Utilization of proteins from milk and raw or acid-treated Toprina yeast by newly born ruminant lambs and growing rats

1982 ◽  
Vol 98 (2) ◽  
pp. 377-389
H. S. Soliman ◽  
E. R. Ørskov ◽  
N. T. Davies ◽  
I. McDonald

SUMMARYFour experiments were carried out to study the possibility of replacing milk proteins for lambs with Toprina yeast (G) grown on hydrocarbons. In Expt 1 the effect of replacing all the milk protein with Toprina was studied in the presence of milk fat or a mixture of lard and coconut fat. In Expt 2 the maximum level of Toprina yeast that could be used was studied. In Expt 3 the effect of treatment of the yeast with acid on the digestion of Toprina proteins in the small intestine of pre-ruminant lambs (fitted with re-entrant cannulae in the terminal ileum) was examined. In Expt 4 the effect of the supplementation of acid-treated yeasts with tryptophane and methionine was studied using growing rats.The results of Expt 1 showed that lambs given milk diets grew faster (145 v. 80g/day) and converted feed more efficiently than those given Toprina yeast. Apparent digestibility of nitrogen of skim milk was higher (93%) than that of Toprina yeast (84%). The poorest results were obtained from lambs given lard and coconut as the source of fat and Toprina yeast as the source of protein. In Expt 2 it was found that progressively replacing the casein protein by yeast protein (0, 33, 67 and 100%) resulted in a linear reduction in daily live-weight gain, feed conversion and nutrient digestibility, but at 33% replacement of milk protein any effect on lamb performance appeared to be small. In Expt 3 the flow rates of dry matter, nitrogen and its fractions (soluble and insoluble in water) and fats were highest with the raw yeast, intermediate with acid-treated yeasts and lowest with skim milk. Apparent digestibility of nitrogen up to the ileal cannula was 67, 77 and 88% for raw yeast, acid-treated yeast and skim milk respectively.In Expt 4, raw yeast supplemented with methionine was found to be as good a protein source as casein for growing rats. The supplementation of acid-treated yeasts with tryptophane did not improve rat performance, but supplementation with methionine increased growth rate and improved efficiency of feed and protein utilization. Acid hydrolysis of yeast also improved its nutritive value, but the full improvement was only obtained when the diet was supplemented with methionine.It is concluded that yeast protein can provide only about one third of the protein in milk replacers for lambs; prehydrolysis of the yeast may help to increase this proportion without reduction in animal performance.

1979 ◽  
Vol 93 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-46 ◽  
H. S. Soliman ◽  
E. R. Ørskov ◽  
I. Mackie

SUMMARYMale and female (Suffolk × (Finnish Landraee × Dorset Horn)) lambs were used in three experiments to examine the replacement of milk by undried and dried fish protein hydrolysates (FPH), a mixture of lard and coconut fat, and partially hydrolysed starch (Protamyl 110). The animals received the experimental diets from 1 week of age in Expts 1 and 2, and from 4 weeks of age in Expt 3. They were given the diets in eight equal feeds (i.e. every 3 h) from an automated teat bar system. The level of feeding was 1·046 MJ/kg0−76/day. Experiments 1 and 2 lasted for 35 days, during which live-weight gain and food conversion ratios were recorded and at the end the digestibility of N, dry matter and starch was determined. Experiment 3 consisted of three small digestibility trials.In Expt 1, the replacement of milk protein with undried FPH and of milk fat with lard plus coconut fat had no significant effects on live-weight gain, food conversion ratio or nutrient digestibility. Somewhat lower gains for the lambs given the FPH than those given milk protein were observed during the first 15 days of the experiment. Apparent digestibility of milk protein and milk fat was 95 and 99% while that of PFH and lard plus coconut fat was 94 and 96% respectively. The replacement of milk fat with lard and coconut fat caused some reduction in live-weight gains and nutrient digestibility. Lactose was completely replaced by protamyl both in diets based on milk protein or FPH with no effect on live-weight gains or food conversion ratio.Apparent digestibility of fish protein was not affected by the drying process. Fat digestibility of diets containing undried or dried FPH ranged from 46 to 98% according to the type of emulsifier used. The results are discussed in relation to published data concerning the problems associated with the use of fish protein in milk replacers.

