Three incompatible hypotheses: evidence from Blackfoot

Donald G. Frantz

Given the present state of transformational grammar theory, it is virtually impossible to provide convincing support for, or (and this, of course, is more serious) evidence against, any single hypothesis. Between 1957 and 1965, revisions of the theory and new hypotheses were generally proposed one or two at a time and tested within the otherwise widely accepted theoretical framework (the ‘paradigm’: Kuhn 1962). However, in recent years just about everything but the need for transformations to pair more abstract objects with actual and/or potential linguistic objects has been called into question or affected somehow by new hypotheses. Consequently, linguists must realize that any evidence they attempt to marshal for or against a particular hypothesis can be refuted or circumvented by at least one combination of other apparently unrelated popular hypotheses (abetted by the excessive power of transformational rules: Peters 1970).

Jorge Baptista

This article presents a proposal for the analysis of transitive-predicative verbal constructions, not derivable transformationally from completive constructions. The theoretical framework of operator-transformational grammar and the methodological principles of the reference framework of the Lexicon-Grammar are adopted herein. The article identifies a set of constructions and distinguishes them from other structures, usually identified as transitive-predicative structures in the literature

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 89-97
D. V. Zav’yalova

The article focuses on the present state of digital forensics and its potential when investigating different types of crimes with a “digital” element. It also presents a brief historical overview of the development of digital forensics as an independent type of forensic examination, its theoretical framework.The paper presents a summary of the practice of the Laboratory of Digital Forensics of the Russian Federal Centre of Forensic Science of the Russian Ministry of Justice over 2017–2019. In the course of the summary, the author analyses typical questions to experts, the percentage of cases’ categories, the most common objects of the expertise, and experts’ opinions, their form, and completeness. Following the summary’s results, the most frequent investigators’ requests for this kind of examination have been highlighted. Also, typical errors at appointing the expertise have been revealed.The author presents a prognosis for the further development of digital forensics and proposes strategies and measures to minimize the errors at the appointment of the examinations and unsustainable expenditure of resources in appointment and conduct of this type of research.

Scott Soames

This chapter examines the dispute between Quine and Carnap about how to understand ontological commitment and what ontology to adopt. The central dispute is over Carnap’s acceptance of abstract objects, including numbers, properties, and propositions, which Quine characterizes in “On What There Is” (1948) as a form of Platonism. Carnap vigorously disagrees, responding in “Empiricism, Semantics, and Ontology” (1950, 1956). For him, commitments to these things are unproblematic consequences of accepting an optimal theoretical framework for doing science. Philosophers haven’t seen this because, he believes, they have approached ontology in an unscientific way.

Diachronica ◽  
1996 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 319-346 ◽  
Rodrigo Pérez Lorido

