scholarly journals Socialists and Bureaucrats: The Blum Government and the French Administration, 1936–37

1974 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 325-346 ◽  
Irwin M. Wall

The failure of the Popular Front government of 1936–1937 was at least two-fold: from the national standpoint it was able neither to formulate a foreign policy of anti-fascism nor to bring France out of the economic crisis; from the narrower political perspective it was unable to prevent a growing sense of disillusionment and recrimination among its constituents. Both aspects have received increasing attention from historians in recent years, although not always with sufficient regard for the extent to which the two problems might be separable. Greater intervention on behalf of the Spanish Republicans, for example, might not have saved the Spanish Republic, but even so would have gone far toward satisfying Blum's constituents and blunting communist criticism of his government. Abandonment of the forty-hour week, on the other hand, while adding to the deceptions of the left, might have permitted the achievement of the economic upturn upon which the hopes of the Popular Front ultimately rested. Spain and finances – war and economics, the twin chief concerns of western civilization in our century as A. J. P. Taylor has facetiously suggested – are the issues in terms of which most analysts of Blum's double failure have proceeded. But there is another which may have been equally important, and which appears to have been of greater significance in the eyes of contemporaries. This was the question of the relationship of the Blum government and the French administration. The increasingly blurred distinction between politics and administration characteristic of contemporary Gaullism, as well as the rigidity and resistance to innovation typical of the crisis-prone French bureaucratic style, suggest in any case a re-evaluation of the recent past in terms what Michel Crozier has aptly called “the bureaucratic phenomenon”.

During the last few years of his life Prof. Simon Newcomb was keenly interested in the problem of periodicities, and devised a new method for their investigation. This method is explained, and to some extent applied, in a paper entitled "A Search for Fluctuations in the Sun's Thermal Radiation through their Influence on Terrestrial Temperature." The importance of the question justifies a critical examination of the relationship of the older methods to that of Newcomb, and though I do not agree with his contention that his process gives us more than can be obtained from Fourier's analysis, it has the advantage of great simplicity in its numerical work, and should prove useful in a certain, though I am afraid, very limited field. Let f ( t ) represent a function of a variable which we may take to be the time, and let the average value of the function be zero. Newcomb examines the sum of the series f ( t 1 ) f ( t 1 + τ) + f ( t 2 ) f ( t 2 + τ) + f ( t 3 ) f ( t 3 + τ) + ..., where t 1 , t 2 , etc., are definite values of the variable which are taken to lie at equal distances from each other. If the function be periodic so as to repeat itself after an interval τ, the products are all squares and each term is positive. If, on the other hand, the periodic time be 2τ, each product will be negative and the sum itself therefore negative. It is easy to see that if τ be varied continuously the sum of the series passes through maxima and minima, and the maxima will indicated the periodic time, or any of its multiples.

1990 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 329-346 ◽  
William McTeer ◽  
James E. Curtis

This study examines the relationship between physical activity in sport and feelings of well-being, testing alternative interpretations of the relationship between these two variables. It was expected that there would be positive relationships between physical activity on the one hand and physical fitness, feelings of well-being, social interaction in the sport and exercise environment, and socioeconomic status on the other hand. It was also expected that physical fitness, social interaction, and socioeconomic status would be positively related to psychological well-being. Further, it was expected that any positive zero-order relationship of physical activity and well-being would be at least in part a result of the conjoint effects of the other variables. The analyses were conducted separately for the male and female subsamples of a large survey study of Canadian adults. The results, after controls, show a modest positive relationship of physical activity and well-being for males but no such relationship for females. The predicted independent effects of the control factors obtained for both males and females. Interpretations of the results are discussed.