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Linda Uhlířová ◽  
Zdeněk Volek ◽  
Milan Marounek

<p>The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of including white lupin bran (WLB) in a fattening rabbit diet on growth, carcass traits and nutrient digestibility. The C diet (control) based on alfalfa meal, whereas the WLB 5 and WLB 15 diets were based on white lupin bran (crude protein 152 g/kg, neutral detergent fibre 524 g/kg as-fed basis). The WLB 5 diet contained 50 g of white lupin bran/kg instead of 50 g of alfalfa meal/kg, whereas the WLB 15 diet contained 150 g of white lupin bran/kg, 5 g of soybean meal/kg and 10 g of sugar beet pulp/kg instead of 165 g of alfalfa meal/kg. The diets had similar digestible protein/digestible energy ratios. A total of 150 Hyplus rabbits between the ages of 30 to 73 d were randomly allocated into one of 3 groups and fed one of the 3 experimental diets. Additionally, another 30 Hyplus rabbits (10 per dietary treatment) at the age of 30 d were selected to determine coefficients of total tract apparent digestibility (CTTAD) of diets between 63 and 67 d of age. The dietary treatments did not affect the final live weight of rabbits (mean=2969 g). There was a higher feed intake (+30 g/d; P&lt;0.001) in both groups of rabbits fed the WLB 5 and WLB 15 diets compared to rabbits fed the C diet, which led to impaired feed conversion ratios (P&lt;0.001). Sanitary risk index was not affected by dietary treatment. The rabbits fed the WLB 15 diet exhibited a higher drip loss percentage (+0.65%; P&lt;0.001) than the rabbits fed the other diets, as well as a lower dressing-out percentage (by 1.6%; P=0.024). The CTTAD of the lignocellulose fraction (acid detergent fibre) was significantly higher in rabbits fed the WLB 5 and WLB 15 diets than in those fed the C diet. White lupin bran may be used as a dietary fibrous by-product without significant impairment of the nutritive value of the diet. This lupin by-product can be included in diets for fattening rabbits up to 15% as a partial replacement of alfalfa meal.</p>

1978 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-132
A. Barranco ◽  
D. J. Morgan ◽  
B. S. Capper ◽  
L. M. Ogilvie

ABSTRACTThe nutritive value of wild oats has been examined in two trials with growing rats. Feed consumption was reduced with diets containing 50 % wild oats and dry-matter digestibility was lower (76 and 73 %) with two diets containing 25 and 50 % wild oats compared with diets containing 25 and 50% barley (80·2 and 81·1 %). Live-weight gain was depressed when diets contained more than 45 % wild oats and it can be predicted that growth and feed conversion ratios of mono-gastric animals fed on diets containing high levels of wild oats are liable to be affected adversely. Biochemical studies indicated that any reduction in growth rate could not be attributed readily to specific toxic effects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-84
G. S. Bawa ◽  
S. O. Ogundipe ◽  
T. S. B. Tegbe ◽  
I. I. Dafwang

Two trials were conducted using a total of ninety-six cross-bred (Large White X Landrace) young pigs to determine the effect of duration of cooking lablab seed on performance and nutrients digestibility. In the first experiment, 60 cross-bred (Large white X Landrace) young pigs averaging 11.50+0.16kg were used to determine the effect of duration of cooking lablab seeds on growth performance. The pigs used were fed iso-nitrogenous (20%CP) diets in which lablab seeds were either fed raw or cooked at 100°C for 15, 30, 45 or 60 minutes before incorporation into the diets. A soyabean meal based diet served as the control. Feed intake, daily weight gain, final live weight and feed conversion ratio were significantly (P<0.05) better as the duration of cooking increased. The feed cost per unit gain also decreased significantly (P<0.05) with increasing cooking time. The second experiment involved 36 cross-bred (Large White X Landrace) barrows averaging 10.48+0.09kg to examine the effect of duration of cooking lablab seeds at 100°C for 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes on apparent nutrient digestibility. The test diets were similar in composition with those used in Trial 1. Intakes and apparent digestibilities of dietary dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), crude fibre (CF), Ash, Nitrogen free Extract (NFE) and nitrogen retention increased with increasing duration of cooking. It could be concluded that, for optimal performance and nutrients digestibility, lablab seeds should be cooked at 100°C for 30 minutes before incorporation into diets of young pigs. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 60 (8) ◽  
pp. 1081
O. T. Soyelu ◽  
A. O. Aderibigbe

