Observations on the First Book of Lucan

1936 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-63
Robert J. Getty

The mistranslation by Mr. J. D. Duff of nox ubi sidera condit as ‘where night hides the stars’ is also the interpretation of many commentators from Sulpitius in the last decade of the fifteenth century to Lejay in the last decade of the nineteenth. Lucan is clearly speaking of East and West in 15, of South in 16, and of North in 17–18. How can night be said to hide the stars in the West? Burman saw the difficulty and expressed himself thus: ‘…dubito, an recte dicatur, nox condere sidera, id est, Stellas, quae sole cadente prodeunt, et se spectanda praebent, obscurare et occulere: neque nunc occurrit alius ex veteribus locus, unde ita locutos fuisse Poetas appareat. Nox enim adveniens prodit sidera, praecipitans uero, aurora adveniente, potest recte dici condere, et quasi auferre ex oculis hominum sidera.’ Burman then was tempted to understand sidera as the sun, but could not parallel this use of the plural, although he admitted the use of sidera solis. He cited Ouid. Met. 14, 172–3 caelumque et sidera solis / respicio, as did Haskins, who took the same view with hesitation. Ezra de Clerq van Jever in his Specimen Selectarum Observationum, which he published at Leiden in 1772, definitely understood sidera as the sun, though he could parallel only sidus in the singular from Ouid. A.A. 1, 723–4 aequoris unda / debet et a radiis sideris esse niger. But, it may be said, these Ovidian passages are such that no ambiguity is possible, and are not quite relevant to Lucan's phrase.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-24
Anne Katrine De Hemmer Gudme

This article investigates the importance of smell in the sacrificial cults of the ancient Mediterranean, using the Yahweh temple on Mount Gerizim and the Hebrew Bible as a case-study. The material shows that smell was an important factor in delineating sacred space in the ancient world and that the sense of smell was a crucial part of the conceptualization of the meeting between the human and the divine.  In the Hebrew Bible, the temple cult is pervaded by smell. There is the sacred oil laced with spices and aromatics with which the sanctuary and the priests are anointed. There is the fragrant and luxurious incense, which is burnt every day in front of Yahweh and finally there are the sacrifices and offerings that are burnt on the altar as ‘gifts of fire’ and as ‘pleasing odors’ to Yahweh. The gifts that are given to Yahweh are explicitly described as pleasing to the deity’s sense of smell. On Mount Gerizim, which is close to present-day Nablus on the west bank, there once stood a temple dedicated to the god Yahweh, whom we also know from the Hebrew Bible. The temple was in use from the Persian to the Hellenistic period (ca. 450 – 110 BCE) and during this time thousands of animals (mostly goats, sheep, pigeons and cows) were slaughtered and burnt on the altar as gifts to Yahweh. The worshippers who came to the sanctuary – and we know some of them by name because they left inscriptions commemorating their visit to the temple – would have experienced an overwhelming combination of smells: the smell of spicy herbs baked by the sun that is carried by the wind, the smell of humans standing close together and the smell of animals, of dung and blood, and behind it all as a backdrop of scent the constant smell of the sacrificial smoke that rises to the sky.

2016 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 273-315 ◽  
Ray Friedman ◽  
Ying-Yi Hong ◽  
Tony Simons ◽  
Shu-Cheng (Steve) Chi ◽  
Se-Hyung (David) Oh ◽  

Behavioral integrity (BI)—a perception that a person acts in ways that are consistent with their words—has been shown to have an impact on many areas of work life. However, there have been few studies of BI in Eastern cultural contexts. Differences in communication style and the nature of hierarchical relationships suggest that spoken commitments are interpreted differently in the East and the West. We performed three scenario-based experiments that look at response to word–deed inconsistency in different cultures. The experiments show that Indians, Koreans, and Taiwanese do not as readily revise BI downward following a broken promise as do Americans (Study 1), that the U.S.–Indian difference is especially pronounced when the speaker is a boss rather than a subordinate (Study 2), and that people exposed to both cultures adjust perceptions of BI based on the cultural context of where the speaking occurs (Study 3).

1975 ◽  
Vol 17 (10) ◽  
pp. 284-286
Lynda King‐Taylor
The Sun ◽  

Lucianna Benincasa

In this qualitative study of school discourse on national day commemorations, focus is on the "social creativity strategies" through which group members can improve their social identity. Discourse analysis was carried out on thirty-nine teachers' speeches delivered in Greek schools between 1998 and 2004. The speakers scorn rationality and logic, stereotypically attributed to "the West" (a "West" which is perceived not to include Greece), as cold and not human. The Greeks' successful national struggles are presented instead as the result of irrationality. They claim irrationality to be the most human and thus the most valuable quality, which places Greece first in the world hierarchy. The results are further discussed in terms of their implications for learning and teaching in the classroom, as well as for policy and research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. L25
Man-To Hui ◽  
Paul A. Wiegert ◽  
David J. Tholen ◽  
Dora Föhring

