statistical series
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2022 ◽  
Vol 61 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-59
Petr Kadlec

This study deals with statistics describing Austrian schools and education in 1828–1915. The potential of this source has so far been used by researchers only most sporadically. The text presents the development of key statistical series, their contents, potential uses, and draws attention to some difficulties which researchers working with school statistics are likely to encounter.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 63-67
Polina I. Konstantinova ◽  
Larisa V. Kochorova ◽  
Konstantin S. Klyukovkin ◽  
Anastasiya V. Antonova ◽  
Ilya S. Kustov

Objectives to analyze the aspects of the specialized ophthalmological medical care for patients with corneal diseases on the example of St. Petersburg. Material and methods. The data of the patients with corneal diseases treated in hospitals of St. Petersburg were copied onto specially developed cards from the official reporting forms and medical records of inpatients for the period of 5-year follow-up. To analyze the characteristics of patients with a continuous method of observation, we studied data on 2200 patients hospitalized in large ophthalmological hospitals in the city. We also interviewed 840 ophthalmologists in order to identify the main problems. The obtained data were statistically processed with the calculation of statistical series, extensive and intensive indicators. To assess the statistical significance of the differences in indicators in individual years of the observation, we used Student's t-test. Results. The analysis of statistics revealed an increase in the number of patients hospitalized with corneal diseases in the period from 2015 to 2019. The following problems were identified: nonavailability of keratoplasty in the regions (28.6 per 100 respondents), imperfection of the regulatory basis for corneal transplantation (26.2 per 100 respondents), long waiting list for surgery (22.6 per 100 of respondents), lack of modern medical equipment in a medical organization (20.2 per 100 respondents) and an insufficient number of quotas for operations (20.2 per 100 respondents). Conclusion. The availability of a sufficient amount of donor material will reduce the waiting time for specialized ophthalmic medical care for patients with severe corneal diseases, and will help create conditions for their satisfaction with the medical care provided to them.

2021 ◽  
Luis Peral

Section I of this article deals with the political, economic and social conditions of Spain in the 1920s and at the arrival of the Republic. Section II analyses the agrarian reforms during the Second Republic. Section III examines the monetary and fiscal policies of the Republican governments. Section IV covers a comparative analysis of the impact of the Great Depression in Spain and in other European countries. Section V addresses the economic and political situation in Spain in 1935. A Conclusion summarizes the assessments presented in this article.<br>There has been in the last decades a significant increase in the quantity and quality of the economic data on the 1930s. These include the studies of Leandro Prados de la Escosura, Spanish Economic Growth, 1850–2015. (London: Palgrave Studies in Economic History, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), Jordi Maluquer, España en la economía mundial. Series largas para la economía española (1859-2015) (Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Económicos, 2016), Francisco Comín, Fuentes cuantitativas para el estudio del Sector Público en España, 1801-1980 (Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, Monografía no. 40, 1985) and Albert Carreras and Jordi Tafunell, eds., Estadísticas históricas de España, siglos XIX – XX, (Bilbao: Fundación BBVA, 2005). Foreign references were obtained also from Jutta Bolt, Robert Inklaar, Herman de Jong and Jan Luiten van Zanden, Maddison Project Database, version 2018, Maddison Project Working Paper, nr. 10, available for download at, (last visited 1 October 2019), and Brian R. Mitchell, International Historical Statistics. Europe, 1750-2000 (London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2003).<br>The tables and figures attached to this article have taken into consideration long-term statistical series, covering the periods 1913-1936 for Spanish internal data and 1919-1939 for international comparisons.<br><br><br>

2021 ◽  
Luis Peral

Section I of this article deals with the political, economic and social conditions of Spain in the 1920s and at the arrival of the Republic. Section II analyses the agrarian reforms during the Second Republic. Section III examines the monetary and fiscal policies of the Republican governments. Section IV covers a comparative analysis of the impact of the Great Depression in Spain and in other European countries. Section V addresses the economic and political situation in Spain in 1935. A Conclusion summarizes the assessments presented in this article.<br>There has been in the last decades a significant increase in the quantity and quality of the economic data on the 1930s. These include the studies of Leandro Prados de la Escosura, Spanish Economic Growth, 1850–2015. (London: Palgrave Studies in Economic History, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), Jordi Maluquer, España en la economía mundial. Series largas para la economía española (1859-2015) (Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Económicos, 2016), Francisco Comín, Fuentes cuantitativas para el estudio del Sector Público en España, 1801-1980 (Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, Monografía no. 40, 1985) and Albert Carreras and Jordi Tafunell, eds., Estadísticas históricas de España, siglos XIX – XX, (Bilbao: Fundación BBVA, 2005). Foreign references were obtained also from Jutta Bolt, Robert Inklaar, Herman de Jong and Jan Luiten van Zanden, Maddison Project Database, version 2018, Maddison Project Working Paper, nr. 10, available for download at, (last visited 1 October 2019), and Brian R. Mitchell, International Historical Statistics. Europe, 1750-2000 (London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2003).<br>The tables and figures attached to this article have taken into consideration long-term statistical series, covering the periods 1913-1936 for Spanish internal data and 1919-1939 for international comparisons.<br><br><br>

Pavel Pavlov

The article provides the analysis of the relationship between the rule-making activity of Russia’s state authorities: parliament, president, government and federal executive bodies. The analysis of Granger causality, carried out for statistical series of federal authorities rulemaking activity, indicates that the level of laws specification largely determines the level of by-laws specification (government decrees and orders of federal executive bodies), thereby exerting a significant impact on entire Russian regulatory framework volume. Econometric analysis based on a corpus of federal laws and aggregated corpus of regulations shows that the entire rule-making activity of the Russian parliament and federal authorities is explained by overlapping sets of factors. The findings indicate that to consolidate the effect of the “regulatory guillotine” it may be useful to develop mechanisms (procedural rules) that correct the balance between the pace and quality of developing legislative initiatives.

