Effectiveness of smart tablets as a distraction during needle insertion amongst children with port catheter: Pre-research with pre-post test design

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 118-118
B. Bragadóttir ◽  
J. Hjörleifsdóttir ◽  
S.E. Egeland ◽  
G. Kristjánsdóttir

Abstract Aims Children who experience pain and anxiety while undergoing interventions or treatments during hospitalization at a young age can experience negative feelings which can influence how they experience health care in the future. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the protocol of using a tablet computer as a source of distraction from pain and fear when children undergo needle insertion in a port catheter (port-a-cath®). Methods The study uses a quasi-experimental pretest-post test design with a sample of 14 children, 20 months to 16 years of age, 9 boys and 5 girls. Pain and fear were first evaluated without the distraction of a tablet computer. The second time pain and fear were evaluated while a tablet computer was used for distraction. The children evaluated their pain and fear with a 10 cm Numeric Rating Scale (NRS/VAS) and six faces scales in all cases except three. In those three cases the mothers evaluated the children’s pain and fear with the NRS, the Faces scale, or the Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability scale (FLACC). Results The Shapiro-Wilk test showed a significant distribu-tion (p < 0.05) of pain and fear but most subjects did not feel any fear before the intervention. The mean score of pain was 2.90 (sd = 3.67) and the mean score for fear was 3.67 (sd = 3.76). No significant difference was found between pain and the fear prior to the intervention (p = 0.09). Children who felt fear prior to the intervention (n = 5) experienced significantly lower pain when a tablet computer was used (p<0.05). No difference was found between pain and fear by age or gender. No difference in pain was found by the type of distraction (p = 0.20). All subjects where highly experienced with needle insertions and some of them had developed their own approach to deal with the intervention. Conclusions More extensive research is needed in this area.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Mei Fitria K ◽  
Maslichah Maslichah ◽  
Ferawati Ferawati

ABSTRAK Retensi urin merupakan suatu keadaan darurat sistem perkemihan yang sering ditemukan sehingga perlu penatalaksanaan yang baik salah satunya adalah kateterisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis  perbedaan kecepatan pemasangan dan keluhan nyeri yang dialami pria dewasa  usia 25-65 tahun yang pertama kali menjalani kateterisasi urin dengan cara pelumasan yang berbeda.Rancangan penelitian ini adalah quasy eksperimen. Sampel diambil dengan metode purposive sampling. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasien yang akan dipasang kateter Ruang IGD RSUD dr.Soeprapto Cepu. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien pria dewasa yang pertama kali dilakukan pemasangan kateter. Variabel independen yaitu metode pemasangan kateter yaitu dengan metode oles dan metode lubrikasi(menyemprot pada uretra) Variabel dependen yaitu kecepatan pemasangan diukur dengan stopwatch sedangkan intensitas nyeri diukur dengan Visual Analog  Numeric Rating Scale. Analisa data dengan Uji  Mann Whitney U Test terhadap mean tersebut untuk mengetahui signifikansi perbedaan keduanya dengan program SPSS pada œ =0,05.Hasil penelitian dengan uji Mann Whitney U Testumtuk kecepatan didapat nilai p value = 0,016 dan untuk keluhan nyeri didapat nilai p value = 0,010. Hal ini menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan dari kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan.Perawat sebagai tenaga kesehatan dalam melakukan kateterisasiurin dapat memilih cara pelumasan yang dapat mengurangi resiko gangguan rasa nyaman (nyeri) yang dialami klien. Diharapkan dapat dipergunakan sebagai bahan   pertimbangan dalam memberikan tindakan kateterisasi yang cepat, efisien  dan sedikit keluhan. Kata kunci : Teknik pelumasan kateter, kecepatan pemasangan dan keluhan nyeri.   ABSTRACT Urinary retention is an emergency urinary system are often found so it needs good management of one of them is catheterization.This study regarding the installation of a speeddifference and the pain experienced by adult men aged 25-65 years who first underwent urinary catheterization in a manner different lubricationThe study design is quasi-experimental. The sample was taken by purposive sampling method. The population in this study were all patients who would catheter Hospital emergency room dr.Soeprapto Cepu. The sample in this study is adult male patients who first performed catheter placement. Independent variables, methods catheter is by topical methods and methods of lubrication (spraying of the urethra) The dependent variable is the speed of installation are measured with a stopwatch while pain intensity measured by the Visual Analog Numeric Rating Scale. Analysis of the data by finding the mean of the speed of installation and complaints of pain in each group followed by Mann Whitney U Test against the mean to determine the significance of differences in both the SPSS program on œ = 0.05.The results showed no difference in between the speed of installation of the lubrication method and the method OLES is: 24 seconds. There is a difference between a complaint of pain in the control group and the treatment group which looks mean lower treatment groups. The results of the Mann Whitney U Test showed that p = 0.010 and showed no significant difference from the control and treatment groups.Nurses as health workers in the catheterization urine can choose how lubrication can reduce the risk of disruption comfortable feeling (pain) were experienced by clients. Expected to be used as consideration in giving catheterization action is fast, efficient and few complaints. Keywords: Mechanical lubrication catheter, speeds installation and pain

