Scaling of global properties of turbulence and skin friction in pipe and channel flows

2010 ◽  
Vol 652 ◽  
pp. 65-73 ◽  

Experimental data on the Reynolds number dependence of the area-averaged turbulent kinetic energy K and dissipation rate ℰ are presented. It is shown that while in the interval ReD > 105 the total kinetic energy scales with friction velocity (K/u*2 = const), a new scaling law K/〈U〉2 ∝ K/(u*2ReDθ) = const (θ ≈ 1/4) has been discovered in the interval ReD < 105. It is argued that this transition is responsible for the well-known change in the scaling behaviour of the friction factor observed in pipe and channels flows at ReD ≈ 105.

2008 ◽  
Vol 604 ◽  
pp. 1-32 ◽  

We report measurements of the flow above a planar array of synthetic jets, firing upwards in a spatiotemporally random pattern to create turbulence at an air–water interface. The flow generated by this randomly actuated synthetic jet array (RASJA) is turbulent, with a large Reynolds number and a weak secondary (mean) flow. The turbulence is homogeneous over a large region and has similar isotropy characteristics to those of grid turbulence. These properties make the RASJA an ideal facility for studying the behaviour of turbulence at boundaries, which we do by measuring one-point statistics approaching the air–water interface (via particle image velocimetry). We explore the effects of different spatiotemporally random driving patterns, highlighting design conditions relevant to all randomly forced facilities. We find that the number of jets firing at a given instant, and the distribution of the duration for which each jet fires, greatly affect the resulting flow. We identify and study the driving pattern that is optimal given our tank geometry. In this optimal configuration, the flow is statistically highly repeatable and rapidly reaches steady state. With increasing distance from the jets, there is a jet merging region followed by a planar homogeneous region with a power-law decay of turbulent kinetic energy. In this homogeneous region, we find a Reynolds number of 314 based on the Taylor microscale. We measure all components of mean flow velocity to be less than 10% of the turbulent velocity fluctuation magnitude. The tank width includes roughly 10 integral length scales, and because wall effects persist for one to two integral length scales, there is sizable core region in which turbulent flow is unaffected by the walls. We determine the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy via three methods, the most robust using the velocity structure function. Having a precise value of dissipation and low mean flow allows us to measure the empirical constant in an existing model of the Eulerian velocity power spectrum. This model provides a method for determining the dissipation rate from velocity time series recorded at a single point, even when Taylor's frozen turbulence hypothesis does not hold. Because the jet array offers a high degree of flow control, we can quantify the effects of the mean flow in stirred tanks by intentionally forcing a mean flow and varying its strength. We demonstrate this technique with measurements of gas transfer across the free surface, and find a threshold below which mean flow no longer contributes significantly to the gas transfer velocity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 77 (9) ◽  
pp. 3193-3210
Tiago Pestana ◽  
Matthias Thalhammer ◽  
Stefan Hickel

Abstract We present direct numerical simulations of inertia–gravity waves breaking in the middle–upper mesosphere. We consider two different altitudes, which correspond to the Reynolds number of 28 647 and 114 591 based on wavelength and buoyancy period. While the former was studied by Remmler et al., it is here repeated at a higher resolution and serves as a baseline for comparison with the high-Reynolds-number case. The simulations are designed based on the study of Fruman et al., and are initialized by superimposing primary and secondary perturbations to the convectively unstable base wave. Transient growth leads to an almost instantaneous wave breaking and secondary bursts of turbulence. We show that this process is characterized by the formation of fine flow structures that are predominantly located in the vicinity of the wave’s least stable point. During the wave breakdown, the energy dissipation rate tends to be an isotropic tensor, whereas it is strongly anisotropic in between the breaking events. We find that the vertical kinetic energy spectra exhibit a clear 5/3 scaling law at instants of intense energy dissipation rate and a cubic power law at calmer periods. The term-by-term energy budget reveals that the pressure term is the most important contributor to the global energy budget, as it couples the vertical and the horizontal kinetic energy. During the breaking events, the local energy transfer is predominantly from the mean to the fluctuating field and the kinetic energy production is in balance with the pseudo kinetic energy dissipation rate.

