Phrase-final intonation adjustment in Lebanese Arabic

Niamh E. Kelly

Intonation languages such as English and German have been described as having, among others, ‘realizational’ differences with regard to their intonation (Ladd 1996). One such difference is whether phrase-final pitch contours that lack sufficient segmental material to be realized naturally are subjected to truncation or compression. The current investigation examines this question in Lebanese Arabic. Stimuli were created with decreasing segmental material (disyllabic phrase-final, monosyllabic phrase-final) for both statements and questions. The contours produced by 16 speakers consisted of rises (questions) and rise-falls (statements). Results indicate that reducing the segmental material induces compression in rises and truncation in rise-falls, supporting the claim that languages cannot simply be divided into compressing versus truncating languages, and that the shape of the intonational contour plays a role in accommodation strategies. Speaker variation is also discussed.

K. P. Staudhammer ◽  
L. E. Murr

The effect of shock loading on a variety of steels has been reviewed recently by Leslie. It is generally observed that significant changes in microstructure and microhardness are produced by explosive shock deformation. While the effect of shock loading on austenitic, ferritic, martensitic, and pearlitic structures has been investigated, there have been no systematic studies of the shock-loading of microduplex structures.In the current investigation, the shock-loading response of millrolled and heat-treated Uniloy 326 (thickness 60 mil) having a residual grain size of 1 to 2μ before shock loading was studied. Uniloy 326 is a two phase (microduplex) alloy consisting of 30% austenite (γ) in a ferrite (α) matrix; with the composition.3% Ti, 1% Mn, .6% Si,.05% C, 6% Ni, 26% Cr, balance Fe.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-59
Bharathi M ◽  
Mullaikodi O ◽  
Rajalingam D ◽  
Gnanasekar N ◽  
Kesavan M

A Microsponge (MS) is an extremely interconnected, permeable, polymeric structure that involves permeable microparticles trapping and discharging through the skin for a considerable time period. Drug delivery system (DDS) offer extended discharge with less degradation, improved physical stability along with better tolerance. The main intend of any DDS is to achieve the required amount of drug in plasma to produce the desired therapeutic and non-poisonous effect over a prolonged period of time. Specific methods for preparing MS were reviewed in this current investigation, and their pharmaceutical implementations were signed. MS have major DDS point of interest. It also improves stability, increased flexibility in formulation and increased elegance. In fact, numerous studies have reported that MS supplies are not allergic, mutagenic, and poisonous. MS creativity is used in products such as sunscreen, prescription, cosmetics, and OTC skin care. This inquiry primarily focuses on the different methods used to identify, plan and exploit MS.

2021 ◽  
pp. 136700692110194
Rashid Yahiaoui ◽  
Marwa J Aldous ◽  
Ashraf Fattah

Aims and objectives/purpose/research questions: The aim of this study is to investigate the sociolinguistic functions of code-switching and its relation to the meaning-making process by using the animated series Kim Possible as a case study. Design/methodology/approach: This study employs Muysken’s taxonomy to draw on code-switching patterns in lexico-grammar in relation to human behavior. The study also uses the functional approaches of Muysken and Appel and Gumperz as binary investigatory frameworks to locate interlingual and intralingual code-switching particularities and to elaborate on code-switching functions. Data and analysis: The analysis encompasses 48 episodes. Firstly, we extracted and transcribed code-switching occurrences in light of Muysken’s typology episode-by-episode and categorized them according to their code-switching type (interlingual or intralingual). Secondly, we quantified the occurrences according to their syntactic form to make more systematic claims about code-switching patterns. Next, we triangulated the patterns by examining the context of utterances and extralinguistic factors in the original series vis-à-vis the dubbed version to draw upon information beyond the structure or grammar. Findings/conclusions: The Arabic dubbed version was able to communicate the characters’ cosmopolitan diversity, which correlates with the series’ sense of linguistic modernity and humor. At the same time, the Arabic version was able to portray the extralinguistic reality of Lebanon and its multi-linguistic tapestry. Originality: This research is original because it focuses on Lebanese-Arabic, a dialect seldom discussed in the context of translation. The research also examines language variations in the context of dubbed discourse, where code-switching is integrally pertinent to visual-signs and the cultural background of characters. Significance/implications: The study recognizes the intricacy of code-switching as a reflective phenomenon of social reality and power dynamics; therefore, it contributes in the fields of translation and sociolinguistics.