2018 ◽  
Vol 71 (6) ◽  
pp. 2983-2989 ◽  
Natasha Marques Frota ◽  
Nelson Miguel Galindo Neto ◽  
Lívia Moreira Barros ◽  
Francisco Gilberto Fernandes Pereira ◽  
Geórgia Alcântara Alencar Melo ◽  

ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the effectiveness of an educational hypermedia in the knowledge of Nursing academics on peripheral venipuncture. Method: Quasi-experimental study with pre and post-test design. Results: The mean number of right answers of the 73 individuals who participated in the study, in the pre-test, was 7.7 (DP = 1.05), and 8.3 in the post-test (DP = 0.74). The comparation of pre and post hypermedia mean number of right answers showed significant difference (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Hypermedia is a strategy that increases knowledge and is feasible in the teaching-learning process, being useful as a support tool for teachers and for the development of undergraduate Nursing students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-170
Dewi Nurlaela Sari ◽  
Aay Rumhaeni

ABSTRAK Sectio caesarea merupakan tindakan alternatif dalam proses persalinan untuk menyelamatkan ibu dan janin. Ibu Bersalin dengan operasi sectio caesarea dilakukan pembedahan pada dinding abdomen dan dinding rahim. Dampak yang paling sering muncul dirasakan oleh postpartum dengan post operasi sectio caesarea adalah  nyeri. Nyeri akan berdampak pada bounding attachment terganggu, mobilisasi terbatas, Activity Daily Living (ADL) terganggu serta berpengaruh  terhadap Inisiasi Menyusui Dini (IMD). Asuhan yang diberikan terbatas pada terapi farmakologi dibandingkan  non farmakologi. Foot massage adalah salah satu terapi non farmakologi yang dapat membantu menutup gerbang di posterior horns dari sumsum tulang belakang dan memblokir bagian dari nyeri ke sistem saraf pusat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh foot massage terhadap skala nyeri pada klien post operasi sectio caesarea di RS AMC. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pre eksperimen dengan pendekatan one group pre test post test design. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan berjumlah 27 orang dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) dan prosedur kerja foot massage. Responden dilakukan foot massage selama 20 menit selama 2 hari. Data di analisis dengan menggunakan uji wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan lebih dari setengah klien post operasi sectio caesarea berada di skala nyeri 6 sebelum dilakukan foot massage dan hampir setengah memiliki skala nyeri 3 sesudah dilakukan foot massage dan didapatkan nilai p value = 0.000, sehingga disimpulkan ada pengaruh foot massage terhadap skala nyeri pada klien post operasi sectio caesarea. Diharapkan rumah sakit dapat menjadikan foot massage sebagai salah satu alternatif manajemen non farmakologi dalam penanganan nyeri.   Kata kunci: Foot Massage; Post Partum; Nyeri; Sectio Caesarea      

Miftah Fariduddin ◽  
Firman Parlindungan

The aim of this study was to investigate whether there was significant difference on the students’ reading comprehension of narrative text between those who were taught through Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) method and those who were not. Forty-nine students were selected as the sample and quasi-experimental, non-randomized pre-test and post-test design were employed. The analysis of covariance showed that the students who were taught by using CIRC method statistically outperformed those who were not on their reading comprehension of narrative text, (F (1, 48) = 13.56, p < .05). This result implies that CIRC is an effective method to teach reading comprehension, particularly on narrative text. Since this study only focused on narrative text, future researchers might be interested to seek the effect of CIRC on other text genres. Similar study though may be conducted with a randomized design of larger population.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 827-846
Nthabiseng Mosese ◽  
Ugorji I. Ogbonnaya

Making connections between the representations of trigonometric functions and an interpretation of graphs of the functions are major challenges to many students. This study explores the effectiveness of the GeoGebra on grade 12 students’ success in making connections between the representations of trigonometric functions and the interpretation of graphs. A non-equivalent control-group pre-test post-test quasi-experimental design was used. The sample of the study consisted of sixty-one grade 12 students from two schools. The results showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the mean achievements of the experimental group and the control group on making connections between representations of trigonometric functions, and on analyses and interpretations of representations of trigonometric functions, in favour of the experimental group. This study extends the findings of previous studies on the effectiveness of dynamic mathematics software on students’ learning of representations and interpretation of graphs of trigonometric functions.            Keywords: GeoGebra, functions graphs, Trigonometric functions

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Mohammad Ridho Kholid ◽  
Dhanan Abimanto ◽  
Wiwied Pratiwi

