separable hilbert space
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2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Ravshan Ashurov ◽  
Yusuf Fayziev

The nonlocal boundary value problem, dtρu(t)+Au(t)=f(t) (0<ρ<1, 0<t≤T), u(ξ)=αu(0)+φ (α is a constant and 0<ξ≤T), in an arbitrary separable Hilbert space H with the strongly positive selfadjoint operator A, is considered. The operator dt on the left hand side of the equation expresses either the Caputo derivative or the Riemann–Liouville derivative; naturally, in the case of the Riemann–Liouville derivatives, the nonlocal boundary condition should be slightly changed. Existence and uniqueness theorems for solutions of the problems under consideration are proved. The influence of the constant α on the existence of a solution to problems is investigated. Inequalities of coercivity type are obtained and it is shown that these inequalities differ depending on the considered type of fractional derivatives. The inverse problems of determining the right-hand side of the equation and the function φ in the boundary conditions are investigated.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-29
Wanting Lu ◽  
Heping Wang

We study the approximation of multivariate functions from a separable Hilbert space in the randomized setting with the error measured in the weighted L2 norm. We consider algorithms that use standard information Λstd consisting of function values or general linear information Λall consisting of arbitrary linear functionals. We investigate the equivalences of various notions of algebraic and exponential tractability in the randomized setting for Λstd and Λall for the normalized or absolute error criterion. For the normalized error criterion, we show that the power of Λstd is the same as that of Λall for all notions of exponential tractability and some notions of algebraic tractability without any condition. For the absolute error criterion, we show that the power of Λstd is the same as that of Λall for all notions of algebraic and exponential tractability without any condition. Specifically, we solve Open Problems 98, 101, 102 and almost solve Open Problem 100 as posed by E.Novak and H.Wo´zniakowski in the book: Tractability of Multivariate Problems, Volume III: Standard Information for Operators, EMS Tracts in Mathematics, Zürich, 2012.

2021 ◽  
Dumitru Adam

Abstract In 1993, Alcantara-Bode showed ([2]) that Riemann Hypothesisholds if and only if the integral operator on the Hilbert space L2(0; 1)having the kernel function defined by the fractional part of (y/x), isinjective. Since then, the injectivity of the integral operator used inequivalent formulation of RH has not been addressed nor has beendissociated from RH.We provided in this paper methods for investigating the injectivityof linear bounded operators on separable Hilbert spaces using theirapproximations on dense families of subspaces.On the separable Hilbert space L2(0,1), an linear bounded operator(or its associated Hermitian), strict positive definite on a dense familyof including approximation subspaces in built on simple functions, isinjective if the rate of convergence of its sequence of injectivity pa-rameters on approximation subspaces is inferior bounded by a not nullconstant, that is the case with the Beurling - Alcantara-Bode integraloperator.We applied these methods to the integral operator used in RHequivalence proving its injectivity.

Ravshan Ashurov ◽  
Yusuf Fayziev

The nonlocal boundary value problem, dt&rho;u(t)+Au(t)=f(t) (0&amp;lt;&rho;&amp;lt;1, 0&amp;lt;t&le;T), u(&xi;)=&alpha;u(0)+&phi; (&alpha; is a constant and 0&amp;lt;&xi;&le;T), in an arbitrary separable Hilbert space H with the strongly positive selfadjoint operator A, is considered. The operator dt on the left hand side of the equation expresses either the Caputo derivative or the Riemann-Liouville derivative; naturally, in the case of the Riemann - Liouville derivatives, the nonlocal boundary condition should be slightly changed. Existence and uniqueness theorems for solutions of the problems under consideration are proved. The influence of the constant &alpha; on the existence of a solution to problems is investigated. Inequalities of coercivity type are obtained and it is shown that these inequalities differ depending on the considered type of fractional derivatives. The inverse problems of determining the right-hand side of the equation and the function &phi; in the boundary conditions are investigated.

Soumia Saïdi

The main purpose of this work is to study the existence of solutions for a perturbed second-order evolution inclusion involving time-dependent subdifferential operators. Under suitable conditions on the set-valued perturbation, the main result of the paper is proved in the context of a separable Hilbert space. A second-order evolution quasi-variational inequality is also investigated.

Marat V. Markin ◽  
Olivia B. Soghomonian

We extend the well-known characterizations of convergence in the spaces l p ( 1 ≤ p < ∞ ) of p -summable sequence and c 0 of vanishing sequences to a general characterization of convergence in a Banach space with a Schauder basis and obtain as instant corollaries characterizations of convergence in an infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space and the space c of convergent sequences.“The method in the present paper is abstract and is phrased in terms of Banach spaces, linear operators, and so on. This has the advantage of greater simplicity in proof and greater generality in applications.” Jacob T. Schwartz

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Youssef Benkabdi ◽  
E. Lakhel

Abstract In this paper, the controllability of a class of impulsive neutral stochastic integro-differential systems with infinite delay driven by Rosenblatt process in a separable Hilbert space is studied. The controllability result is obtained by using stochastic analysis and a fixed-point strategy. A practical example is provided to illustrate the viability of the abstract result of this work.

Bui Khanh Hang ◽  
Tran Manh Cuong ◽  
Ta Cong Son

Let $\{X_{n}, {n}\in \mathbb{N}\}$ be a sequence of negatively superadditive dependent random vectors taking values in a real separable Hilbert space. In this paper, we present the weak laws of large numbers for weighted sums (with or without random indices) of $\{X_{n}, {n}\in \mathbb{N}\}$.

Youssef Benkabdi ◽  
Lakhel El Hassan

In this paper the controllability of a class of impulsive neutral stochastic integro-differential systems driven by fractional Brownian motion and Poisson process in a separable Hilbert space with infinite delay is studied. The controllability result is obtained by using stochastic analysis and a fixed-point strategy. Finally, an illustrative example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the obtained result.

Nastaran Alizadeh Moghaddam ◽  
Mohammad Janfada

Motivated by frame-vector for a unitary system, we study a class of cyclic operators on a separable Hilbert space which is called frame-cyclic operators. The orbit of such an operator on some vector, namely frame-cyclic vector, is a frame. Some properties of these operators on finite- and infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces and their relations with cyclic and hypercyclic operators are established. A lower and upper bound for the norm of a self-adjoint frame-cyclic operator is obtained. Also, construction of the set of frame-cyclic vectors is considered. Finally, we deal with Kato’s approximation of frame-cyclic operators and discuss their frame-cyclic properties.

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