfied with their current job, more likely to report being extremely satisfied with their work–life balance, and score lower on a standardized stress measure relative to women. Conclusion While primarily descriptive, the results suggest women pharmacy faculty in the United States are less satisfied with their current academic position, less satisfied with their current work–life balance, and have higher stress levels compared to men even after controlling for age, academic rank, and department (along with other factors). Further research is needed to explore and address causes of the observed gender-related differences among pharmacy faculty.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Christopher Paul Cain ◽  
Lisa Nicole Cain ◽  
James A. Busser ◽  
Hee Jung (Annette) Kang

PurposeThis study sought to understand how having a calling influenced engagement, work–life balance and career satisfaction for Professional Golfers Association of America (PGA) and Golf Course Superintendent of America (GCSA) professionals.Design/methodology/approachA conceptual model was used to examine callings among golf course supervisors and its impact on their engagement, work–life balance and career satisfaction. This study also explored the moderation effect of employees’ generalized or specialized role on the calling–engagement relationship. Surveys were collected from a single golf management company and partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used for data analysis.FindingsThe results revealed significant relationships among all of the variables, with the exception of the impact of having a calling on work–life balance. Additionally, the more having a calling increased, the more important it was for supervisors to have specialized roles to increase their engagement.Originality/valueThis study identifies important differences in factors that promote career satisfaction for golf course supervisors and extends current understanding of role theory.

Irene Valero Pizarro ◽  
Gamze Arman

Difficulties in balancing work and non-work roles have a negative impact on an individual’s life satisfaction. This study investigates the relationship between work-life balance and life satisfaction across the United Kingdom and Spain. It also explores the moderating effects of individual orientations of collectivism and gender identity. The used scales measured Work-life Balance (WLB), Life Satisfaction (LS), Collectivism vs. Individualism orientations, and Gender identity. Collectivism/Individualism was measured and analysed at individual-level rather than at cultural-level. Data was collected from 52 British and 69 Spanish full-time employed women through an online survey. Correlational analyses and hierarchical multiple regression were conducted. Findings indicated that work-life balance had positive effects on life satisfaction across two different cultures. Those effects were stronger for British than Spanish women. Moderating effects were not found. Although, work-life balance, collectivism individual-orientation, and feminine identity predicted life satisfaction in the UK and only work-life balance predicted life satisfaction in Spain. This study extends the literature on work-life balance and life satisfaction relationship and the influence of culture, whilst also contributing to the under-researched area of the influence of gender identity on that relationship. The results might contribute to developing better strategies for promoting work-life balance

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Hendrawati Hamid, Muhammad Ashoer

Bureaucratic reform is continually echoed to meet demands of the masses for better functioning of the public sector service. To respond the afromentioned issue, this study adopted several important constructs in contemporary human resource management (work-life balance, engagement, in role-performance, and self-efficacy) and analyzed the mediation and moderation role in the context of civil servants. In addition, to collect primary data, an online survey method was used and distributed to Civil Servant (CS) within the scope of the provincial government of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. PLS-SEM based analysis was employed to test measurement and structural models. The results indicated work-life balance had a positive and significant effect on CS engagement but does not affect in-role performance. Furthermore, the role of engagement as a mediator and self-efficacy as moderator was confirmed to be significant. The discussion, implications, and recommendations for prospective study are discussed further.

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