SUMMARY This paper is a study of verbal ellipsis in coordinated constructions in Old English, carried out within the theoretical framework of Transformational Grammar and assuming a deletion-based approach. The rule analysed here is the one known as Gapping, and the study focuses primarily on the discussion of its grammatical domain, trying to determine if the rule is a syntactic one or if it falls outside the domain of pure syntax. In order to achieve this, two basic aspects are dealt with which have traditionally constituted good tests of the grammatical nature of Gapping in different languages within the deletion-based approach: the extent to which the application of the rule depends on structural parallelism, and the possibility that Gapping may apply to non-adjacent sentences. The method I have pursued consists of analysing the Gapping patterns found in a corpus of seven Old English texts and comparing them with the well-known facts for Modern English under different perspectives. The conclusions I have come to seem to suggest that Gapping in Old English cannot be accounted for from a purely syntactic point of view and that stipulations of a pragmatic nature must also be included in its formulation. This has obvious consequences for a theory of ellipsis in Old English in particular, and for a theory of Old English grammar in general, for it might suggest that word order in Old English would nut rely only on principles of a syntactic nature, but also on others of a pragmatic, discourse-based one. RÉSUMÉ II s'agit, dans cet article, d'une etude de l'ellipse verbale dans les structures coordonnees en vieil-anglais, etude entreprise dans le cadre theorique de la grammaire generative transformationnelle et dans la perspective d'effacement par identite. La reglejque nous analysons ici est connue sous le nom de 'gapping' et le but fondamental de notre etude est de delimiter le domaine-gramma-tical ou cette regie opere, tout en essayant de demontrer s'il s'agit d'une regie strictement syntaxique ou si — au contraire — il s'agit d'une regie qui deborde le champ de la syntaxe. Pour atteindre ce but on a analyse surtout deux aspects qui constituent, traditionnellement, des preuves fiables lors de la determination du domaine grammatical du 'gapping', a savoir, le degre de parallelisme structural necessaire pour que la regie y opere et la possibilité d'application de celle-ci dans des phrases non adjacentes. La demarche suivie dans cette etude con-siste a analyser les differents exemples de 'gapping' depouilles dans un corpus constitue par sept textes d'ancien anglais, et a les comparer avec des faits pertinents en anglais moderne sous d'autres perspectives. Les conclusions aux-quelles l'auteur a abouti semblent indiquer que le 'gapping' en ancien anglais repond moins a des restrictions syntaxiques qu'en anglais moderne, et que dans sa formulation des stipulations syntaxiques aussi bien que pragmatico-discursives doivent y intervenir. Ce fait aura d'evidentes repercussions pour une theorie de l'ellipse en ancien anglais et, par la, meme pour une theorie de la grammaire de 1'ancien anglais en general, puisqu'il suggere que l'ordre des mots dans cette langue n'est pas uniquement le reflet de principes de type syn-taxique, mais egalement de type communicatif et discursif. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Dieser Aufsatz untersucht die verbale Auslassung in koordinierten Kon-struktionen des Altenglischen; dabei diente sowohl die generative Transforma-tionsgrammatik als auch die Gleichheitsauslassung als theoretische Grundlage. Die hier analysierte Regel ist allgemeinhin als 'Gapping' bekannt. Die Studie befaßt sich hauptsachlich mit der Untersuchung der grammatischen Reichweite dieser Regel; dabei wird versucht zu ermitteln, ob sie nur auf den syntak-tischen Bereich angewandt werden kann oder ob sie liber die reine Syntax hinausreicht. Um dies zu erreichen, werden zwei grundlegende grammatische Aspekte genauer untersucht, die erfahrungsgemaB zu guten Ergebnissen bei der grammatischen Analyse von Gapping in anderen Sprachen beigetragen ha-ben: das AusmaB, von dem die Anwendung der Regel von struktureller Paral-lelitat abhangt, und die Moglichkeit, daB Gapping auch bei nicht aufeinander folgenden Satzen angetroffen werden kann. Die hier angewandte Methode besteht aus einer Analyse der vorhandenen Muster von Gapping in einem Korpus von sieben altenglischen Texten und einem anschließenden Vergleich mit den weitlaufig bekannten Fakten des modernen Englisch. Die Ergebnisse, zu denen der Autor gekommen ist, machen deutlich, daB im Altenglischen Gapping nicht so sehr den syntaktischen Restriktionen entspricht wie im modernen Englisch, und daB man in seine Formulierung auch grammatisch-diskursive Festlegungen einschließen soil. Das hat deutlich Folgen für eine Theorie der Auslassung im Altenglischen und auch fiir eine Grammatiktheorie des Altenglischen im Allgemeinen, denn das würde heiBen, daB die Wort-stellung in dieser Sprache nicht nur von Prinzipien syntaktischer Art abhangig ist, sondern auch von solchen kommunikativer und diskursiver Natur.

2020 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
Myrthe Faber

Abstract Gilead et al. state that abstraction supports mental travel, and that mental travel critically relies on abstraction. I propose an important addition to this theoretical framework, namely that mental travel might also support abstraction. Specifically, I argue that spontaneous mental travel (mind wandering), much like data augmentation in machine learning, provides variability in mental content and context necessary for abstraction.

2019 ◽  
Einar Duenger Bøhn

2016 ◽  
Vol 224 (2) ◽  
pp. 102-111 ◽  
Carsten M. Klingner ◽  
Stefan Brodoehl ◽  
Gerd F. Volk ◽  
Orlando Guntinas-Lichius ◽  
Otto W. Witte

Abstract. This paper reviews adaptive and maladaptive mechanisms of cortical plasticity in patients suffering from peripheral facial palsy. As the peripheral facial nerve is a pure motor nerve, a facial nerve lesion is causing an exclusive deefferentation without deafferentation. We focus on the question of how the investigation of pure deefferentation adds to our current understanding of brain plasticity which derives from studies on learning and studies on brain lesions. The importance of efference and afference as drivers for cortical plasticity is discussed in addition to the crossmodal influence of different competitive sensory inputs. We make the attempt to integrate the experimental findings of the effects of pure deefferentation within the theoretical framework of cortical responses and predictive coding. We show that the available experimental data can be explained within this theoretical framework which also clarifies the necessity for maladaptive plasticity. Finally, we propose rehabilitation approaches for directing cortical reorganization in the appropriate direction and highlight some challenging questions that are yet unexplored in the field.

1980 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-25 ◽  
Manfred M. Fichter ◽  
Hans-Ulrich Wittchen

1984 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 344-346
Peter A. Magaro

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