On the second order term asymptotic solution for sharp V-notch tip field in elasto-viscoplastic solids

Yanwei Dai ◽  
Fei Qin ◽  
Yinghua Liu ◽  
Yuh J. Chao
1995 ◽  
Vol 74 (6) ◽  
pp. 2665-2684 ◽  
Y. Kondoh ◽  
Y. Hasegawa ◽  
J. Okuma ◽  
F. Takahashi

1. A computational model accounting for motion detection in the fly was examined by comparing responses in motion-sensitive horizontal system (HS) and centrifugal horizontal (CH) cells in the fly's lobula plate with a computer simulation implemented on a motion detector of the correlation type, the Reichardt detector. First-order (linear) and second-order (quadratic nonlinear) Wiener kernels from intracellularly recorded responses to moving patterns were computed by cross correlating with the time-dependent position of the stimulus, and were used to characterize response to motion in those cells. 2. When the fly was stimulated with moving vertical stripes with a spatial wavelength of 5-40 degrees, the HS and CH cells showed basically a biphasic first-order kernel, having an initial depolarization that was followed by hyperpolarization. The linear model matched well with the actual response, with a mean square error of 27% at best, indicating that the linear component comprises a major part of responses in these cells. The second-order nonlinearity was insignificant. When stimulated at a spatial wavelength of 2.5 degrees, the first-order kernel showed a significant decrease in amplitude, and was initially hyperpolarized; the second-order kernel was, on the other hand, well defined, having two hyperpolarizing valleys on the diagonal with two off-diagonal peaks. 3. The blockage of inhibitory interactions in the visual system by application of 10-4 M picrotoxin, however, evoked a nonlinear response that could be decomposed into the sum of the first-order (linear) and second-order (quadratic nonlinear) terms with a mean square error of 30-50%. The first-order term, comprising 10-20% of the picrotoxin-evoked response, is characterized by a differentiating first-order kernel. It thus codes the velocity of motion. The second-order term, comprising 30-40% of the response, is defined by a second-order kernel with two depolarizing peaks on the diagonal and two off-diagonal hyperpolarizing valleys, suggesting that the nonlinear component represents the power of motion. 4. Responses in the Reichardt detector, consisting of two mirror-image subunits with spatiotemporal low-pass filters followed by a multiplication stage, were computer simulated and then analyzed by the Wiener kernel method. The simulated responses were linearly related to the pattern velocity (with a mean square error of 13% for the linear model) and matched well with the observed responses in the HS and CH cells. After the multiplication stage, the linear component comprised 15-25% and the quadratic nonlinear component comprised 60-70% of the simulated response, which was similar to the picrotoxin-induced response in the HS cells. The quadratic nonlinear components were balanced between the right and left sides, and could be eliminated completely by their contralateral counterpart via a subtraction process. On the other hand, the linear component on one side was the mirror image of that on the other side, as expected from the kernel configurations. 5. These results suggest that responses to motion in the HS and CH cells depend on the multiplication process in which both the velocity and power components of motion are computed, and that a putative subtraction process selectively eliminates the nonlinear components but amplifies the linear component. The nonlinear component is directionally insensitive because of its quadratic non-linearity. Therefore the subtraction process allows the subsequent cells integrating motion (such as the HS cells) to tune the direction of motion more sharply.

1976 ◽  
Vol 17 (77) ◽  
pp. 447-462 ◽  
L. W. Morland

The treatments by Nye and Kamb of glacier sliding over a wavy bed with small slope, which assume the ice to be approximated by a Newtonian fluid of high viscosity, are complemented by the inclusion of the glacier depth and the inclination of the bed to the horizontal. The driving force of the motion, gravity, is therefore present in the flow equations and defines immediately the mean drag on the bed. A geothermal heal flux is also included in order to estimate its possible effect on the flow. A complex variable method is used to determine the velocity and temperature fields to second order in the bed slope. These fields satisfy the zero shear traction and pressure-melting-regelation conditions to the same order on the actual bed profile. It is the balance of the second-order term which determines explicitly the (zero order) basal-sliding velocity and surface velocity in terms of the geometry and physical properties of both ice and bed. An explicit solution is illustrated for a sinusoidal bed. and a simple criterion for the onset of cavitation is obtained.

1956 ◽  
Vol 68 ◽  
pp. 301 ◽  
Fred Hoyle ◽  
Allan Sandage

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 226-242
Valerii Samoilenko ◽  
Yuliia Samoilenko

The paper deals with constructing an asymptotic one-phase soliton-like solution to the Benjamin--Bona--Mahony equation with variable coefficients and a strong singularity making use of the non-linear WKB technique. The influence of the small-parameter value on the structure and the qualitative properties of the asymptotic solution, as well as the accuracy with which the solution satisfies the considerable equation, have been analyzed. It was demonstrated that due to the strong singularity, it is possible to write explicitly not only the main term of the asymptotics but at least its first-order term.

1988 ◽  
Vol 63 (8) ◽  
pp. 3335-3337 ◽  
P. De Gasperis ◽  
R. Marcelli ◽  
G. Miccoli

Geophysics ◽  
1979 ◽  
Vol 44 (7) ◽  
pp. 1193-1207 ◽  
Bruce T. May ◽  
Donald K. Straley

Higher‐order terms in the generalized seismic reflection moveout equation are usually neglected, resulting in the familiar second‐order, or hyperbolic, moveout equation. Modeling studies show that the higher‐order terms are often significant, and their neglect produces sizable traveltime residuals after correction for moveout in such cases as kinked‐ray models. Taner and Koehler (1969) introduced velocity spectra for estimating stacking velocity defined on the basis of second‐order moveout. Through the use of orthogonal polynomials, an iterative procedure is defined that permits computation of fourth‐order moveout spectra while simultaneously upgrading the previously computed, second‐order spectra. Emphasis is placed on the fourth‐order term, but the procedure is general and can be expanded to higher orders. When used with synthetic and field recorded common‐midpoint (CMP) trace data, this technique produces significant improvements in moveout determination affecting three areas: (1) resolution and interpretability of moveout spectra, (2) quality of CMP stacked sections, and (3) computation of velocity and depth for inverse modeling.

1971 ◽  
Vol 49 (7) ◽  
pp. 1115-1132 ◽  
M. J. Dignam ◽  
B. Rao ◽  
M. Moskovits ◽  
R. W. Stobie

This paper presents a detailed analysis of the application of ellipsometry to obtaining the optical spectra (principally infrared (i.r.)) of molecules adsorbed on reflecting surfaces. Both external and total internal reflections are considered and the conditions for optimum sensitivity examined. A new empirical quantity, the relative complex optical density, is defined which exhibits thin film properties well, particularly in the case of multiple reflection measurements. An explicit expression is derived for this density function (relating it to the optical constants of the media and other system parameters), which is both reasonably simple and correct to second order terms in the film thickness. It is shown that for thin films, no higher order terms need be included, but that in general the second order term must be retained. Various limiting cases are examined to gain insight into the optical behavior of thin films, and to the same end, model calculations performed for CCl4 physically adsorbed on Ag, Ni, Sb, and Ge. In relation to conventional reflection spectroscopy, ellipsometric spectroscopy is shown to have three major advantages: (1) in general, higher sensitivity to adsorbate properties; (2) very much lower sensitivity to absorption of radiation by the adjacent gas phase; (3) more information, permitting the optical constants and film thickness to be determined. Finally, the practicability of the technique is demonstrated by presenting preliminary results for CH3OH reversibly adsorbed on Ag, showing clearly the C—H stretching bands.

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