scholarly journals The Structure of Dark Matter Halos in Dwarf Galaxies

1996 ◽  
Vol 171 ◽  
pp. 175-178 ◽  
A. Burkert

Some dwarf galaxies have HI rotation curves that are completely dominated by a surrounding dark matter (DM) halo (e.g. Carignan & Freeman 1988). These objects represent ideal candidates for an investigation of the density structure of low-mass DM halos as the uncertainties resulting from the subtraction of the visible component are small, even in the innermost regions. Flores & Primack (1994) and Moore (1994) compared the observed DM rotation curves with the profiles, predicted from cosmological cold dark matter (CDM) calculations. They found an interesting discrepancy: whereas the calculations lead to a DM density distribution which diverges as ρ ∼ r−1 in the inner parts, the observed rotation curves indicate shallow DM cores which can be described by an isothermal density profile with finite central density.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (S344) ◽  
pp. 455-463
Julio F. Navarro

AbstractThe Lambda Cold Dark Matter (LCDM) paradigm makes specific predictions for the abundance, structure, substructure and clustering of dark matter halos, the sites of galaxy formation. These predictions can be directly tested, in the low-mass halo regime, by dark matter-dominated dwarf galaxies. A number of potential challenges to LCDM have been identified when confronting the expected properties of dwarfs with observation. I review our understanding of a few of these issues, including the “missing satellites” and the “too-big-to-fail” problems, and argue that neither poses an insurmountable challenge to LCDM. Solving these problems requires that most dwarf galaxies inhabit halos of similar mass, and that there is a relatively sharp minimum halo mass threshold to form luminous galaxies. These predictions are eminently falsifiable. In particular, LCDM predicts a large number of “dark” low-mass halos, some of which should have retained enough primordial gas to be detectable in deep 21 cm or Hα surveys. Detecting this predicted population of “mini-halos” would be a major discovery and a resounding success for LCDM on small scales.

2004 ◽  
Vol 617 (2) ◽  
pp. 1059-1076 ◽  
George Rhee ◽  
Octavio Valenzuela ◽  
Anatoly Klypin ◽  
Jon Holtzman ◽  
Bhasker Moorthy

2008 ◽  
Vol 17 (08) ◽  
pp. 1283-1294 ◽  

N-body simulations of dark matter halos show that the density is cusped near the center of the halo. The density profile behaves as r–γ in the inner parts, where γ ≃ 1 for the NFW model and γ ≃ 1.5 for the Moore model, but in the outer parts the two models agree with each other in the asymptotic behavior of the density profile. The simulations also show information about the anisotropy parameter β(r) of the velocity distribution: β ≈ 0 in the inner part and β ≈ 0.5 (radially anisotropic) in the outer part of the halo. We provide some distribution functions F(E, L) with the constant anisotropy parameter β for the two spherical models of dark matter halos: a new generalized NFW model and a generalized Moore model. There are two parameters α and ∊ for those two generalized models to determine the asymptotic behavior of the density profile. In this paper, we concentrate on the situation of β(r) = 1/2 from the viewpoint of the simulation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 501 (1) ◽  
pp. 179-200 ◽  
Khyati Malhan ◽  
Monica Valluri ◽  
Katherine Freese

ABSTRACT The steepness of the central density profiles of dark matter (DM) in low-mass galaxy haloes (e.g. dwarf galaxies) is a powerful probe of the nature of DM. We propose a novel scheme to probe the inner profiles of galaxy subhaloes using stellar streams. We show that the present-day morphological and dynamical properties of accreted globular cluster (GC) streams – those produced from tidal stripping of GCs that initially evolved within satellite galaxies and later merged with the Milky Way (MW) – are sensitive to the central DM density profile and mass of their parent satellites. GCs that accrete within cuspy cold dark matter (CDM) subhaloes produce streams that are physically wider and dynamically hotter than streams that accrete inside cored subhaloes. A first comparison of MW streams ‘GD-1’ and ‘Jhelum’ (likely of accreted GC origin) with our simulations indicates a preference for cored subhaloes. If these results hold up in future data, the implication is that either the DM cusps were erased by baryonic feedback, or their subhaloes naturally possessed cored density profiles implying particle physics models beyond CDM. Moreover, accreted GC streams are highly structured and exhibit complex morphological features (e.g. parallel structures and ‘spurs’). This implies that the accretion scenario can naturally explain the recently observed peculiarities in some of the MW streams. We also propose a novel mechanism for forming ‘gaps’ in stellar streams when the remnant of the parent subhalo (which hosted the GC) later passes through the GC stream. This encounter can last a longer time (and have more of an impact) than the random encounters with DM subhaloes previously considered, because the GC stream and its parent subhalo are on similar orbits with small relative velocities. Current and future surveys of the MW halo will uncover numerous faint stellar streams and provide the data needed to substantiate our preliminary tests with this new probe of DM.

