Towards predicting the initiation of overland flow from relatively flat agricultural fields using surface water coverage

2021 ◽  
pp. 126125
Chandra Prasad Ghimire ◽  
Willemijn M. Appels ◽  
Laura Grundy ◽  
Willis Ritchie ◽  
Stuart Bradley ◽  
Water Policy ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 276-287 ◽  
Naveen Kumar Gupta ◽  
A. S. Jethoo ◽  
S. K. Gupta

The water resources in Rajasthan State are facing a crucial stage even after average/good rainfall. Temporal distributions as well as the spatial variability of rainfall within the state were investigated by applying an analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. The effect of change in catchment characteristics and anthropogenic activities on overland flow are also investigated in this paper by applying a regression technique. Inflow to the surface water resources of the state is regularly decreasing. Time series analysis and sequential cluster analysis reveals that 1994 was the critical year, which divides the two consecutive non-overlapping epochs viz. pre-disturbance and post-disturbance. Due to increasing population and the subsequent increase in agriculture (specifically using groundwater sources) having increased catchment interceptions, there is a regular decreasing trend of surface runoff and surface water availability. The study highlights that, in spite of an increasing trend of rainfall witnessed during the last 100 years, inflow to the surface water resources of the state is decreasing at a fast pace owing to a decrease in the percentage area contributing to surface runoff.

2020 ◽  
Annesofie Jakosben ◽  
Hans Jørgen Henriksen ◽  
Ernesto Pasten-Zapata ◽  
Torben Sonnenborg ◽  
Lars Troldborg

<p>By use of transient and distributed groundwater-surface water flow models, simulated time series of stream discharge and groundwater level for monitoring networks, groundwater bodies and river reaches have been analysed for a historical period and four different future scenarios toward 2100 in two large-scale catchments in Denmark. The purpose of the climate scenarios has been to qualify the existing knowledge on how future climate change most likely will impact hydrology, groundwater status and Ecological Quality Elements (EQR- Ecological flow in rivers). Another purpose has been to identify whether foreseen climate changes will be detected by the surface water and groundwater monitoring networks, and to which degree the River Basin Management Plan measures for supporting the goal of good quantitative status are robust to the projected changes in water balance and ecological flow. The developed hydrological models were run with climate inputs based on selected RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 climate model runs (RCP8.5 wet, median, dry and RCP4.5 median). Changes in groundwater quantitative status and ecological flow metrics were calculated based on 30-year model runs driven by RCP8.5 for 2071-2100 (RCP4.5 for 2041-70) and compared to 1981-2010.</p><p>Overall the four scenarios results in very significant water balance changes with increased precipitation: 3% to 27%, evapotranspiration: 6% to 17%, groundwater recharge: 0% to 49%, drainage flow: 0% to 71%, baseflow: 0% to 31% and overland flow: 16% to 281%. For one catchment an increase in abstraction of 23% to 171% due to an increase in irrigation demand by 36% to 113% is foreseen. The results have wide implications for groundwater flooding risks, quantitative status and ecological flow metrics. Most sensitive is changes in ecological flow conditions in rivers for fish, showing a relative high probability for decreased state for 10-20% of the reaches for the RCP8.5 wet and dry scenarios due to more extreme hydrological regimes toward 2071-2100. Maximum monthly runoff is increased for winter months by 100% for RCP8.5 wet and median scenarios and around 10% for RCP8.5 dry scenario. Annual maximum daily flows is simulated to increase by up to a factor of five, and late summer low flows decreased.</p><p>Impacts on groundwater levels and water balances of groundwater bodies will be significant, with increased seasonal fluctuations and also increased maximum and decreased minimum groundwater levels for 30 year periods for 2071-2100 compared to 1981-2010.</p><p>More rain, both when we look back on historical data and when we look forward with latest climate projections will result in more frequent flooding from groundwater and streams in the future. At the same time, the temperature and thus evapotranspiration rises. This means that in the long term we will have increased challenges with drought and increased irrigation demands on sandy soils while evapotranspiration will also increase on the clayey soils. This will result in greater fluctuation in the flow and groundwater levels between winters and summers, and between wet and dry years, challenging sustainable groundwater abstraction and maintaining good quantitative status of groundwater bodies.</p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 94 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-127 ◽  
Sogol Rasouli ◽  
Joann K. Whalen ◽  
Chandra A. Madramootoo