Aim The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of two growth-promoting implants (zeranol and oestradiol-17β) on performance and feed digestibility of finishing White Fulani cattle in the feedlot. This was with a view to determining an alternative means of enhancing cattle performance without grazing the animals. Methods A 60-day feedlot trial was conducted using 27 stocker White Fulani bulls that were allotted randomly to three treatment groups (i.e. non-implanted, oestradiol-implanted and zeranol-implanted) in a completely randomised experimental design. Cattle were offered a compounded feedlot ration consisting of 14% crude protein ad libitum. The bulls were weighed initially and fortnightly thereafter for the duration of the study. Coefficients of dry matter and nutrients digestibility were determined using lignin as an internal marker. Data were analysed using the general linear model procedure of ANOVA and mean values were compared using Fisher’s least significant difference (l.s.d.0.05). Key results The average final liveweight, total weight gain, average daily gain (ADG) and average daily feed intake (ADFI) of implanted feedlot cattle were higher (P &lt; 0.05) than for non-implanted cattle; and higher in oestradiol-implanted cattle compared with zeranol-implanted ones. The ADG was 29.16 and 20.48% higher, and the ADFI was 35.06 and 18.18% higher for oestradiol-implanted and zeranol-implanted feedlot cattle, respectively than for non-implanted cattle. Irrespective of the treatment, feed conversion ratio of experimental bulls remained below the range (4.5–7.5) established for feedlot beef cattle; an indication of better efficiency of feed utilisation by White Fulani cattle. The apparent digestibility of dry matter (59.76–64.31%) of the feedlot ration was in the order: non-implanted = oestradiol-implanted &gt; zeranol-implanted while the apparent digestibility of crude protein (73.91–77.99%) was in the order: non-implanted &gt; oestradiol-implanted = zeranol-implanted. Conclusions and implications The results of this study show that the use of an oestradiol implant in finishing zero-grazed White Fulani cattle was beneficial for improving growth performance. Both implanted and non-implanted cattle showed good coefficients of nutrient digestibility, indicating that the mode of action of the growth implants in enhancing performance characteristics does not depend on indices of digestibility.

2000 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 265-274 ◽  
J.V. O’Doherty ◽  
U. Keady

AbstractTwo experiments were conducted to determine the nutritive value of extruded or raw peas (Pisum sativum as an energy and protein supplement for pigs of 33 to 100 kg live weight. Experiment 1 determined the effects of extrusion on the nutrient apparent digestibility of peas when included at 200 g and 400 g/kg in the diet. In experiment 2, performance was determined in individually fed pigs (no. = 70) offered diets ad libitum including a control (no peas, T1), 200 g/kg raw peas (T2), 400 g/kg raw peas (T3), 200 g/kg extruded peas (T4), 400g/kg extruded peas (T5). The peas were extruded at 120°С for 30 s. All diets were formulated to have similar concentrations of digestible energy (DE) and total lysine. There was a significant interaction effect (P < 0·05) between level of peas and extrusion on the digestibility of the organic matter (OM), nitrogen (N), energy and the DE content of the peas. The inclusion of 400 g/kg raw peas led to a lower estimated digestibility of OM (P < 0·001), N (P < 0·001), gross energy (P < 0·05) and DE content (P < 0·05) of the peas compared with the 200 g/kg peas. However, there was no difference (P > 0·05) between the digestibility of the 200 and 400 g/kg peas when the peas were extruded. In experiment 2, there was a significant interaction (P < 0·05) between the level of peas in the diet and extrusion. As the level of raw peas increased from 200 to 400g/kg, growth rate decreased (P < 0·01) and food conversion ratio (FCR) increased (P < 0·01). However, as the level of extruded peas was increased from 200 to 400g/ kg, there was no difference in either growth rate or FCR. It is concluded that extrusion of peas improved the nutrient digestibility and improved overall gain and FCR of the pigs.

1971 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 547-556 ◽  
R. M. Livingstone ◽  
H. Denerley ◽  
C. S. Stewart ◽  
F. W. H. Elsley

SUMMARYForty-eight pigs were used to compare the feeding value of barley which had been stored dry, and then hammer-milled, with that of barley stored moist, either anaerobically or treated with 1·3% propionic acid, and then rolled. The pigs were fed from 30 kg live weight for a period of 11 weeks and during this period all consumed the same allowance of dry matter. The growth rate and feed conversion ratio of the pigs given the rolled moist barley were significantly poorer than those of others given dry milled or acid treated rolled barley. There were no treatment differences in carcass attributes.Microbiological counts made throughout the experiment showed that there was no significant fungal or bacterial development on the acid treated barley. Similar numbers of bacteria were present on the dry barley as on the moist, but the fungal count for the moist grain was always at least 500 times higher than that of the corresponding dry sample. The dominant organisms were identified.In a further experiment the apparent digestibility of dry matter and nitrogen of diets containing dry, moist or propionic acid treated barley, processed either by milling or rolling, were determined. The highest values were obtained for dry barley. Acid treated moist barley had lower values than moist barley. The method of processing did not affect the apparent digestibility of the dry matter, but that of the N was significantly lower for the rolled barleys.

