Advances in nucleic acids-scaffolded electrical sensing of extracellular vesicle biomarkers

Ting-Ting Liang ◽  
Xiaoling Qin ◽  
Yuanhang Xiang ◽  
Yujin Tang ◽  
Fan Yang
2021 ◽  
Abdel A. Alli

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are carriers of various biomolecules including bioactive enzymes, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, and metabolites. EVs are classified into three main types based on their size, biogenesis, and cargo. Exosomes originate from endosomal membranes and are the smallest type of EV. Microvesicles (MVs) or microparticles are larger in size, and like apoptotic bodies which represent the largest type of EVs, both of these vesicles originate from outward budding of the plasma membrane. As discussed in this chapter, cargo loading of EVs and their release into the extracellular space where they can be taken up by neighboring or distant cells plays an important role in physiology and pathophysiology. This chapter will outline specific mechanisms involved in the loading and enrichment of miRNAs, proteins, and lipids within EVs. As explained here, various external and biological stimuli play a role in EV release. Finally, recent studies have shown that the biogenesis, cargo loading, and release of EVs are governed by circadian rhythms. Although EVs were once thought to serve as garbage disposals of cells, the numerous roles they serve in physiology and pathophysiology are now being appreciated.

Norman Davidson

The basic protein film technique for mounting nucleic acids for electron microscopy has proven to be a general and powerful tool for the working molecular biologist in characterizing different nucleic acids. It i s possible to measure molecular lengths of duplex and single-stranded DNAs and RNAs. In particular, it is thus possible to as certain whether or not the nucleic acids extracted from a particular source are or are not homogeneous in length. The topological properties of the polynucleotide chain (linear or circular, relaxed or supercoiled circles, interlocked circles, etc. ) can also be as certained.

J. A. Pollock ◽  
M. Martone ◽  
T. Deerinck ◽  
M. H. Ellisman

Localization of specific proteins in cells by both light and electron microscopy has been facilitate by the availability of antibodies that recognize unique features of these proteins. High resolution localization studies conducted over the last 25 years have allowed biologists to study the synthesis, translocation and ultimate functional sites for many important classes of proteins. Recently, recombinant DNA techniques in molecular biology have allowed the production of specific probes for localization of nucleic acids by “in situ” hybridization. The availability of these probes potentially opens a new set of questions to experimental investigation regarding the subcellular distribution of specific DNA's and RNA's. Nucleic acids have a much lower “copy number” per cell than a typical protein, ranging from one copy to perhaps several thousand. Therefore, sensitive, high resolution techniques are required. There are several reasons why Intermediate Voltage Electron Microscopy (IVEM) and High Voltage Electron Microscopy (HVEM) are most useful for localization of nucleic acids in situ.

Dimitrij Lang

The success of the protein monolayer technique for electron microscopy of individual DNA molecules is based on the prevention of aggregation and orientation of the molecules during drying on specimen grids. DNA adsorbs first to a surface-denatured, insoluble cytochrome c monolayer which is then transferred to grids, without major distortion, by touching. Fig. 1 shows three basic procedures which, modified or not, permit the study of various important properties of nucleic acids, either in concert with other methods or exclusively:1) Molecular weights relative to DNA standards as well as number distributions of molecular weights can be obtained from contour length measurements with a sample standard deviation between 1 and 4%.

Stephen D. Jett

The electrophoresis gel mobility shift assay is a popular method for the study of protein-nucleic acid interactions. The binding of proteins to DNA is characterized by a reduction in the electrophoretic mobility of the nucleic acid. Binding affinity, stoichiometry, and kinetics can be obtained from such assays; however, it is often desirable to image the various species in the gel bands using TEM. Present methods for isolation of nucleoproteins from gel bands are inefficient and often destroy the native structure of the complexes. We have developed a technique, called “snapshot blotting,” by which nucleic acids and nucleoprotein complexes in electrophoresis gels can be electrophoretically transferred directly onto carbon-coated grids for TEM imaging.

Gary Bassell ◽  
Robert H. Singer

We have been investigating the spatial distribution of nucleic acids intracellularly using in situ hybridization. The use of non-isotopic nucleotide analogs incorporated into the DNA probe allows the detection of the probe at its site of hybridization within the cell. This approach therefore is compatible with the high resolution available by electron microscopy. Biotinated or digoxigenated probe can be detected by antibodies conjugated to colloidal gold. Because mRNA serves as a template for the probe fragments, the colloidal gold particles are detected as arrays which allow it to be unequivocally distinguished from background.

J. R. Hully ◽  
K. R. Luehrsen ◽  
K. Aoyagi ◽  
C. Shoemaker ◽  
R. Abramson

The development of PCR technology has greatly accelerated medical research at the genetic and molecular levels. Until recently, the inherent sensitivity of this technique has been limited to isolated preparations of nucleic acids which lack or at best have limited morphological information. With the obvious exception of cell lines, traditional PCR or reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) cannot identify the cellular source of the amplified product. In contrast, in situ hybridization (ISH) by definition, defines the anatomical location of a gene and/or it’s product. However, this technique lacks the sensitivity of PCR and cannot routinely detect less than 10 to 20 copies per cell. Consequently, the localization of rare transcripts, latent viral infections, foreign or altered genes cannot be identified by this technique. In situ PCR or in situ RT-PCR is a combination of the two techniques, exploiting the sensitivity of PCR and the anatomical definition provided by ISH. Since it’s initial description considerable advances have been made in the application of in situ PCR, improvements in protocols, and the development of hardware dedicated to in situ PCR using conventional microscope slides. Our understanding of the importance of viral latency or viral burden in regards to HIV, HPV, and KSHV infections has benefited from this technique, enabling detection of single viral copies in cells or tissue otherwise thought to be normal. Clearly, this technique will be useful tool in pathobiology especially carcinogenesis, gene therapy and manipulations, the study of rare gene transcripts, and forensics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 219-228
Nabanita Saikia ◽  
Mohamed Taha ◽  
Ravindra Pandey

The rational design of self-assembled nanobio-molecular hybrids of peptide nucleic acids with single-wall nanotubes rely on understanding how biomolecules recognize and mediate intermolecular interactions with the nanomaterial's surface.

2006 ◽  
Vol 175 (4S) ◽  
pp. 202-202 ◽  
Yvonne Burmeister ◽  
Kai Kraemer ◽  
Susanne Fuessel ◽  
Matthias Kotzsch ◽  
Axel Meye ◽  

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