2015 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  

Let $F_{2}$ denote the free group on two generators $a$ and $b$. For any measure-preserving system $(X,{\mathcal{X}},{\it\mu},(T_{g})_{g\in F_{2}})$ on a finite measure space $X=(X,{\mathcal{X}},{\it\mu})$, any $f\in L^{1}(X)$, and any $n\geqslant 1$, define the averaging operators $$\begin{eqnarray}\displaystyle {\mathcal{A}}_{n}f(x):=\frac{1}{4\times 3^{n-1}}\mathop{\sum }_{g\in F_{2}:|g|=n}f(T_{g}^{-1}x), & & \displaystyle \nonumber\end{eqnarray}$$ where $|g|$ denotes the word length of $g$. We give an example of a measure-preserving system $X$ and an $f\in L^{1}(X)$ such that the sequence ${\mathcal{A}}_{n}f(x)$ is unbounded in $n$ for almost every $x$, thus showing that the pointwise and maximal ergodic theorems do not hold in $L^{1}$ for actions of $F_{2}$. This is despite the results of Nevo–Stein and Bufetov, who establish pointwise and maximal ergodic theorems in $L^{p}$ for $p>1$ and for $L\log L$ respectively, as well as an estimate of Naor and the author establishing a weak-type $(1,1)$ maximal inequality for the action on $\ell ^{1}(F_{2})$. Our construction is a variant of a counterexample of Ornstein concerning iterates of a Markov operator.

1979 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 441-447 ◽  
Humphrey Fong

1. Introduction. Let (X, , m) be a σ-finite measure space and let T be a positive linear operator on L1 = L1(X, , m). T is called Markovian if(1.1)T is called sub-Markovian if(1.2)All sets and functions are assumed measurable; all relations and statements are assumed to hold modulo sets of measure zero.For a sequence of L1+ functions (ƒ0, ƒ1, ƒ2, …), let(ƒn) is called a super additive sequence or process, and (sn) a super additive sum relative to a positive linear operator T on L1 if(1.3)and(1.4)

1974 ◽  
Vol 26 (5) ◽  
pp. 1206-1216 ◽  
J. R. Baxter ◽  
R. V. Chacon

Two general types of pointwise ergodic theorems have been studied: those as t approaches infinity, and those as t approaches zero. This paper deals with the latter case, which is referred to as the local case.Let (X, , μ) be a complete, σ-finite measure space. Let {Tt} be a strongly continuous one-parameter semi-group of contractions on , defined for t ≧ 0. For Tt positive, it was shown independently in [2] and [5] that1.1almost everywhere on X, for any f ∊ L1. The same result was obtained in [1], with the continuity assumption weakened to having it hold for t > 0.

1993 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 449-469 ◽  
M. A. Akcoglu ◽  
Y. Déniel

AbstractLet ℝ denote the real line. Let {Tt}tєℝ be a measure preserving ergodic flow on a non atomic finite measure space (X, ℱ, μ). A nonnegative function φ on ℝ is called a weight function if ∫ℝ φ(t)dt = 1. Consider the weighted ergodic averagesof a function f X —> ℝ, where {θk} is a sequence of weight functions. Some sufficient and some necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the a.e. convergence of Akf, in particular for a special case in whichwhere φ is a fixed weight function and {(ak, rk)} is a sequence of pairs of real numbers such that rk > 0 for all k. These conditions are obtained by a combination of the methods of Bellow-Jones-Rosenblatt, developed to deal with moving ergodic averages, and the methods of Broise-Déniel-Derriennic, developed to deal with unbounded weight functions.

1977 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-138 ◽  
R. J. Fleming ◽  
J. E. Jamison

AbstractLet Lp(Ω, K) denote the Banach space of weakly measurable functions F defined on a finite measure space and taking values in a separable Hilbert space K for which ∥ F ∥p = ( ∫ | F(ω) |p)1/p < + ∞. The bounded Hermitian operators on Lp(Ω, K) (in the sense of Lumer) are shown to be of the form , where B(ω) is a uniformly bounded Hermitian operator valued function on K. This extends the result known for classical Lp spaces. Further, this characterization is utilized to obtain a new proof of Cambern's theorem describing the surjective isometries of Lp(Ω, K). In addition, it is shown that every adjoint abelian operator on Lp(Ω, K) is scalar.

1980 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 880-884
James H. Olsen

Let (X, F,) be a sigma-finite measure space. In what follows we assume p fixed, 1 < p < ∞ . Let T be a contraction of Lp(X, F, μ) (‖T‖,p ≦ 1). If ƒ ≧ 0 implies Tƒ ≧ 0 we will say that T is positive. In this paper we prove that if is a uniform sequence (see Section 2 for definition) and T is a positive contraction of Lp, thenexists and is finite almost everywhere for every ƒ ∊ Lp(X, F, μ).

1980 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-116 ◽  
James H. Olsen

Let (X, I, μ) be a σ-finite measure space and let T take Lp to Lp, p fixed, 1<p<∞,‖t‖p≤1. We shall say that the individual ergodic theorem holds for T if for any uniform sequence K1, k2,… (for the definition, see [2]) and for any f∊LP(X), the limitexists and is finite almost everywhere.

John H. Halton

Given a totally finite measure space (S, S, μ) and two μ-integrable, non-negative functions f(x) and φ(x) defined in S, such that whenthenwe define correlated sampling as the technique of estimatingby sampling an estimator functionwhere ξ is uniformly distributed in S with respect to μ (i.e. for any T ∈ S, p(T) = μ(T)/μ(S) is the probability that ξ lies in T): and importance sampling as estimating L by sampling the estimator functionwhere η is distributed in S with probability density φ(x)/ΦThen, clearly,It follows that υ(ξ) and ν(η) are both unbiased estimators of L, and that their variances can both be made to approach zero arbitrarily closely by making φ(x) a sufficiently close approximation to f(x).

1992 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 509-558 ◽  
Joseph M. Rosenblatt ◽  
Mate Wierdl

AbstractThere is a maximal inequality on the integers which implies not only the classical ergodic maximal inequality and certain maximal inequalities for moving averages and differentiation theory, but it also has the following consequence: let P1 ≤ P2 ≤ … ≤ Pk+1 be positive integers. For a σ-finite measure-preserving system (Ω, β, μ, T) and an a.e. finite β-measurable f denoteThen for any λ > 0 and f ∈ L1(Ω)We show how the multi-parametric and superadditive versions of the previous equation can be obtained from the corresponding inequality for reversed supermartingales. The possibility of similar theorems for martingales and other sequences is also discussed.

1982 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 468-471
James H. Olsen

AbstractLet (X, , μ) be a σ-finite measure space, p fixed, 1 < p < ∞, T a linear operator of Lp(X,μ), {αi} a sequence of complex numbers. Ifexists and is finite a.e. we say the individual weighted ergodic theorem holds for T with the weights {αi}In this paper we show that if {αi} is a bounded Besicovitch sequence and T is a Dunford-Schwartz operator (i.e.: ||T||1≤1, ||T||∞≤1) then the individual weighted ergodic theorem holds for T with the weights {αi}.

1973 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-163
A. N. Al-Hussaini

In the following (Ω, α, μ) is a totally σ-finite measure space except where noted. For a sub-σ-algebra β ⊂ α, the conditional expectation E{f|β} off given β is a function measurable relative to β, such thatIn [5] R.G.Douglas proved, among other things the following, in the finite case:Suppose μ(Ω)=l. Then a linear operator T on L1(Ω, α,μ) is a conditional expect ion if and only if1.11.21.3The point of this note is to characterize conditional expectation in the σ-finite case (Theorems 2, 3).

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