Semiconductor devices require metal contacts for efficient collection of electrical charge. The physics of these metal/semiconductor contacts assumes perfect, abrupt and continuous interfaces between the layers. However, in practice these layers are neither continuous nor abrupt due to poor nucleation conditions and the formation of interfacial layers. The effects of layer thickness, deposition rate and substrate stoichiometry have been previously reported. In this work we will compare the effects of a single deposition technique and multiple depositions on the morphology of indium layers grown on (100) CdTe substrates. The electrical characteristics and specific resistivities of the indium contacts were measured, and their relationships with indium layer morphologies were established.Semi-insulating (100) CdTe samples were cut from Bridgman grown single crystal ingots. The surface of the as-cut slices were mechanically polished using 5μm, 3μm, 1μm and 0,25μm diamond abrasive respectively. This was followed by two minutes immersion in a 5% bromine-methanol solution.