Elevated FXIIIA and serine proteases upon filtration of platelet concentrate on negatively charged filters: comparison with other established haemostatic markers of platelet activation and storage lesion

2003 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-125
Jerard Seghatchian
Blood ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 110 (11) ◽  
pp. 4020-4020
Peter Schubert ◽  
Jonathan N. Thon ◽  
Geraldine M. Walsh ◽  
Katherine Serrano ◽  
Edwin D. Moore ◽  

Abstract Platelet transfusion is a standard live-saving medical procedure for patients with platelet-deficient diseases like leukemia. Platelets have a limited shelf-life of 5–7 days for transfusion purposes. This is in part due to a storage-related deterioration typified by altered morphology features and platelet metabolism as well as increased platelet activation. While the manifestations of the platelet storage lesion (PSL) are well known, the precise biochemical pathways involved in the initiation or exacerbation of this process have yet to be identified. Recently, we analyzed protein changes in the platelet proteome at day 1 and day 7 of storage by using a comprehensive proteomic approach. Out of 503 proteins, twelve were identified as significantly and consistently changing in relative concentration across all proteomic probes, including glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa, Rap1 and talin, which showed an increase in their concentration paralleled with an increase in surface expression of GPIIb/IIIa. Synthesis of Rap1 in stored platelets could be demonstrated after incubation with the translational inhibitor rapamycin at a final concentration of 10 nM for twelve hours and subsequent activation with thrombin. Flow cytometry revealed that storage lead to a moderate level of platelet activation (10.5 ± 1.4% at day1 and 28.8 ± 1.3% at day 7 of storage) compared to ADP-treated controls (73.7 ± 1.2%) monitored by CD62P surface expression, in a rapamycin-independent manner. Microscopic analyses revealed similar re-localization patterns for GPIIIa, Rap1 and talin comparing changes during platelet storage and agonist induced activation. A significant correlation (p=0.007) between Rap1 activation and CD62P surface expression was seen. This observation is in strong agreement with a model for platelet GP IIb/IIIa activation [Han et al., Current Biology, 16, 1796–1806, 2007] also suggesting a calcium-dependent initiation of signal transduction. To analyze this hypothesis in more detail, treatment of platelets sampled at days 1, 4 and 7 of storage with 1 mM EDTA for 2 hours resulted in decreased Rap1 activation, in reduced surface expression of CD41 (GPIIb) and CD61 (GPIIIa) as well as in a lower level of platelet activation compared to untreated controls, respectively. This study unravels one aspect of the PSL, showing involvement of integrin signaling and identifying Rap1 as a novel marker for PSL. Therefore, this pathway offers potential targets for intervention which might lead to a reduction in platelet activation during storage, and may enable platelets to be stored for longer periods of time. From a transfusion point of view, however, extending the shelf-life of platelet units will ultimately need to be balanced with maintaining the quality of transfused platelets, their functionality, and efficacy in the patient.

Blood ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 112 (11) ◽  
pp. 996-996
Valery Leytin ◽  
David J. Allen ◽  
Asuman Mutlu ◽  
Sergiy Mykhaylov ◽  
Elena Lyubimov ◽  