This article was to find out about the effectiveness of applying dictogloss technique on students’ narrative text. A Quasi-Experimental design was used in this method, with using pre-test and post test design. Subject of this research was at the eleventh grade  at state senior high 10 Bandar Lampung.  The result of this study showed that the value of to  (tobservation ) was 5.2. The value of t table with degree of freedom 38 in significance degree 5 % was 2.02 and in significance degree 1% was 2.71. It indicated that to was higher than or 2.02 < 5.26 > 2.71. for those analysis, the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and t alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. Hence, it was inferred that there were significant difference between students’ narrative writing score who were taught by dictoglos technique. Keywords: Dictogloss Technique, Experimental Design, Narrative Text

Dewi Yulyanti ◽  
Slamet Wahyudi Yulianto ◽  
Muhammad Anjar Nugraha

This research investigated whether or not there is the influence of English song towards the student’s pronunciation. This research used a quantitative method. Research design is an experimental class and control class, two classes were selected from eleventh-grade students at SMAN 1 Ciasem Subang. The Quasi-Experimental Research was conducted in four meetings. The data were obtained by observing the teaching and learning process, test, questionnaire, and interviewing the students. The research result of the analysis quantitative and qualitative data were as follows. The analysis of quantitative data, mean score of pre-test in the experimental class was 14.44. While the mean score in the control class was 14.58. Furthermore, the mean score of the post-test in the experimental class was 82.98. While the mean score post-test in the control class was 60.56. Based on the result, the experimental class students’ score on post-test were better in which the mean = 82.89 than their scores on pre-test the mean = 60.56 . in addition, the two-tailed value of p was 0.000 which was lower than 0.05 . in conclusion, the calculation of paired t-test showed that there was a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of experimental group. The analysis of qualitative data show that used English song influence through students’ pronunciation by observing the teaching and learning process, test, questionnaire, and interviewing the students. The students were more confident and were not afraid of making mistakes when pronunciation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Slamet Arifin

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the application of thematic learning modelbasedintegrative sosiokultural for students of class III Elementary School in Purbalingga.The research design was quasi experimental with one group pre-test and post-test design. Thesubject of research involved are students of class III SD N Pengadegan Pengadegan 1 and 2 atotal of 56 students, where each class consists of 28 students. In this research, students of classIII SD N Pengadegan 1 is determined as the control class (with thematic learning-integrativeusual) and the third grade students of SD N Pengadegan 2 as the experimental class (using themodel of thematic learning-integrative-based sociocultural. The results showed that there weredifferences the final results were significant between control classes using model-integrativethematic regular and classroom experiment that uses thematic learning model-based integrativesocio-cultural. it is obtained from the t-test with p <0.05 then there is also a significant difference,namely with sig = 0.0006.

By adopting a Dick and Carey model, thepurpose of this study was to develop a multimedia humour model for the teaching of Malay narrative writing and test the effectiveness of the model in the classroom. This study was conducted to a group of 29 students at SekolahMenengahKebangsaan Syed Mashor, Batang Kali, Selangor. The research design was quasi experimental involving single group pre-test and post-test design. Following this design, participants were selected, pre-tested, and exposed to the multimedia video (animation) and then post-tested. The instrument used in this research was the writing test on Malay narrative focusing on cleanliness. Descriptive quantitative analysis was employed on the findings (frequency, percentage and mean) followed by a comparison of pre-test and post-test. The findings show that there were significant differences between the pre and post-test. In the post-test, the mean score for the participants after receiving the intervention were higher than the mean scores for the pre-test. The findings also reveal that the use of visual images (animation), sound and graphic through multimedia video for teaching Malay narrative writing help the students to improve their vocabularies and writing skills. Thus, teachers may also adopt this type of learning approach to attract student’s attention towards the subject and hence, improve their academic performance of a particular subject.

Ressa Oashttamadea

Background: The accuracy of clinical coding is very important in the proper financing of health care centers. During January to February 2019, only 35 out of 60 obstetrical cases that were well coded (58%) in Naili DBS Hospital and this miscoding would led to a big financial loss. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of training on coding accuracy.Methods: This study was conducted during April 2019 in Naili DBS Hospital using quasi experimental method, with one group pretest and post-test design. All 11 participants were given a pretest consisted of 10 long cases (maximum score=38) and the training was conducted based on the identified needs from the preliminary audit. They were then given a post-test to see the effect of the training.Results: The mean score of pretest was 10.7 and the mean score of post-test was 19.7. The individual scores were normalized and then analyzed using SPSS with paired sample T-test. Based on statistical analysis, p<0.005 meaning the traning is statistically significant on improving the coding accuracy in obstetrical diagnosis.Conclusions: The training has significantly improved the score of well coded obstetrical diagnosis, even though the participants have not reached the maximum score. Furthermore, our study suggests that it is important to analyze the coders’ performance months after the training by conducting a coding audit.

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