The title of this study is the Strategy of Increasing Consumer Food Loyalty in CurupCity, Rejang Lebong Regency (Case Study in "Henvian" Typical Food Industry). Thisresearch is based on the importance of strategies in increasing business and consumerloyalty to products sold.Strategies to increase business and consumer loyalty can bedone with a SWOT analysis. Place of this research is the "Henvian" shop that sellstypical Rejang lebong food. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative.Informants in this study were people who were considered to know for certain about theHENVIAN Specialty Food Store in Curup City, Rejang Lebong Regency. The dataanalysis technique used in this study is a SWOT analysis to determine the strengths,weaknesses, opportunities and threats in a typical Rejang Lebong food business.By using SWOT analysis techniques that consist of strengths (weakness), weaknesses(weakness), opportunities (opportnity) and threats (threath). The results of this studycan be concluded that the internal factors that are the strength of the marketing strategyare the quality of the product that is good at a price affordable to the public andtourists, service that is friendly and responsive to consumer needs, as well astechnological advancements that facilitate the promotion of business. Internal factorsthat are a weakness are often lack of stock, there are some products that do not meet thestandard packaging, the product shelf life is short, employees do not use uniforms.External factors that become opportunities are a fairly high economic community,abundant raw materials while external factors that are a threat are the manycompetitors, an unstable economy, the price of basic needs increases. Based on theresults of the SWOT analysis of internal and external factors, the strategy used is toimprove product quality by improving the appearance of packaging and quality ofcontent and quality of service by providing uniforms to employees and providingstandards of service to consumers. .Keywords: Strategy, Consumer Loyalty, SWOT