1962 ◽  
Vol 30 (6) ◽  
pp. 909-916
Herbert I. Goldman ◽  
Samuel Karelitz ◽  
Hedda Acs ◽  
Eli Seifter

One hundred four healthy premature infants, of birth weight 1,000 to 1,800 gm, were fed one of five feedings: (1) human milk; (2) human milk plus 13 meq/l of sodium chloride; (3) human milk plus 13 meq/l of sodium chloride and 18 meq/l of potassium chloride; (4) a half-skimmed cows milk formula; and (5) a partially-skimmed vegetable oil, cows milk formula. The infants fed any of the three human milk formulas gained weight at a slower rate than the infants fed either of the two cows milk formulas. Infants whose diets were changed from unmodified human milk to the half-skimmed cows milk gained large amounts of weight, and at times were visibly edematous. Infants whose diets were changed from the human milks with added sodium chloride, to the half-skimmed cows milk, gained lesser amounts of weight and did not become edematous. The infants fed the two cows milk diets gained similar amounts of weight, although one diet provided 6.5 gm/kg/day, the other 3.1 gm/kg/day of protein.

Lampas ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 52 (4) ◽  
pp. 437-452
Gerard Boter

Summary The present article discusses three hotly debated interpretational issues in Diotima´s speech in Plato´s Symposium. The first of these is the relationship of Diotima´s speech to other dialogues, such as the Phaedo and the Republic, with regard to the immortality of the soul. It is argued that there is no discrepancy at all, because the immortality of the soul does not play any role in the Symposium. The second issue is the nature of the three classes of posterity: biological, spiritual and philosophical. Whereas the posterity of the first two classes can be relatively easily defined, the character of the philosopher´s posterity, ‘true virtue’, remains rather vague. It may consist in dialectical teaching of the Idea of Beauty by Socrates. Thirdly, it is argued that the philosopher´s immortality differs only gradually from the immortality of the other two classes, that is, the philosopher as a man only survives by means of his posterity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-117
Huh Taewook

This study attempts to analyze to what extent governance and sustainable development (SD) empirically appear compatible in the thirtyfive OECD countries through the fuzzy-set ideal type analysis, and identify which ideal types appear coupled or decoupled, and then reveal which countries belong to the coupled types or to the decoupled types. In short, twenty-two countries (including Sweden (fuzzy score, 0.953), Denmark (0.920), Finland (0.914), Norway (0.911) in Type 1 (G*S, ‘strong G-S coupled countries’); and Turkey (0.906), Greece (0.833), Mexico (0.828) in Type 4 (g*s, ‘lite g-s coupled countries’) are in line with the accepted conventions regarding the compatible relationship between governance and SD. On the other hand, the rest of thirteen countries (including USA (fuzzy score, 0.815), Luxembourg (0.721), Australia (0.660) in Type 2 (G*s, ‘G-s decoupled countries’); and Slovenia (0.728), France (0.644), Czech Rep. (0.625) in Type 3 (g*S, ‘g-S decoupled countries’) may indicate that the relationship of governance and SD is in fact experiencing tensions in the national contexts. These findings are characterized by the substance (of SD) and procedure (of governance) divide. Considering the results, this study focuses on the idea of reflexivity or reflexive capacity.

1998 ◽  
Vol 47 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 153-160
S. A. Gruszewska

AbstractTaking into consideration two facts: that the structure of social life forces twins to part and that the presented roles in a pair are not equal, (one of the twins plays the role of a leader (L) and the other, the subordinate (P.)), one can ask the question — what meaning does the moment of parting have and what are its consequences?In order to do that, a survey was conducted, (a sample of 31 pairs of twins above the age of 30), in which every pair was asked the question: “Which one of you made the decision about parting?” The answer had two options: A – I, B – brother/sister. Out of 31 pairs of twins, 16 pairs chose the variant different from his brother or sister – that is A, B, admitting that the interpersonal conflict was the result of the parting. In 7 pairs, both twins chose the B variant – they withdrew from the conflict; and in 8 pairs they chose the A variant – looking for a compromise as the means of agreement.When analyzing the results of the survey, we can state the following:– in the relationship of twins, there is an interpersonal conflict;– the decision about parting is difficult with prevalent feelings of sadness and sorrow;– after parting, at least one of the twins has problems with preserving his identity and integrity of psychological space.Since the moment of parting is necessary and difficult, specialists and mainly parents are required to consciously change their position towards the relationship of twins. It has to be the result of applied educational methods which aim at creating subjectivity and equality of each of the twins before the moment of parting.

