scholarly journals Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia in elderly patients with dual chamber pacemakers: atrial pacing effect and risk factors

1998 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. 434 ◽  
S. Sack ◽  
N. Dagres ◽  
U. Wolfhard ◽  
J.B. Fuchs ◽  
A. Golles ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 40 (Supplement_1) ◽  
G Boriani ◽  
P Pieragnoli ◽  
G L Botto ◽  
M Gulizia ◽  
M Landolina ◽  

Abstract Background Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most prevalent heart rhythm disorder in clinical practice and it is associated with poor quality of life and increased risks of heart failure, dementia, stroke, and death. Moreover AF management is a huge cost for healthcare systems. AF is irregular, typically originates from the pulmonary veins, and as such, requires cardioversion to terminate persistent episodes. AF is not susceptible to pace-termination, however, the MINERVA trial has shown that AF may transform in slower organized rhythms such as atrial flutter or atrial tachycardia, which can often be terminated by atrial anticahycardia pacing (ATP); in particular by Reactive ATP, a specific ATP feature which can be re-armed when atrial arrhythmias get slower or more regular. The MINERVA trial showed that the combination of ATP, preventive atrial pacing algorithms and minimal ventricular pacing (MVP) was associated with lower progression to persistent and permanent AF, compared with standard DDD pacing mode and to MVP mode, in pacemaker patients with clinical history of AF. Purpose We aimed to confirm MINERVA trial results in real-world clinical practice and to evaluate whether AF prevention was associated with preventive atrial pacing or solely with ATP. Indeed in our project atrial preventive pacing algorithms were not enabled and the pacing mode (DDD or MVP) was chosen according to patients' AV conduction characteristics. Methods Consecutive dual-chamber pacemaker patients with sinus node disease and device detected AT/AF were prospectively followed by 30 Italian cardiologic centers in an observational research. Clinical and device data were collected and reviewed by expert cardiologists to assess AT/AF occurrence through in clinic visit and/or remote transmissions of device data. Results A total of 239 patients (73 years old, 56% male) wearing a dual-chamber pacemaker with Reactive ATP were included in the project, followed for a median observation period of 13 months and compared with 1145 patients included in the MINERVA trial followed for a median observation period of 34 months and programmed with DDD pacing mode (383 patients), MVP (389 patients) and MVP+Reactive ATP+preventive algorithms (373 patients). As shown in the following figure incidence of 7 consecutive days of AF in the patients treated by DDD/MVP+Reactive ATP in real-world clinical practice was very similar to that found in the MINERVA trial arm programmed with MVP+Reactive ATP+preventive algorithms. Incidence of AF longer than 7 days Conclusions Our analysis performed in a population of sinus node disease patients with dual-chamber pacemakers confirmed MINERVA trial results in terms of prevention of long-lasting AF episodes. In particular these results confirm the benefit associated with the use of Reactive ATP, rather than preventive atrial pacing algorithms.

2015 ◽  
Vol 19 (65) ◽  
pp. 1-210 ◽  
Steven J Edwards ◽  
Charlotta Karner ◽  
Nicola Trevor ◽  
Victoria Wakefield ◽  
Fatima Salih

