The article is devoted to the problematic form and pressure of the public opinion. Basic attention is the theoretical aspects of understanding of public opinion as the legal and social phenomenon, as exactly due to a presence or absence of foregoing institute of civil society it is possible to talk about the state and level of democratization of society, taking into account active introduction of processes that provide access and participation of citizens in life of the state. A self concept «public opinion» though has the generalized interpretation and interpretation in a modern kind, however during all way of forming tested quite a bit transformations and modifications. The presence of different conceptions to understanding of the phenomenon of public opinion is first of all explained variety of looks to influence of actors on the origin of public opinion. Scientists in the doctrine of sociology and legal sciences examine public opinion as phenomenon of mass consciousness that has elemental character, a social institute, a social regulator, that brings in the effective contribution to the decisions of question, that touch activity of the state. For today three basic going was formed near understanding of public opinion as social and legal phenomenon – morally-normative that was based on public publicity and openness, approach, that was based not on subject composition, but on thematic, denying here influence of mass character on the process of forming of public opinion and approach demoscopy is fixed in basis of that – research the key aspect of that is realization of analysis of public opinion on the basis of quantitative data. The classic going near understanding of public opinion from the point of view of her nature is conception of V. Lipman, in basis of that influence of environment of existence of individual is fixed on the process of forming of public opinion. In this theory attention is accented on that a human is clearly limited to in informative space the capacity for perception of information, and that is why can not grasp her fully, however this factor plays role of positive factor of forming of public opinion, as it gives an opportunity more deep knowledge in certain industry, creating more organized public opinion that does not limit opinion of every individual here. As well as on any institute of direct democracy on public opinion certain functions – expressive, consultative, directive functions. Due to realization of foregoing functions public opinion there is cooperating of public with organs by the state of power, that it is counted on formation of original symbiosis, the aim of that is creation of positive terms for life of citizens, increase of level of democratization in society, to improve quality and efficiency of realization of the functions fixed on them power within the framework of legislation.