2018 ◽  
Vol 63 (9) ◽  
pp. 769 ◽  
A. V. Rudakovskyi ◽  
D. O. Savchenko

We formulate a new model of density distribution for halos made of warm dark matter (WDM) particles. The model is described by a single microphysical parameter – the mass (or, equivalently, the maximal value of the initial phase-space density distribution) of dark matter particles. Given the WDM particle mass and the parameters of a dark matter density profile at the halo periphery, this model predicts the inner density profile. In the case of initial Fermi–Dirac distribution, we successfully reproduce cored dark matter profiles from N-body simulations. We calculate also the core radii of warm dark matter halos of dwarf spheroidal galaxies for particle masses mFD = 100, 200, 300, and 400 eV.

2003 ◽  
Vol 208 ◽  
pp. 397-398
Asao Habe ◽  
Chiaki Hanyu

We study the differential energy distribution of dark matter halos, carrying out cosmological N-body simulation. From our simulation, we give an analytical formula of the differential energy distribution of dark matter in the halos. Density distribution from the analytical formula is consistent with the Navarro, Frenk, and White (NFW) profile. We find that a parameter in our analytical formula of differential energy distribution is related with the slope of inner cusp of dark halo. We discuss physical reason of form of the analytical formula.

2006 ◽  
Vol 2 (S235) ◽  
pp. 385-388
Oleg Y. Gnedin

AbstractThe concordance cosmological model based on cold dark matter makes definitive predictions for the growth of galaxies in the Universe, which are being actively studied using numerical simulations. These predictions appear to contradict the observations of dwarf galaxies. Dwarf dark matter halos are more numerous and have steeper central density profiles than the observed galaxies. The first of these small-scale problems, the “missing satellites problem”, can be resolved by accounting for the low efficiency of gas cooling and star formation in dwarf halos. A newly-discovered class of HyperVelocity Stars will soon allow us to test another generic prediction of CDM models, the triaxial shapes of dark matter halos. Measuring the proper motions of HVS will probe the gravitational potential out to 100 kpc and will constrain the axis ratios and the orientation of the Galactic halo.

2004 ◽  
Vol 220 ◽  
pp. 99-100 ◽  
Toshiyuki Fukushige ◽  
Atsushi Kawai ◽  
Junichiro Makino

We investigate the structure of the dark matter halo formed in the cold dark matter scenarios by N-body simulations with parallel treecode on GRAPE cluster systems (Fukushige, Kawai, Makino 2003). We simulated 8 halos with the mass of 4.4 × 1014M⊙ to 1.6 × 1015M⊙ in the SCDM and LCDM model using up to 30 million particles. With the resolution of our simulations, the density profile is reliable down to 0.2 percent of the virial radius. Our results show that the slope of inner cusp within 1 percent virial radius is shallower than −1.5, and the radius where the shallowing starts exhibits run-to-run variation, which means the innermost profile is not universal.

Nelson Caldwell ◽  
Jay Strader ◽  
David J. Sand ◽  
Beth Willman ◽  
Anil C. Seth

AbstractObservations of globular clusters in dwarf galaxies can be used to study a variety of topics, including the structure of dark matter halos and the history of vigorous star formation in low-mass galaxies. We report on the properties of the faint globular cluster (MV ~ −3.4) in the M31 dwarf galaxy Andromeda I. This object adds to the growing population of low-luminosity Local Group galaxies that host single globular clusters.

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