BackgroundBradycardia [resting heart rate below 60 beats per minute (b.p.m.)] can be caused by conditions affecting the natural pacemakers of the heart, such as sick sinus syndrome (SSS) and atrioventricular (AV) blocks. People suffering from bradycardia may present with palpitations, exercise intolerance and fainting. The only effective treatment for patients suffering from symptomatic bradycardia is implantation of a permanent pacemaker.ObjectiveTo appraise the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of dual-chamber pacemakers compared with single-chamber atrial pacemakers for treating symptomatic bradycardia in people with SSS and no evidence of AV block.Data sourcesAll databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Health Technology Assessment database, NHS Economic Evaluations Database) were searched from inception to June 2014.MethodsA systematic review of the clinical and economic literature was carried out in accordance with the general principles published by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating dual-chamber and single-chamber atrial pacemakers and economic evaluations were included. Pairwise meta-analysis was carried out. A de novo economic model was developed.ResultsOf 493 references, six RCTs were included in the review. The results were predominantly influenced by the largest trial DANPACE. Dual-chamber pacing was associated with a statistically significant reduction in reoperation [odds ratio (OR) 0.48, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.36 to 0.63] compared with single-chamber atrial pacing. The difference is primarily because of the development of AV block requiring upgrade to a dual-chamber device. The risk of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation was also reduced with dual-chamber pacing compared with single-chamber atrial pacing (OR 0.75, 95% CI 0.59 to 0.96). No statistically significant difference was found between the pacing modes for mortality, heart failure, stroke, chronic atrial fibrillation or quality of life. However, the risk of developing heart failure may vary with age and device. The de novo economic model shows that dual-chamber pacemakers are more expensive and more effective than single-chamber atrial devices, resulting in a base-case incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of £6506. The ICER remains below £20,000 in probabilistic sensitivity analysis, structural sensitivity analysis and most scenario analyses and one-way sensitivity analyses. The risk of heart failure may have an impact on the decision to use dual-chamber or single-chamber atrial pacemakers. Results from an analysis based on age (> 75 years or ≤ 75 years) and risk of heart failure indicate that dual-chamber pacemakers dominate single-chamber atrial pacemakers (i.e. are less expensive and more effective) in older patients, whereas dual-chamber pacemakers are dominated by (i.e. more expensive and less effective) single-chamber atrial pacemakers in younger patients. However, these results are based on a subgroup analysis and should be treated with caution.ConclusionsIn patients with SSS without evidence of impaired AV conduction, dual-chamber pacemakers appear to be cost-effective compared with single-chamber atrial pacemakers. The risk of developing a complete AV block and the lack of tools to identify patients at high risk of developing the condition argue for the implantation of a dual-chamber pacemaker programmed to minimise unnecessary ventricular pacing. However, considerations have to be made around the risk of developing heart failure, which may depend on age and device.Study registrationThis study is registered as PROSPERO CRD42013006708.FundingThe National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment programme.

Heart Rhythm ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 2 (11) ◽  
pp. 1203-1210 ◽  
Johannes Sperzel ◽  
Goran Milasinovic ◽  
Timothy W. Smith ◽  
Hardwin Mead ◽  
Johan Brandt ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 137-142
Ka Ying Miu ◽  
Ching Wai Chan ◽  
Pui Shan Lam ◽  
Ching Kok ◽  
Kai Yin Lam ◽  

2008 ◽  
Vol 149 (11) ◽  
pp. 493-503 ◽  
Andor Sebestyén ◽  
Imre Boncz ◽  
Ferenc Tóth ◽  
Márta Péntek ◽  
József Nyárády ◽  

A csípőtáji törésekhez idős korban magas halálozás társul. A szakirodalomban kevés a nagy beteganyagot feldolgozó, országos kiterjedésű ellátórendszer adatain alapuló feldolgozás. Célkitűzés: A tanulmány célja a 60 év feletti akut, monotraumás combnyaktöröttek primer ellátását követő halálozások vizsgálata havonta és évente ötéves utánkövetéssel, valamint a különböző rizikófaktoraik halálozásra gyakorolt hatásainak értékelése az egyes időperiódusokban. Módszer: Az adatok az Országos Egészségbiztosítási Pénztár adatbázisából származnak. Az értékelés bázisát a fekvőbeteg-ellátást végző intézményekből combnyaktörés primer műtéti ellátását követően 2000. évben emittált betegek képezik. Bemutatjuk az átlagos évenkénti, havonkénti és heti halálozási arányokat, valamint rizikótényezők szerinti alakulásukat havonként és évenként. A rizikótényezők és a halálozás kapcsolatának értékelése logisztikus és Cox-regressziós analízissel történik. Eredmények: A tanulmányban 3783 fő került elemzésre. Átlagéletkoruk 77,97 (SD 8,52) év. A halálozás az első héten 1,71%, 30 napon belül 8,99%, az első évben 30,74%, öt év alatt 61,88% volt. A halálozás havi szinten az első 5 hónapig mutat csökkenést, éves szinten az első év után stagnál. A rizikófaktorok közül a férfinem és a magasabb életkor öt évig, a kísérőbetegségek hatásai a negyedik évig, a laterális combnyaktöréstípus és a 12 órán túli ellátás két évig, a korai lokális szövődmények egy évig, a hétvégi ellátások az első hónapban eredményeznek magasabb halálozási kockázatot. Az országos és egyetemi ellátásokat követően az első évben alacsonyabb a halálozási kockázat. Következtetések: A csípőtáji törések managementjében a halálozások csökkentése érdekében hangsúlyozzuk a 12 órán belüli ellátás, a törési típusnak megfelelő módszerválasztás, a hét minden napján történő azonos ellátási feltételek biztosítása, az ellátások centrumokba történő szervezése, a beteg általános állapotának és kísérőbetegségeinek megfelelő akut ellátás és az utókezelések fontosságát.

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