Rasouli, S., Whalen, J. K. and Madramootoo, C. A. 2014. Review: Reducing residual soil nitrogen losses from agroecosystems for surface water protection in Quebec and Ontario, Canada: Best management practices, policies and perspectives. Can. J. Soil Sci. 94: 109–127. Eutrophication and cyanobacteria blooms, a growing problem in many of Quebec and Ontario's lakes and rivers, are largely attributed to the phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) emanating from intensively cropped agricultural fields. In fact, 49% of N loading in surface waters comes from runoff and leaching from fertilized soils and livestock operations. The residual soil nitrogen (RSN), which remains in soil at the end of the growing season, contains soluble and particulate forms of N that are prone to being transported from agricultural fields to waterways. Policies and best management practices (BMPs) to regulate manure storage and restrict fertilizer and manure spreading can help in reducing N losses from agroecosystems. However, reduction of RSN also requires an understanding of the complex interactions between climate, soil type, topography, hydrology and cropping systems. Reducing N losses from agroecosystems can be achieved through careful accounting for all N inputs (e.g., N credits for legumes and manure inputs) in nutrient management plans, including those applied in previous years, as well as the strategic implementation of multiple BMPs and calibrated soil N testing for crops with high N requirements. We conclude that increasing farmer awareness and motivation to implement BMPs will be important in reducing RSN. Programs to promote communication between farmers and researchers, crop advisors and provincial ministries of agriculture and the environment are recommended.

2020 ◽  
Zhentao Wang

Wetlands provide many benefits for humans and the natural environment, but land use changes have reduced their number and areal extent. Interest has grown in examining surface water distribution both spatially and temporally, which help to determine those locations for which there is the greatest priority for wetland preservation or mitigation. This research first proposes a methodology to support that examination through the application of open channel hydraulics principles to flow over a landscape. The methodology, implemented through a Python script, automatically extracts landscape characteristics from a DEM and calculates hydraulic parameters. The parameters are used to determine water surface profiles using the Modified Euler's method. Multiple tests show that the script accurately produces profiles of flow between wetlands over a landscape. Such determinations are the first step in understanding where water will exist on the surface and where there may be infiltration to support wetland functions. Furthermore, a water balance methodology (where water will exist, how much will be there and for what period of time) is developed and demonstrated that focuses on small depressions, as locations where conservation efforts to create or regenerate wetlands may be achievable. Integral to this analysis is a detailed treatment of depressions in the landscape. Utilizing a digital elevation model, the methodology incorporates a cell-by-cell analysis to appropriately capture small-scale processes. Instead of treating these vital depressions as errors or being insignificant to the water balance calculations, they are retained. Flow direction is dynamically determined by the land surface and water characteristics. With potentially shallow flow in depressions, the use of Manning's equation incorporates stratified flow where differing values of Manning's n describe flow through and above vegetation. This real-time overland runoff model based on a short time step is implemented through a Python code using ArcGIS. Exercises on an artificial DEM with simulated precipitation demonstrate the ability of the model to accurately represent hydraulics principles. Simulations of two field sites over a period of a year, and incorporating precipitation, infiltration and evapotranspiration, demonstrate the ability to track water surface locations and extents with an accuracy necessary for decision making. Additionally, this research optimizes the Green Ampt infiltration model which allows for the calculation of infiltration rates with unsteady rainfall and then couples this Modified Green Ampt (MGA) model with a previously developed Dynamic Flow Direction (DFD) model to simulate overland flow. To test the accuracy of the improvements, results show shorter times to ponding, smaller total infiltration at the time of ponding and larger total infiltration with this Modified Green Ampt (MGA) model as compared with the results with a Traditional Green Ampt (TGA) model. Additionally, coupled with the DFD model, the MGA model takes surface water movement into consideration. The total water volume on the landscape with MGA is less than predicted by the TGA. Additionally, the inundation area is deeper than 0.05 m with MGA and is also smaller than the result with the TGA.

Water ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 200 ◽  
Jing Liang ◽  
Wenzhe Li ◽  
Scott Bradford ◽  
Jiří Šimůnek

Contaminants can be rapidly transported at the soil surface by runoff to surface water bodies. Physically-based models (PBMs), which are based on the mathematical description of main hydrological processes, are key tools for predicting surface water impairment. Along with PBMs, data-driven models are becoming increasingly popular for describing the behavior of hydrological and water resources systems since these models can be used to complement or even replace physically based-models. Here we propose a new data-driven model as an alternative to a physically-based overland flow and transport model. First, we have developed a physically-based numerical model to simulate overland flow and contaminant transport. A large number of numerical simulations was then carried out to develop a database containing information about the impact of various relevant factors on surface runoff quantity and quality, such as different weather patterns, surface topography, vegetation, soil conditions, contaminants, and best management practices. Finally, the resulting database was used to train data-driven models. Several Machine Learning techniques were explored to find input-output functional relations. The results indicate that the Neural Network model with two hidden layers performed the best among selected data-driven models, accurately predicting runoff water quantity and quality over a wide range of parameters.