1988 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-190 ◽  
F. J. Manson ◽  
J. D. Leaver

ABSTRACTAn experiment with two groups of 24 cows during weeks 3 to 22 of lactation examined the influence of 7 (L) or 11 (H) kg concentrates per day on the prevalence of lameness. Grass silage was offeredad libitum. The cows were scored on a 1 to 5 scale for their locomotion on a weekly basis (1 = normal locomotion; 5 = severely lame). Cows scoring 3 or more were considered to be clinically lame. This allowed the prevalence of lameness, its severity and duration to be measured and statistically analysed. There were significantly more observations of lameness in the H cows than the L cows (0·077 and 0·021 observations per cow week) and the severity and duration of lameness incidents were significantly greater. The major causes of lameness were solar problems in the hind feet. The prevalence declined in both treatments as lactation progressed. The predisposing causes of the higher incidence in treatment H could have been the higher concentrate: forage ratio, the greater daily metabolizable energy intake or the greater daily crude protein intake. For treatments L and H, mean milk yields were 20·5, 23·7 kg/day; milk fat 41·7, 39·0 g/kg; milk protein 31·4, 32·0 g/kg; live-weight change -0·12, +0·11 kg/day; and condition score 2·04, 2·18.

2021 ◽  
Maggy Palesa Mabena ◽  
Moses Ratsaka ◽  
Thobela Nkukwana ◽  
Ingrid Malebana ◽  
Douglas Nkosi

Abstract This experiment evaluated varying levels of Amarula (Sclerocarya birrea A. Rich) nut cake (ANC) on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and carcass characteristics in pigs. Thirty Large White × Landrace (LW × LR) pigs were stratified by weight (average live weight of 20 ± 5 kg) and randomly allocated to the five experimental diets that contained 0 (control), 50, 100, 150 and 200 g ANC/kg DM. Each pig served as a replicate unit, housed individually. Bodyweight, feed intake, average daily gain (ADG) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were recorded weekly throughout the trial period. On completion of the growth trial, following a 3-day adaptation, a nutrient digestibility study was conducted over 5 days. Thereafter, pigs were fasted for twelve hours, weighed, slaughtered, and carcass samples were collected for analysis. Feed intake was not affected by dietary treatment, but ADGs were reduced at ANC levels > 15%, resulting in poor FCR. Protein digestibility was reduced at ANC levels > 15%, while ether extract and fibre levels increased. Warm and cold carcass weights were lower at ANC levels > 15, with improved meat redness and lightness. It was concluded that ANC could replace SBM in the diet of growing pigs at less than 15% inclusion level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-215
A. A. Taiwo ◽  
A. D. Adejuyigbe ◽  
E. O. Talabi ◽  
G. Okumakuma ◽  
E. A. Adebowale

A study was conducted for eight weeks to determine the effects of raw and cooked mucuna seed meal (MSM) based diets on the performance and haematological characteristics of cross-bred weaned rabbits. Three experimental diets were formulated to contain: 0% MSM (control diet A), X raw MSM (diet B) and 20% cooked MSM (diet C). Twelve cross-bred weaned rabbits with mean initial live-weight of about 550 g were randomly assigned to three dietary treatments. The experimental design was completely randomized arrangement. The feed intakes (115.12, 114.44, 116.15g/day) and weight gains (17.19, 12.72, 14.28g/day) for diets A, B and C respectively were similar (P>0.05) for the three treatments. Rabbits fed the control diet A had the best (P<0.05) feed conversion ratio (6.68). The packed cell volume (PCV), haemoglobin (HB), red blood cell (RBC) and white blood cell (WBC) values obtained for the three treatments were not statistically different (P>0.05) from one another. The HB, RBC, WBC values of rabbits fed on 20% cooked MSM based diet had comparable values to those on the control diet. Based on the weight gain and the haematology, 20% cooked mucuna seed meal can be included in the diet of weaned rabbits.

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