Abstract Platelet storage lesion is a serious problem limiting clinical use of platelet concentrates (PC) after extended and long-term storage. Platelet activation is a well-known manifestation of platelet storage lesion. However, over the last decade, platelet apoptosis has been also recognized in stored PCs and in platelets following exposure to thrombin, calcium ionophores, anti-platelet antibodies and very high shear stresses. The aim of this study was to elucidate the contribution of platelet activation and apoptosis to the platelet storage lesion during conventional (Days 2–5), extended (Days 6–8) and long-term (Days 11–16) PC storage. We prepared seven prestorage-leukoreduced PC by the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) method, stored PC for 2–16 days at 22°C, and used flow cytometry for determining platelet activation as P-selectin (CD62) exposure and platelet apoptosis as depolarization of mitochondrial inner membrane potential (ΔΨm), activation of executioner caspase-3, exposure of phosphatidylserine (PS) and release of apoptotic platelet fragments microparticles (MP). Platelet activation and apoptotic responses were also determined in fresh (Day 0) PRP using thrombin titration. We found a significant increase of platelet activation under conventional PC storage for 2–5 days (38.6 ± 3.1% CD62 positive cells, P < 0.0001). With extended (Days 6–8) storage, platelet activation was increased to 66.5 ± 5.3% and reached the maximal level of 92.0 ± 1.1% after 11–12 storage days (P < 0.0001). In contrast, ΔΨm depolarization and caspase-3 activation did not increase in comparison with Day 0 platelets, even after PC storage for 12 days (P > 0.05) and storage for 13–16 days was required for significant triggering these apoptotic events (P < 0.05-0.0001). Similarly, although we observed a slight increase of PS exposure (5–10%) and MP release (9–11%) during PC storage for 2–12 days, incubation for 13–16 days was required for a stronger (30–60%) stimulation of these apoptotic manifestations (P < 0.001-0.0001). Paired comparison between the effects of PC storage on CD62 exposure and apoptotic events clearly demonstrated for all storage times a significantly higher level of platelet activation than levels of ΔΨm depolarization, caspase-3 activation, PS exposure and MP release (P < 0.01-0.0001). Furthermore, we found that when fresh (Day 0) PRP was treated with different thrombin doses, ranging from 0.05 to 10 U/ml, a much higher maximal level of platelet activation (~90%) was reached, in comparison to the level of apoptosis (30–40%), and 100- to 200-fold lower dose of thrombin were required for maximal induction of activation (0.05–0.1 U/ml) than for stimulation of apoptosis (10 U/ml). Taken together, these data indicate that (i) during PC storage, platelet activation is triggered much earlier than platelet apoptosis, (ii) platelet activation rather than apoptosis contributes most to the platelet storage lesion during conventional (Days 2–5) and extended (Days 6–8) PC storage whereas during long-term (Days 13–16) storage both responses are involved in platelet deterioration, and (iii) platelet activation and apoptosis are different phenomena; they may be induced by different mechanisms and/or require quite different levels of triggering stimuli.

1991 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 143-149 ◽  
Mona K. Elias ◽  
Joost Th. M. de Wolf ◽  
Nel Blom ◽  
Luit Rijskamp ◽  
Ruud M. Halie ◽  

Cells ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (8) ◽  
pp. 1915 ◽  
Marion Mussbacher ◽  
Teresa L. Krammer ◽  
Stefan Heber ◽  
Waltraud C. Schrottmaier ◽  
Stephan Zeibig ◽  

Blood-derived microRNA signatures have emerged as powerful biomarkers for predicting and diagnosing cardiovascular disease, cancer, and metabolic disorders. Platelets and platelet-derived microvesicles are a major source of microRNAs. We have previously shown that the inappropriate anticoagulation and storage of blood samples causes substantial platelet activation that is associated with the release of platelet-stored molecules into the plasma. However, it is currently unclear if circulating microRNA levels are affected by artificial platelet activation due to suboptimal plasma preparation. To address this issue, we used a standardized RT-qPCR test for 12 microRNAs (thrombomiR®, TAmiRNA GmbH, Vienna, Austria) that have been associated with cardiovascular and thrombotic diseases and were detected in platelets and/other hematopoietic cells. Blood was prevented from coagulating with citrate–theophylline–adenosine–dipyridamole (CTAD), sodium citrate, or ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and stored for different time periods either at room temperature or at 4 °C prior to plasma preparation and the subsequent quantification of microRNAs. We found that five microRNAs (miR-191-5p, miR-320a, miR-21-5p, miR-23a-3p, and miR-451a) were significantly increased in the EDTA plasma. Moreover, we observed a time-dependent increase in plasma microRNAs that was most pronounced in the EDTA blood stored at room temperature for 24 h. Furthermore, significant correlations between microRNA levels and plasma concentrations of platelet-stored molecules pointed towards in vitro platelet activation. Therefore, we strongly recommend to (i) use CTAD as an anticoagulant, (ii) process blood samples as quickly as possible, and (iii) store blood samples at 4 °C whenever immediate plasma preparation is not feasible to generate reliable data on blood-derived microRNA signatures.

Blood ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 124 (21) ◽  
pp. SCI-28-SCI-28
Bernd Engelmann ◽  
Steffen Massberg

