Relevance of the work. Nowadays, Russian enterprises and their employees are subjects of the labour, product, services market, and capital market. An analysis of the theory, methodology and practice of labour standards for workers in coalmining enterprises has shown that rate fixing, as one of the important institutions that regulate the quality, quantity and efficiency of labour use, restrains an employee’s subjectivity in the labour market. Lack of subjectivity is disadvantageous either to employees, or to management (to the owners of the enterprise, or the state), since it does not allow increasing labour efficiency, which is a source of workers’ dissatisfaction with the quality of working life and incomes, labour conflicts, insufficient to ensure the competitiveness of enterprises with increased productivity and labour safety, insufficient growth tax revenues to the state budget. These circumstances indicate the need to develop the theory and methodology of labour standards for workers of coal-mining enterprises aimed at increasing the market subjectivity of each employee of the enterprise by means of socio-economic standardization of his labour activity allowing the employee to satisfy his socioeconomic needs, and the enterprise to carry out socio-economic development as one of the conditions for effective functioning in a market environment. Purpose of the work – theoretical and methodological substantiation of the socio-economic standardization of labour activity of coal-mining workers as a real socio-economic phenomenon and a means to increase their market subjectivity, and for an enterprise to successfully realize the goals of socio-economic development in the conditions of high dynamics of the functioning environment. Methodology and methods of research. The methodology of socio-economic regulation of labour activity of workers is based on the theoretical and methodological provisions of the scientific organization of labour, the results of modern research on the development of labour standards in the context of the formation of a socially oriented market economy and an institutional approach that allows us studying the problems of functioning and changing the role of labour standards as one of the social and economic institutions that form the market subjectivity of the employee and the level of social -economic development of the enterprise. Results of the research. The key concepts of the methodology of socio-economic standardization are identified, the main provisions of the concept of socio-economic standardization of labour activity of coal-mining workers are developed. Conclusions. The increase in the market subjectivity of workers is ensured by the formation and adoption by the enterprise management of the socio-economic standardization of the labour activity of workers at all levels of management, which is based on the determination, establishment and maintenance of a measure of conformity of the social and economic benefits received by the employee, the results of his labour activity and the conditions for obtaining these results.