Pavel Pavlov

The article provides the analysis of the relationship between the rule-making activity of Russia’s state authorities: parliament, president, government and federal executive bodies. The analysis of Granger causality, carried out for statistical series of federal authorities rulemaking activity, indicates that the level of laws specification largely determines the level of by-laws specification (government decrees and orders of federal executive bodies), thereby exerting a significant impact on entire Russian regulatory framework volume. Econometric analysis based on a corpus of federal laws and aggregated corpus of regulations shows that the entire rule-making activity of the Russian parliament and federal authorities is explained by overlapping sets of factors. The findings indicate that to consolidate the effect of the “regulatory guillotine” it may be useful to develop mechanisms (procedural rules) that correct the balance between the pace and quality of developing legislative initiatives.

Oleksandr Voitko ◽  
Volodymyr Loza ◽  
Hennadii Khudov ◽  
Valentyn Bakhvalov ◽  

The main purpose of the article is the peculiarities of implementing of the state’s strategic narrative based on the the statistical analysis of the public opinion. The scenarios of the public opinion development are forecasted. The main results are: the graphs of the statistical series of change in public opinion have been constructed; the approximating functions for the trend of change in public opinion have been determined; the parameters of the approximating function have been calculated; a point forecast of the change in public opinion has been made. The main scientific method ia the method of statistical extrapolation. The main results are: to identify the features of the implementation of the strategic narrative of the state system in strategic communications; it is obtained the necessary minimum value of efficiency. This value of efficienct should be achieved by the system of strategic communications, when taking appropriate measures to promote and support of the appropriate course of the state by the population. This result is actually such as in the controlled territory and in the temporarily occupied territories (Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the Crimea). Keywords—strategic narrative, target audience, informational and psychological influence, strategic communications

T. A. Vakaliuk ◽  
I. A. Pilkevych ◽  
A. M. Tokar ◽  
R. I. Loboda

Context. The rapid development of science and technology predetermines a significant expansion of the fields of application of UAVs different purposes. The key to the effective use UAVs is high-quality training of operators, an important element of which is the PPS of candidates, in particular, the assessment of their sensorimotor reactions. This can be achieved by selecting and justifying appropriate criteria. Objective. The goal of the work is the justification criteria for estimating the time sensorimotor reactions of a small UAV operator by analyzing the density distribution of statistical data. Method. A method has been developed to determine criteria for evaluating the time of sensorimotor reactions a small UAV operator based on the accumulation statistical material and its mathematical processing based on the results of a field experiment. The method allows to estimate numerical characteristics the distribution of the average reaction time in three modes: training production, in the conditions overload, in the conditions of overtraining and to obtain a generalized estimation. It was possible, by analyzing the occasional noninterruptible values, which take values within a certain range of values, to establish standards against which the obtained values the sensorimotor reaction time of the small UAV operator are compared and a decision is made on their suitability for training. Results. We obtained statistical series for the modes of assessment: skill development, under obstacle conditions, under conditions skill restructuring. For a visual representation of the series the corresponding histograms the distribution of the average reaction time duration were constructed. In order to eliminate the representativeness error, statistical series alignment was carried out by selecting a theoretical distribution curve for each series, which displays only essential features of the statistical material. For this purpose, we approximated the histogram of distribution by the polynomialf fourth degree. The interval theoretical density of distribution, in which the time sensomotor reaction of an arbitrary person is considered normal, with a given probability reliability such event – 0.95 has been established. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, algorithms for estimating the sensorimotor reaction time of a small UAV operator in three modes have been synthesized and the corresponding software that implements the proposed algorithms has been developed. Conclusions. The criteria for evaluating the sensorimotor reaction time for UAV operator to a visual stimulus using specialized software were substantiated. This allowed the previous PPS training candidates to take into account the requirements to the motor skills of the small UAV operator and the specificity his movements. The conducted experiments confirmed the validity of decisions made. Prospects for further research may include expansion of testing modes with justification for appropriate evaluation criteria.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-38
Suparmono Suparmono ◽  
Anna Partina

This study aims to forecasting the Covid-19 Pandemic's effect on income inequality distribution in Kulon-Progo Regency during of 2020 to 2028. The study analysis tools utilized forecast are linear and non-linear trend. The historical data use during of 2010 to 2019, data source obtained from Central Bureau of Statistics Yogyakarta in statistical series book of 2020. The findings of forecast result show that the Covid-19 pandemic directly impact on the increased income inequality distribution. The implication is to carry out the process of economic recovery due to the Covid-19 pandemic case by identifying community groups who are vulnerable to decreased income through strengthening social safety nets. In addition, government policies can also optimize the utilization and transportation services to increase farmer exchange rates, because most people work in the agricultural sector.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (5(69)) ◽  
pp. 54-57
L. Yushkova ◽  
A. Kim ◽  
B. Nemtsev

Timing observations are carried out to determine the time spent on performing veterinary work by their types and elements. We compiled tables on the names of state veterinary services based on the study of one sample of pathological material by PCR, time and ELISA. The resulting time expenditures for the elements of work in several measurement indicators are compiled into statistical series. The arithmetic mean of the statistical series is determined. Indicators are used to establish scientifically based norms of time for performing various veterinary work. The time limit for one performer is usually set in minutes, when the work is performed by a group of performers - per person - in minutes. The annual rate of time spent on preparatory and final work is determined by multiplying the daily rate of time spent on the number of working days per year, i.e. for 279 days.

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