Abstract The Earth Trojans are coorbitals librating around the Lagrange points L 4 or L 5 of the Sun–Earth system. Although many numerical studies suggest that they can maintain their dynamical status and be stable on timescales up to a few tens of thousands of years or even longer, they remain an elusive population. Thus far only one transient member (2010 TK7) has been discovered serendipitously. Here, we present a dynamical study of asteroid 2020 XL5. With our meticulous follow-up astrometric observations of the object, we confirmed that it is a new Earth Trojan. However, its eccentric orbit brings it close encounters with Venus on a frequent basis. Based on our N-body integration, we found that the asteroid was captured into the current Earth Trojan status in the fifteenth century, and then it has a likelihood of 99.5% to leave the L 4 region within the next ∼10 kyr. Therefore, it is most likely that 2020 XL5 is dynamically unstable over this timescale.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-241
Volker W. Framenau ◽  
Barbara C. Baehr

The wolf spider (Lycosidae Sundevall, 1833) genusArtoriaThorell, 1877 is revised for New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, Australia, to include 34 species, 21 of which are new to science:A.albopilata(Urquhart, 1893),A.altaFramenau 2004,A.beaurysp. n.,A.barringtonensissp. n.,A.belfordensissp. n.,A.berenice(L. Koch, 1877),A.bondisp. n.,A.boodereesp. n.,A.comleroisp. n.,A.corowasp. n.,A.equipalussp. n.,A.extraordinariasp. n.,A.flavimanaSimon, 1909,A.gloriosa(Rainbow, 1920),A.grahammilledgeisp. n.,A.helensmithaesp. n.,A.howquaensisFramenau, 2002,A.kanangrasp. n.,A.kerewongsp. n.,A.lineata(L. Koch, 1877),A.marootasp. n.,A.mckayiFramenau, 2002,A.mungosp. n.,A.munmorahsp. n.,A.myallensissp. n.,A.quadrataFramenau, 2002,A.slatyerisp. n.,A.streperasp. n.,A.taeniiferaSimon, 1909,A.teraniasp. n.,A.triangularisFramenau, 2002,A.ulrichiFramenau, 2002,A.victoriensisFramenau, Gotch & Austin, 2006, andA.wilkieisp. n.LycosapruinosaL. Koch, 1877, currently listed inArtoria, is considered a nomen dubium.Artoriaare largely forest dwellers, although some species have preferences for more open areas such as riparian or coastal environments or grasslands. Consequently, the genus mainly occurs east and west along the Great Dividing Range, although some species can be found into the Riverina, Cobar Peneplain and Darling Riverine Plains IBRA regions to the west.

1988 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 315-349 ◽  
Edgar Melton

For over a century now, scholars have viewed the divergent paths of agrarian development east and west of the Elbe river as a watershed in German history. In the west, according to this view, peasants from the late Middle Ages on enjoyed increasing freedom from direct seigniorial interference in their social, economic, and judicial affairs. Seigniorial obligations (often commuted to cash rents) remained, as did a degree of seigniorial control over peasant lands in many regions, but peasants west of the Elbe increasingly shed the more onerous seigniorial obligations, and could generally move without the lord's permission.

Fred Hocker

Postmedieval maritime archaeology is focused more on naval ships than classical or medieval maritime archaeology. Merchant ship archaeology lived for many years in the shadow of naval ships. Ships and seafaring were an essential part of that growth and expansion, connecting remote parts of the world in a global economy. The period after 1400 is characterized by growth and bureaucratization in most of Europe. There were major developments in ship construction after 1400. In the Mediterranean, frame-based design and construction methods reached a stage of sophisticated geometrical precision. Mediterranean techniques began to be adopted along the Atlantic coast. The demographic and economic recovery of the fifteenth century and the globalization of seafaring lead to the use of a wider range of ship sizes. Privateering was a profitable enterprise in wartime. The growth of maritime archaeology was tied directly to popular cultural interest in perceived high points in national histories.

1955 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-58

1. An investigation was made of that part of the sun navigation hypothesis which proposes that birds detect longitude displacement by comparing home time (provided by an internal ‘chronometer’) with local time (estimated from the highest point of the sun arc). 2. Shearwaters were exposed for 4 days, and pigeons for ten days, to an artificial day 3 hr. in advance of normal. This did not result in any confusion of their orientation when released to the east. 3. More drastic treatment was then used, pigeons being subjected to 4-5 days of irregular light/dark sequences, followed by 5-11 days of regular sequences, advanced or retarded with respect to normal. 4. In tests from the west (2), east and north after this treatment, the ‘chronometers’ had apparantly been affected and the birds showed a definite tendency to fly in the predicted false direction--east after an advanced day, west after a retarded one. 5. Variations in the time-in-sight, and in the proportion of the more rapid returns supported the conclusions drawn from the orientation data. In a minority (25%) of the birds, the evidence suggests that the ‘chronometers’ were not affected. 6. It is concluded that these new results, taken with those produced previously, strongly support the suggestion that a form of complete, bico-ordinate sun navigation is used by birds.

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