Changes in meat quality of ovine longissimus dorsi muscle in response to repeated freeze and thaw

Meat Science ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 92 (4) ◽  
pp. 619-626 ◽  
Jun Qi ◽  
Chunbao Li ◽  
Yinji Chen ◽  
Feifei Gao ◽  
Xinglian Xu ◽  
R. Pilarczyk ◽  
J. Wójcik ◽  
T. Karamucki ◽  
M. Jakubowska ◽  
D Zaborski ◽  

Background: Growth ability and meat performance are of great economic importance in beef cattle. Therefore, breed comparison experiments are needed to provide valuable information on the suitability of different beef breeds for different production conditions. The aim of the present study was to compare the growth performance and meat quality of young Red Angus, Salers and Limousin bulls. Methods: The material comprised 30 bulls of Red Angus (RA), Salers (SL) and Limousin (LM) breeds. The parameters studied were 210-d bodyweight and daily gains from birth to weaning and to finishing, as well as from weaning to finishing. The finished bulls were slaughtered after 12-hour fasting and post-slaughter evaluation was carried out. The compositions of the samples of meat from the longest dorsal muscle (m. longissimus dorsi) were subjected to basic chemical analysis and sensory analysis. Result: The best results in the period of maternal nursing were obtained by the SL bulls and during intensive fattening, by the LM bulls. The differences existed in the chemical composition and sensory characteristics of meat from the bulls of the studied breeds. The RA breed demonstrated the highest content of intramuscular fat in the longissimus dorsi muscle and received higher scores for sensory characteristics.

Enver Barış BİNGÖL ◽  
Tolga KAHRAMAN ◽  
Ghassan ISSA ◽  
Emek DÜMEN ◽  
Ergün Ömer GÖKSOY ◽  

LWT ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 317-322 ◽  
Y.M. Choi ◽  
Y.C. Ryu ◽  
S.H. Lee ◽  
G.W. Go ◽  
H.G. Shin ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 97 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. 241-242
Yongjie Wang ◽  
Keshari Thakali ◽  
Sarah Shelby ◽  
Jason Apple ◽  
Yan Huang

Abstract The purpose of this study was to compare the meat quality and genomic differences between cross-bred commercial pig (CP) and domestic Large Black pig (BP). Seven cross-bred commercial pigs and eight British Large Black pigs were assigned to CP group and BP group, with initial mean body weights of 18.82±1.412 kg for CP group and 23.31±1.935 kg for BP group, P = 0.061, and fed ad libitum. The final BW of the CP at d101 was similar to the BP (130.0±8.16 kg vs. 121.1±2.80 kg, P = 0.132). However, the BP group took 108 days to reach the final BW. The ADG in the CP was higher than BP (1.102±0.0599 kg vs. 0.905±0.0138 kg, P = 0.003). The hot carcass weight of CP was higher (P < 0.01) than BP, but the backfat of BP was higher (P < 0.01) than CP. The a* value of CP was higher (P < 0.05) than BP, and the c* value of CP was tended to be higher (P < 0.10) than BP. However, the h value of BP was higher (P < 0.05) than CP. The longissimus dorsi muscle fat content of BP was higher (P < 0.05) than CP. For the fatty acid composition, the SFA and MUFA of BP were higher (P < 0.05) than CP, but the PUFA of CP was higher (P < 0.05) than BP. The metmyoglobin content of CP was tended to be higher (P < 0.10) than BP. For the meat metabolism, the oxygen consumption of longissimus dorsi muscle of BP was higher (P < 0.01) than CP. The RNA-Seq data showed that the expression of the genes related to lipid metabolism is higher in BP (fold change > 3, P < 0.05). To conclude, BP has higher meat quality, while CP has its advantages in growth performance. And the differences between these two breeds may due to the genomic diversity.