1979 ◽  
Vol 57 (19) ◽  
pp. 1994-1998 ◽  
Peter L. Tobiessen ◽  
Nancy G. Slack ◽  
Keith A. Mott

The response of photosynthesis and respiration to drying was measured in four species of epiphytic mosses, Ulota crispa (Hedw.) Brid., Neckera pennata Hedw., Anomodon rugellii (C. Mull.) Keissl., and Plagiomnium cuspidatum (Hedw.) T. Kop., from habitats along a desiccation gradient. There was little difference among the mosses in these responses. The relationship of water content to water potential did differ among the mosses, with Plagiomnium, the facultative epiphyte, showing a typical response of more mesic species and the other three showing a more xeric response, i.e., water potential does not begin to fall steeply until a lower water content is reached in Ulota, Neckera, and Anomodon. Both photosynthesis and respiration in all four moss species were quite sensitive to moderate water stress.

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
Tautvydas Vėželis

This article examines the problem of overcoming nihilism in Heidegger’s dialogue with Jünger. It is suggested that nihilism is manifested in various forms and is the deep logic of the whole history of European civilization. One of the main aims of this paper is to outline the relationship of nihilism and Nothing in Heidegger’s dispute with Jünger, viewing how Heidegger distinguishes his approach from Jünger’s point of view. Heidegger, on the one hand, treats nihilism as consummation of the Western metaphysical tradition, on the other hand, identifies Nothing itself as the shadow of Being, which cannot be overcome in the traditional dialectical thinking manner.

2012 ◽  
Vol 40 (114) ◽  
pp. 143-158
Tarja-Lisa Hypén

THE BRAND OF THE CELEBRITY AUTHOR IN FINLAND | In the 21st century, the celebrity author has begun to interest researchers not only as a marketing phenomenon, but also as the literary institution’s own phenomenon. In my article, I explore the relationship of the celebrity author to the so-called acclaimed authors of modern times. In Anglo-American research, the celebrity author and the bestselling author are distinguished as separate author types, but in the case of Finnish Jari Tervo, these types combine. For almost 20 years, Jari Tervo has been amongboth the most sold and the most visible celebrity authors in his home country. I examine how the publicity and brand of the Finnish celebrity author are formed. I consider how the brand affects the author’s works on the one hand, and the reception of the works on the other. I point out the limiting effects of the brand, but I also examine how, in combining the high and the low, it affords mobility in the literary fields while it also offers an opportunity to influence society.

2018 ◽  
Vol III (I) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Muhammad Amir ◽  
Muhammad Rizwan ◽  
Saira Bano

The present study is an effort to analyze the mode and intensity of Chinese interests in Pakistan. By examining the policy of pursuit in finding another market in the region, the study aims to understand the current warmth of the relationship between China and Pakistan. Although maintaining a perpetually friendly relationship with China has always been a cornerstone of Pakistan’s foreign policy, yet strengthening this relationship into a structured partnership remained a gradual process in the light of their mutual interests. In the politics of international relations, the relationship between countries is a complex interaction of pragmatic national interests, which are multifaceted and could take an alternate course with changing regional and international scenarios. As both Pakistan and China share many common political, economic and strategic interests due to which both are giving their utmost priority to protect their interests related to the other. This paper will investigate the situation where it is commonly believed that China is inevitable by avoiding the vice-versa. No doubt common threats and challenges faced by both the nation is the major cause to unite them in terms of security, political, economic and strategic fronts.

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