2002 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 223-233 ◽  
F. Darboux ◽  
C. Gascuel-Odoux ◽  
P. Davy

2013 ◽  
Vol 67 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-108 ◽  
C. Viavattene ◽  
J. B. Ellis

The need to improve the urban drainage network to meet recent urban growth and the redevelopment of old industrial and commercial areas provides an opportunity for managing urban surface water infrastructure in a more sustainable way. The use of sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) can reduce urban surface water flooding as well as the pollution impact of urban discharges on receiving waters. However, these techniques are not yet well known by many stakeholders involved in the decision-making process, or at least the evidence of their performance effectiveness may be doubted compared with more traditional engineering solutions often promoted by existing 1D/2D drainage models. The use of geographic information systems (GIS) in facilitating the inter-related risk analysis of sewer surface water overflows and urban flooding as well as in better communication with stakeholders is demonstrated in this paper. An innovative coupled 1D/2D urban sewer/overland flow model has been developed and tested in conjunction with a SUDS selection and location tool (SUDSLOC) to enable a robust management approach to surface water flood risks and to improve the resilience of the urban drainage infrastructure. The paper demonstrates the numerical and modelling basis of the integrated 1D/2D and SUDSLOC approach and the working assumptions and flexibility of the application together with some limitations and uncertainties. The role of the SUDSLOC modelling component in quantifying flow, and surcharge reduction benefits arising from the strategic selection and location of differing SUDS controls are also demonstrated for an extreme storm event scenario.

2015 ◽  
Vol 19 (10) ◽  
pp. 4183-4199 ◽  
V. V. Camacho Suarez ◽  
A. M. L. Saraiva Okello ◽  
J. W. Wenninger ◽  
S. Uhlenbrook

Abstract. The understanding of runoff generation mechanisms is crucial for the sustainable management of river basins such as the allocation of water resources or the prediction of floods and droughts. However, identifying the mechanisms of runoff generation has been a challenging task, even more so in arid and semi-arid areas where high rainfall and streamflow variability, high evaporation rates, and deep groundwater reservoirs may increase the complexity of hydrological process dynamics. Isotope and hydrochemical tracers have proven to be useful in identifying runoff components and their characteristics. Moreover, although widely used in humid temperate regions, isotope hydrograph separations have not been studied in detail in arid and semi-arid areas. Thus the purpose of this study is to determine whether isotope hydrograph separations are suitable for the quantification and characterization of runoff components in a semi-arid catchment considering the hydrological complexities of these regions. Through a hydrochemical characterization of the surface water and groundwater sources of the catchment and two- and three-component hydrograph separations, runoff components of the Kaap catchment in South Africa were quantified using both isotope and hydrochemical tracers. No major disadvantages while using isotope tracers over hydrochemical tracers were found. Hydrograph separation results showed that runoff in the Kaap catchment is mainly generated by groundwater sources. Two-component hydrograph separations revealed groundwater contributions of between 64 and 98 % of total runoff. By means of three-component hydrograph separations, runoff components were further separated into direct runoff, shallow and deep groundwater components. Direct runoff, defined as the direct precipitation on the stream channel and overland flow, contributed up to 41 % of total runoff during wet catchment conditions. Shallow groundwater defined as the soil water and near-surface water component (and potentially surface runoff) contributed up to 45 % of total runoff, and deep groundwater contributed up to 84 % of total runoff. A strong correlation for the four studied events was found between the antecedent precipitation conditions and direct runoff. These findings suggest that direct runoff is enhanced by wetter conditions in the catchment that trigger saturation excess overland flow as observed in the hydrograph separations.

2018 ◽  
Joachim Rozemeijer ◽  
Janneke Klein ◽  
Dimmie Hendriks ◽  
Wiebe Borren ◽  
Maarten Ouboter ◽  

Abstract. In lowland deltas with intensive land use such as The Netherlands, surface water levels are tightly controlled by inlet of diverted river water during dry periods and discharge via large-scale pumping stations during wet periods. The conventional water level regime in these polder catchments is either a fixed water level year-round or an unnatural regime with a lower winter level and a higher summer level in order to optimize hydrological conditions for agricultural land use. The objective of this study was to assess the hydrological and hydrochemical effects of changing the water level management from a conventional fixed water level regime to a flexible, more natural regime with low levels in summer and high levels in winter between predefined minimum and maximum levels. Ten study catchments were hydrologically isolated and equipped with controlled inlet and outlet weirs or pumping stations. The water level management was converted into a flexible regime. We used water and solute balance modeling for catchment-scale assessments of changes in water and solute fluxes. Our model results show relevant changes in the water exchange fluxes between the polder catchment and the regional water system and between the groundwater, surface water, and field surface storage domains within the catchment. Compared to the reference water level regime, the flexible water level regime water balance scenario showed increased surface water residence times, reduced inlet and outlet fluxes, reduced groundwater-surface water exchange, and in some catchments increased overland flow. The solute balance results show a general reduction of chloride concentrations and a general increase in N-tot concentrations. The total phosphorus (P-tot) and sulfate (SO4) concentration responses varied and depended on catchment-specific characteristics. For our study catchments, our analyses provided a quantification of the water flux changes after converting towards flexible water level management. Regarding the water quality effects, this study identified the risks of increased overland flow in former agricultural fields with nutrient enriched top soils and of increased seepage of deep groundwater which can deliver extra nutrients to surface water. At a global scale, catchments in low-lying and subsiding deltas are increasingly being managed in a similar way as the Dutch polders. Applying our water and solute balance approach to these areas may prevent unexpected consequences of the implemented water level regimes.

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