C.M Weeding ◽  
E.J. Hunter ◽  
H.J. Guise ◽  
R.H.C. Penny

Pigs from 4 farms were slaughtered at 2 abattoirs, each with 2 slaughter handling systems. Pigs at abattoir 1 were electrically stunned, either in a floor pen holding 5 pigs or a race restrainer. A straight race 1m wide led to the floor pen. A stepped collection pen and single file race led to the race restrainer. At abattoir 2 a single file curved race led to a floor pen with electrical stunning and a circular collection pen led to a double race and dip-lift C02 stunner. Each replicate involved 2 farms sending 50 pigs to each abattoir. There were 16 replicates (3200 pigs). Stun system had a significant effect on the development of early rigor, muscle pH, muscle colour and skin blemish (GLM Analysis of Variance). At abattoir 1, pigs slaughtered through the race restrainer had a greater tendency to develop early rigor and more skin blemish. Pigs slaughtered through the race restrainer also had lower pH in the m. longissimus dorsi at both initial and ultimate readings post mortem. In general, pH readings were higher than would be expected in the pig m. longissimus dorsi. Muscle reflectance was higher in the m. longissimus dorsi of pigs slaughtered through the race restrainer at both initial and ultimate readings. Significant differences between means at abattoir 1 (two-sample t-tests) are contained in Table 1. At abattoir 2, the floor pen produced carcases with a greater tendency to develop early rigor and more skin blemish. There were no significant differences in muscle pH or colour. Significant differences between means at abattoir 2 (two-sample t-tests) are contained in Table 2.

2019 ◽  
Vol 99 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-23 ◽  
Wangjing Liu ◽  
He Ding ◽  
Khas Erdene ◽  
Renwei Chen ◽  
Qier Mu ◽  

Sixty male Small-tailed Han sheep (initial body weight: 42.5 ± 4.1 kg) were assigned randomly and averagely into four groups to evaluate effects of flavonoids extracted from Allium mongolicum Regel (AMR) on meat quality and composition of fatty acids related to flavor in longissimus dorsi muscle of lambs. Lambs of four groups were fed a basal control diet (C), and basal diet + three different amounts of flavonoids extracted from the AMR; those were 11 mg kg−1 (Flav 11), 22 mg kg−1 (Flav 22), or 33 mg kg−1 (Flav 33), respectively. Dressing percentage, loin eye area, cooking loss, and pressing loss were affected by treatments (P < 0.05). Percentage of intramuscular fat, the concentrations of eicosapentaenoic acid, C18:0, total saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acid, and 4-methyloctanoic acid in longissimus dorsi muscle were changed by treatments (P < 0.05). Addition of AMR to diet improved the meat quality and had favorable effects on fatty acid composition related to meat flavor in longissimus dorsi muscle.

1982 ◽  
Vol 62 (2) ◽  
pp. 353-361 ◽  

A total of 119 bovine carcasses were utilized in three separate but related experiments to evaluate histological and textural parameters of the longissimus dorsi muscle at 45 min postmortem (unchilled), at 90 min postmortem (45 min cooler chill) and after a 24-h chill in a cooler at 2 °C. Samples were also examined after prerigor (90 min postmortem) freezing at −18 °C and subsequent slow thawing (24 h at 2 °C). The composite results of these experiments provide no evidence that conventional chilling of carcasses, with a subcutaneous fat cover of 4.57–19.56 mm at the eleventh thoracic vertebra, produced detrimental effects (P < 0.05) upon certain histological or textural properties of bovine longissimus dorsi muscle. However, prerigor freezing and subsequent thawing produced substantial (P < 0.05) effects on the susceptibility of fibers to fragmentation and incidence of wavy fibers, but did not produce detrimental effects (P > 0.05) on tenderness under the conditions imposed in the present study. The results from the present study also demonstrated that the issues involved in the transition of muscle to meat are far from resolved, and that additional research will be required to document fully the relevance of carcass chilling and meat handling procedures to meat quality. Key words: Beef, histological properties, shear values, prerigor chilling, prerigor freezing, fat cover

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