2019 ◽  
Vol 36 (11-12) ◽  
pp. 3711-3732
Meredith Van Vleet ◽  
Vicki S. Helgeson

Accumulating evidence indicates that communal coping is beneficial for individuals with chronic illness. The current investigation examined attachment as a moderator of the effects of communal coping in a sample of persons with type 2 diabetes. We hypothesized that patient communal coping would be associated with higher relationship quality, lower distress, and better diabetes outcomes for patients low in avoidant attachment, but it would not be beneficial for patients high in avoidant attachment. Patient communal coping was coded from videotaped interactions in which 86 heterosexual couples discussed difficulties managing diabetes. The results indicated that patient communal coping was beneficial when avoidant attachment was low. When avoidant attachment was high, patient communal coping was related to lower relationship quality and higher distress and was unrelated to diabetes outcomes. This work sheds light on potential boundary conditions of communal coping’s benefits, which will be important to consider in future communal coping interventions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (174) ◽  
pp. 51-65
Myrna Gannagé ◽  
Eliane Besson ◽  
Jacqueline Harfouche ◽  
Isabelle Roskam ◽  
Moïra Mikolajczak

2011 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-81
Peter Hallman

Lingua ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 145 ◽  
pp. 65-103 ◽  
Youssef A. Haddad

K. Vijayraj ◽  
M. Govardhan

A Counter-Rotating System (CRS) is composed of a front rotor and a rear rotor which rotates in the opposite direction. Compared with traditional rotor-stator system, the rear rotor is used not only to recover the static head but also to supply energy to the fluid. Therefore, to achieve the same performance, the use of a CRS may lead to a reduction of the rotational speed and may generate better homogeneous flow downstream of the stage. On the other hand, the mixing area in between the two rotors induces complicated interacting flow structures. Blade sweep has attracted the turbomachinery blade designers owing to a variety of performance benefits it offers. However, the effect of blade sweep on the performance, stall margin improvements whether it is advantageous/disadvantageous to sweep one or both rotors has not been studied till now. In the current investigation blade sweep on the performance characteristics of contra rotating axial flow fans are studied. Two sweep schemes (axial sweeping and tip chord line sweeping) are studied for two sweep angles (20° and 30°). Effect of blade sweep on front rotor and rear rotor are dealt separately by sweeping one at a time. Both rotors are swept together and effect of such sweep scheme on the aerodynamic performance of the stage is also reported here. The performance of contra rotating fan is significantly affected by all these parameters. Blade sweep improved the pressure rise and stall margin of front rotors. Axially swept rotors are found to have higher pressure rise with reduced incidence losses near the tip for front rotors. Sweeping the rear rotor is not effective since the pressure rise is less than that of unswept rotor and also has less stall margin.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
Anna Dusza ◽  
Michał Matysiak

In this article we present current investigation on primary immune thrombocytopenia in children. There are described pathomorphology, clinical symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. We also present current data from literature about genetic tests and latest data on treating options in children. Primary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is one of the most frequent hematological disorders in pediatric population. Although the majority of children have a self-limited and short duration of the disease. However, approximately 20-30% of those patients can develop chronic ITP, which can cause significant complications and higher mortality and reduced quality of life. Especially regarding to long-term immunosupression or surgical interventions, such like splenectomy and restrictions on daily activities to avoid trauma. Over the past decades a lot of informations has been reported about pathogenic features of ITP. Nowdays, we know that it is not only caused by increased platet destruction and decreased platet production, but also complex, multifactorial immune dysregulation, like loss of immune tolerance and generation of platelet autoantibodies. In this article we present current investigation on ITP including clinical symptoms, diagnosis, pathomorphology and latests options on treatment in children. We also present current data about genetic biomarker, such as Vanin-1 (VNN-1) which has been suggested as one of predictors of chronic disease and potentially can offer early prognosis estimation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (10) ◽  
pp. 01-07
M.H. Asmaa ◽  
Sami A. Habana

Electron thickness and temperature of laser prompted Iron plasma boundaries, among different boundaries, were estimated. Plasma was delivered through the connection of high pinnacle power Nd: YAG laser at the key frequency of 1064 nm with a pellet target contains a limited quantity of lipstick from nearby business sectors. Lines from Fe II at 238.502 nm, Fe II at 254.904 nm, Fe II at 262.370 nm, Fe II at 286.545 nm and Fe I at 349.779 nm were utilized to assess the plasma boundaries. The current investigation was completed to assess electron temperature (Te), electron thickness (ne), plasma recurrence, Debye length and Debye number (ND). Laser-incited breakdown spectroscopy LIBS method was used for examining and deciding ghastly discharge lines. ID of change lines from all spectra was completed by contrasting ghostly lines and NIST nuclear data set.

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