Equation of State at Densities Greater than Nuclear Density

1974 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
pp. 27-46
H. A. Bethe

An equation of state is developed for densities from nuclear density (3 x 1014 g cm−3) to about 1016 g cm−3. The repulsive interaction between baryons dominates and empirical arguments for its existence are given. This interaction is attributed to vector meson exchange, and is derived from classical field theory whereupon a Yukawa potential results. The potential actually assumed is a modification of the Reid potential. Arguments are given that the baryons will not form a crystal lattice. The actual calculations were done using Pandharipande's method. The particles present at high density certainly include nucleons, Λ and Σ. The presence of Δ is questionable but that of π is likely. Results are given for the concentration of various species. With the more likely assumption about interactions, the concentration of each permissible species of particle is about equal at ϱ = 1016 g cm−3. The relation between energy and density is nearly independent of the assumptions on the species permitted and the energy is about 3 GeV particle−1 at ϱ = 1016 g cm−3. The relation between pressure and energy density is given, which yields a sound velocity equal to c at a few times 1015 g cm−3. Results for the structure of neutron stars are given. The maximum mass is about 2 solar masses and the maximum moment of inertia 1045 g cm2.

2021 ◽  
pp. 435-448
Andrew M. Steane

Classical field theory, as it is applied to the most simple scalar, vector and spinor fields in flat spacetime, is described. The Klein-Gordan, Weyl and Dirac equations are obtained, and some features of their solutions are discussed. The Yukawa potential, the plane wave solutions, and the conserved currents are obtained. Spinors are introduced, both through physical pictures (flagpole and flag) and algebraic defintions (complex vectors). The relationship between spinors and four-vectors is given, and related to the Lie groups SU(2) and SO(3). The Dirac spinor is introduced.

1996 ◽  
Vol 77 (20) ◽  
pp. 4109-4113 ◽  
Ian M. Anderson ◽  
Charles G. Torre

2009 ◽  
Vol 64 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-47
Mark Noble

This essay argues that Ralph Waldo Emerson's interest in the cutting-edge science of his generation helps to shape his understanding of persons as fluid expressions of power rather than solid bodies. In his 1872 "Natural History of Intellect," Emerson correlates the constitution of the individual mind with the tenets of Michael Faraday's classical field theory. For Faraday, experimenting with electromagnetism reveals that the atom is a node or point on a network, and that all matter is really the arrangement of energetic lines of force. This atomic model offers Emerson a technology for envisioning a materialized subjectivity that both unravels personal identity and grants access to impersonal power. On the one hand, adopting Faraday's field theory resonates with many of the affirmative philosophical and ethical claims central to Emerson's early essays. On the other hand, however, distributing the properties of Faraday's atoms onto the properties of the person also entails moments in which materialized subjects encounter their own partiality, limitation, and suffering. I suggest that Emerson represents these aspects of experience in terms that are deliberately discrepant from his conception of universal power. He presumes that if every experience boils down to the same lines of force, then the particular can be trivialized with respect to the general. As a consequence, Emerson must insulate his philosophical assertions from contamination by our most poignant experiences of limitation. The essay concludes by distinguishing Emersonian "Necessity" from Friedrich Nietzsche's similar conception of amor fati, which routes the affirmation of fate directly through suffering.

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