2016 ◽  
Vol 790 ◽  
pp. 57-70 ◽  
L. Djenidi ◽  
R. A. Antonia ◽  
N. Lefeuvre ◽  
J. Lemay

Self-preservation (SP) solutions on the axis of a turbulent round jet are derived for the transport equation of the second-order structure function of the turbulent kinetic energy ($k$), which may be interpreted as a scale-by-scale (s.b.s.) energy budget. The analysis shows that the mean turbulent energy dissipation rate, $\overline{{\it\epsilon}}$, evolves like $x^{-4}$ ($x$ is the streamwise direction). It is important to stress that this derivation does not use the constancy of the non-dimensional dissipation rate parameter $C_{{\it\epsilon}}=\overline{{\it\epsilon}}u^{\prime 3}/L_{u}$ ($L_{u}$ and $u^{\prime }$ are the integral length scale and root mean square of the longitudinal velocity fluctuation respectively). We show, in fact, that the constancy of $C_{{\it\epsilon}}$ is simply a consequence of complete SP (i.e. SP at all scales of motion). The significance of the analysis relates to the fact that the SP requirements for the mean velocity and mean turbulent kinetic energy (i.e. $U\sim x^{-1}$ and $k\sim x^{-2}$ respectively) are derived without invoking the transport equations for $U$ and $k$. Experimental hot-wire data along the axis of a turbulent round jet show that, after a transient downstream distance which increases with Reynolds number, the turbulence statistics comply with complete SP. For example, the measured $\overline{{\it\epsilon}}$ agrees well with the SP prediction, i.e. $\overline{{\it\epsilon}}\sim x^{-4}$, while the Taylor microscale Reynolds number $Re_{{\it\lambda}}$ remains constant. The analytical expression for the prefactor $A_{{\it\epsilon}}$ for $\overline{{\it\epsilon}}\sim (x-x_{o})^{-4}$ (where $x_{o}$ is a virtual origin), first developed by Thiesset et al. (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 748, 2014, R2) and rederived here solely from the SP analysis of the s.b.s. energy budget, is validated and provides a relatively simple and accurate method for estimating $\overline{{\it\epsilon}}$ along the axis of a turbulent round jet.

2017 ◽  
Vol 817 ◽  
pp. 61-79 ◽  
L. Djenidi ◽  
N. Lefeuvre ◽  
M. Kamruzzaman ◽  
R. A. Antonia

The Reynolds number dependence of the non-dimensional mean turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate$C_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D716}}=\overline{\unicode[STIX]{x1D716}}L/u^{\prime 3}$(where$\unicode[STIX]{x1D716}$is the mean turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate,$L$is an integral length scale and$u^{\prime }$is the velocity root-mean-square) is investigated in decaying turbulence. Expressions for$C_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D716}}$in homogeneous isotropic turbulent (HIT), as approximated by grid turbulence, and in local HIT, as on the axis of the far field of a turbulent round jet, are developed from the Navier–Stokes equations within the framework of a scale-by-scale energy budget. The analysis shows that when turbulence decays/evolves in compliance with self-preservation (SP),$C_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D716}}$remains constant for a given flow condition, e.g. a given initial Reynolds number. Measurements in grid turbulence, which does not satisfy SP, and on the axis in the far field of a round jet, which does comply with SP, show that$C_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D716}}$decreases in the former case and remains constant in the latter, thus supporting the theoretical results. Further, while$C_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D716}}$can remain constant during the decay for a given initial Reynolds number, both the theory and measurements show that it decreases towards a constant,$C_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D716},\infty }$, as$Re_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}$increases. This trend, in agreement with existing data, is not inconsistent with the possibility that$C_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D716}}$tends to a universal constant.

