On the stability of a magnetically driven rotating fluid flow
After making the laboratory approximation of small magnetic Reynolds number, the steady, axisymmetric and purely azimuthal velocity profile that in principle can be generated in an incompressible viscous electrically conducting fluid contained in a fixed infinitely long circular cylinder by a magnetic field transverse to the cylinder axis and uniformly rotating with low frequency is subjected to infinitesimal axisymmetric perturbations. The principle of the exchange of stabilities is assumed to hold and the marginal-stability problem becomes a sixth-order eigenvalue problem involving the magnetic Taylor number and the axial wavenumber. An asymptotic analysis, based on the assumption that the magnetic Taylor number is large, and using solutions of the comparison equation d6y/dz6 = zy, is presented in order to obtain first approximations to the neutral-stability curves of the first and second eigenmodes, and compared with the results of direct numerical integration. It is found that at the onset of instability the secondary motions have a multi-cell structure, the motions in the region, near the cylinder wall, of adversely distributed angular momentum driving through weak viscous action the cells in the interior.