Am I responsible? The joint effect of individual responsibility attributions and descriptive normative climate messages on climate mitigation intentions

Anja Kalch ◽  
Helena Bilandzic ◽  
Andrea Sappler ◽  
Sarah Stellinger
2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-108 ◽  
Dan S. Chiaburu ◽  
Ann Chunyan Peng ◽  
Linn Van Dyne

We conducted an experiment to examine the effect of how subordinates present ideas (constructive vs. complaining form) on supervisor (receiver) responses (perceptions of subordinate intrusiveness and of overall performance). We demonstrated a joint effect of subordinate idea presentation (manipulated) and supervisor dogmatism (measured) such that supervisors with high levels of dogmatism rated subordinates who presented voice constructively as more intrusive and lower in performance than those with low dogmatism. Supervisor perspective taking mediated these relationships. Our findings highlight the importance of presenting ideas in a constructive form to receivers with low levels of dogmatism.

2014 ◽  
Ido Erev ◽  
Eyal Ert ◽  
Ori Plonsky

1992 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 102
Ken Shaw

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-48
Warren Swain

Intoxication as a ground to set aside a contract is not something that has proved to be easy for the law to regulate. This is perhaps not very surprising. Intoxication is a temporary condition of varying degrees of magnitude. Its presence does however raise questions of contractual autonomy and individual responsibility. Alcohol consumption is a common social activity and perceptions of intoxication and especially alcoholism have changed over time. Roman law is surprisingly quiet on the subject. In modern times the rules about intoxicated contracting in Scottish and English law is very similar. Rather more interestingly the law in these two jurisdictions has reached the current position in slightly different ways. This history can be traced through English Equity, the works of the Scottish Institutional writers, the rise of the Will Theory, and all leavened with a dose of judicial pragmatism.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 410-427 ◽  
Ryan P. Thombs ◽  
Xiaorui Huang

The macro-comparative decoupling literature has often sought to test the arguments made by the treadmill of production (TP) and ecological modernization (EM) theories. However, due to data limitations, these studies have been limited to analyzing the years after 1960. Given that both theories discuss historical processes operating before 1960, analyzing pre-1960 data is warranted to more comprehensively test the propositions made by both theories. We assess the long-term relationship between economic growth and CO2 emissions from 1870 to 2014 using a sample of global North nations. We use Prais-Winsten regression models with time interactions to assess whether, when, and how much CO2 emissions have decoupled from economic growth over time. We find that significant relative decoupling has occurred twice since 1870: during the last 30 years of the nineteenth century, the timing of which is contrary to what both the EM and TP theories might expect, and after 1970. We also observe that the relationship remained relatively stable from the turn of the twentieth century to approximately 1970, which aligns with the arguments made by the classical TP work. We conclude that shifts in the global organization of production have shaped the magnitude of the economic growth–CO2 emissions relationship and its changes over time, which has implications for climate mitigation policy.

Mousaion ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 35 (4) ◽  
Wuraola J. Oyedipe ◽  
Sunday O. Popoola

The study investigated the relationship between access to and use of information and communication technology and task performances of library personnel in public university libraries in South West Nigeria. The total enumeration technique was used to cover 330 library professionals working in public university libraries in the zone. A self-developed questionnaire was used to obtain data. Out of the 330 copies of questionnaire administered 248 (76.6%) copies were found useable. The findings revealed that the level of task performances of the respondents was high, and the level of access to ICT was high, while the frequency of ICT use was moderate. The results indicated that there was a positive relative effect of ICT access and use on task performances. The study also found a significant relationship between the access to ICT, ICT use and task performances of respondents, while there was a significant joint effect of access to ICT and ICT use on the task performances of library personnel. The study recommended the constant development of personnel regarding job knowledge and skills, the promotion of creativity and adaptability skills to enhance personnel task performances, while library managers should continue to make ICT tools accessible for library personnel to allow their use in improving the workflow in the library.

2017 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 392-405 ◽  
O.A. Diripasko ◽  
T.A. Zabroda

A total of 38 morphometric characters of the round goby Neogobius melanostomus melanostomus (Pallas, 1814) were studied in its native range in the Sea of Azov. The aim was to assess joint effect of sexual dimorphism and size variability on overall variability within groups of samples (populations) using appropriate methods of traditional statistical analysis (one-dimensional and multivariate statistics). Sex and size-dependent variability was studied based on model samples of males and females of different size. Most of the studied morphometric characters of round goby from the Sea of Azov demonstrated statistically significant sex- and size-dependent in-group variability. The pattern of the variability suggests that, for a comparison of round goby from different sea regions and between populations, separate samples of males and females within the range 9–13 cm SL should be examined in order to minimise the effect of the size and sex factors. The approach of searching for the most informative size range could be useful not only for further studies of infraspecific variation but for comparisons between morphologically close gobiin species.

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