2019 ◽  
Vol 866 ◽  
pp. 897-928 ◽  
P. Orlandi

Data available in the literature from direct numerical simulations of two-dimensional turbulent channels by Lee & Moser (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 774, 2015, pp. 395–415), Bernardini et al. (J. Fluid Mech., 742, 2014, pp. 171–191), Yamamoto & Tsuji (Phys. Rev. Fluids, vol. 3, 2018, 012062) and Orlandi et al. (J. Fluid Mech., 770, 2015, pp. 424–441) in a large range of Reynolds number have been used to find that $S^{\ast }$ the ratio between the eddy turnover time ($q^{2}/\unicode[STIX]{x1D716}$, with $q^{2}$ being twice the turbulent kinetic energy and $\unicode[STIX]{x1D716}$ the isotropic rate of dissipation) and the time scale of the mean deformation ($1/S$), scales very well with the Reynolds number in the wall region. The good scaling is due to the eddy turnover time, although the turbulent kinetic energy and the rate of isotropic dissipation show a Reynolds dependence near the wall; $S^{\ast }$, as well as $-\langle Q\rangle =\langle s_{ij}s_{ji}\rangle -\langle \unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{i}\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{i}/2\rangle$ are linked to the flow structures, and also the latter quantity presents a good scaling near the wall. It has been found that the maximum of turbulent kinetic energy production $P_{k}$ occurs in the layer with $-\langle Q\rangle \approx 0$, that is, where the unstable sheet-like structures roll-up to become rods. The decomposition of $P_{k}$ in the contribution of elongational and compressive strain demonstrates that the two contributions present a good scaling. However, the good scaling holds when the wall and the outer structures are separated. The same statistics have been evaluated by direct simulations of turbulent flows in the presence of different types of corrugations on both walls. The flow physics in the layer near the plane of the crests is strongly linked to the shape of the surface and it has been demonstrated that the $u_{2}$ (normal to the wall) fluctuations are responsible for the modification of the flow structures, for the increase of the resistance and of the turbulent kinetic energy production.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (5 Part A) ◽  
pp. 2729-2741
Zhenchuan Wang ◽  
Guoli Qi ◽  
Meijun Li

The turbulence model fails in supercritical fluid-flow and heat transfer simulation, owing to the drastic change of thermal properties. The inappropriate buoyancy effect model and the improper turbulent Prandtl number model are several of these factors lead to the original low-Reynolds number turbulence model unable to predict the wall temperature for vertically heated tubes under the deteriorate heat transfer conditions. This paper proposed a simplified improved method to modify the turbulence model, using the generalized gradient diffusion hypothesis approximation model for the production term of the turbulent kinetic energy due to the buoyancy effect, using a turbulence Prandtl number model for the turbulent thermal diffusivity instead of the constant number. A better agreement was accomplished by the improved turbulence model compared with the experimental data. The main reason for the over-predicted wall temperature by the original turbulence model is the misuse of the buoyancy effect model. In the improved model, the production term of the turbulent kinetic energy is much higher than the results calculated by the original turbulence model, especially in the boundary-layer. A more accurate model for the production term of the turbulent kinetic energy is the main direction of further modification for the low Reynolds number turbulence model.

2012 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-69
Vladimir Dulin ◽  
Yuriy Kozorezov ◽  
Dmitriy Markovich

The present paper reports PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) measurements of turbulent velocity fluctuations statistics in development region of an axisymmetric free jet (Re = 28 000). To minimize measurement uncertainty, adaptive calibration, image processing and data post-processing algorithms were utilized. On the basis of theoretical analysis and direct measurements, the paper discusses effect of PIV spatial resolution on measured statistical characteristics of turbulent fluctuations. Underestimation of the second-order moments of velocity derivatives and of the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate due to a finite size of PIV interrogation area and finite thickness of laser sheet was analyzed from model spectra of turbulent velocity fluctuations. The results are in a good agreement with the measured experimental data. The paper also describes performance of possible ways to account for unresolved small-scale velocity fluctuations in PIV measurements of the dissipation rate. In particular, a turbulent viscosity model can be efficiently used to account for the unresolved pulsations in a free turbulent flow

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