Abstract In evolutionarily ancient animals such as insects and crustaceans, the host responses to physical injury and to invading pathogens can be mediated by the same mechanism of coagulum formation of the hemolymph. During vertebrate evolution hemostasis has emerged as an independent process primarily involved in the rapid repair of blood vessel injuries. The core processes of hemostasis are blood coagulation (resulting in fibrin formation) and platelet activation. Both processes can independently interact with inflammatory responses as apparent in a pathological context such as during development of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Moreover, extravascular fibrin formation can promote the trapping of pathogens and thereby help to contain infections. Nonetheless, the connections between fibrin formation, platelet activation and innate immunity are incompletely understood. We have recently shown that during early systemic infection with E. coli microvascular thrombi are formed which capture bacteria together with innate leukocytes. These thrombi are fibrin-rich and are in general observed in less than 10% of vessels with diameters < 25 µm. Their formation is not accompanied by marked activation of inflammation since the levels of pro-inflammatory markers are unchanged. Microvascular thrombosis is almost completely suppressed in mice deficient for the neutrophil serine proteases elastase and cathepsin G (NE/CG-/-) which are major microbicidal effectors of neutrophils. In the microcirculation of NE/CG-/- mice, microbes are mostly tissue-associated. In contrast, they are mostly present inside blood vessels in wild type mice. The results of experimental changes in microvascular fibrin formation show that intravascular blood coagulation is causally involved in the capturing of bacteria and of myeloid cells and, additionally, promotes the bacterial killing. Overall this suggests that microvascular thrombosis supports recognition, containment and elimination of bacteria without inducing noticeable damage to the host. It thus fulfills the criteria for a comprehensive intravascular process of innate immunity. This mechanism of intravascular immunity, which was termed "immunothrombosis," is supported by tissue factor (TF), the overall initiator of blood coagulation, and by factor XII, the starter protein of the contact pathway. In particular, extracellular nucleosomes (eNUC)/neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) are indispensable for immunothrombosis. eNUC/NETs promote thrombosis by critically enhancing degradation of TFPI, the major antagonist of the coagulation start, via neutrophil elastase and by factor XII activation. Release of eNUC/NETs by neutrophils and induction of intravascular coagulation essentially require interaction of activated platelets with neutrophils. Interestingly, intravascular TF, factor XII, eNUC/NETs and innate leukocytes are almost completely dispensable for hemostasis. Furthermore, immunothrombosis in contrast to hemostasis develops in largely intact blood vessels. Together this indicates that thrombosis can be a physiological mechanism of innate immunity that is distinct from hemostasis. We have recently developed a new model for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) which closely reproduces the pathological changes in the vessel wall observed in most patients with DVT. Using this model, we show that intravascular TF, factor XII, eNUC/NETs, innate leukocytes and their interactions with platelets all critically promote DVT. Thus, DVT shares similar triggers (especially pathogens) and identical molecular and cellular mediators with immunothrombosis. In case of DIC, the connections to immunothrombosis are most likely similarly strong or even stronger. Finally, our results also show that mediators of immunothrombosis such as eNUC/NETs and neutrophil serine proteases are main triggers of arterial thrombosis. Hence, together with hemostasis, immunothrombosis likely constitutes the major biological template process for both (pathological) microvascular thrombosis and large vessel thrombosis. Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

2014 ◽  
Vol 138 (11) ◽  
pp. 1481-1487 ◽  
Christopher A. Tormey ◽  
Gary Stack

Context The extent to which changes in secretory function contribute to the storage lesion of platelets (PLTs) prepared for transfusion is not well described. Objective To develop a cytokine-release assay for the assessment of PLT secretory capacity during the preparation and storage of PLTs. Design Small volumes of PLT-rich plasma and PLT concentrate (PC) were prepared from whole blood (WB; N = 4 donors). Aliquots of WB, PLT-rich plasma, and PC were treated with 20 μM adenosine diphosphate or saline (control). Samples of WB-derived PCs obtained from a regional blood center were similarly stimulated at various storage times (N = 10 units). Plasma levels of RANTES (chemokine ligand 5; regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted) and PLT aggregation were measured following agonist addition. Results Adenosine diphosphate stimulated RANTES release from PLTs in fresh WB on average by 4.1-fold (P &lt; .001), in PLT-rich plasma by 4.7-fold (P = .002), and in PC by 1.3-fold (P &lt; .001). For blood center PCs, adenosine diphosphate failed to stimulate RANTES release at day 2 of storage or later (P ≥ .31). Baseline RANTES levels in the plasma/supernatant increased 660% during PC preparation (P = .02) and an additional 30% during subsequent storage (P &lt; .001). Mean PLT aggregation decreased during processing from WB (95.6%) to PC (60.5%; P = .04). For blood center PCs, mean PLT aggregation decreased substantially from days 2 (41.0%) to 7 (2.3%; P &lt; .001). Conclusions A cytokine-release assay revealed a diminution in PLT secretory capacity during PC processing and storage, with complete elimination by day 2 of storage. Loss of PLT aggregability occurred more slowly. The cytokine-release assay may be a useful endpoint for optimizing PLT preparation and storage.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 72 ◽  
Hayoung Yang ◽  
Woosun Kim ◽  
Junwoo Bae ◽  
Hyunwoo Kim ◽  
Sangki Kim ◽  

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