Economic Reform in China at the Xian Level

1983 ◽  
Vol 96 ◽  
pp. 665-688 ◽  
Y. Y. Kueh

In the terminology of Chinese planning the “state plan” (“guojia jihua”) embraces both the central and provincial plans, while the “local plan” (“difang jihua”) refers exclusively to the one for the xian (county) and its administrative equivalent, namely the provincial municipality. This distinction is seldom made in relevant western studies. The prevalent practice is to regard provincial and local planning as synonymous, in contrast to central planning. As a result, the xian as a separate planning authority has scarcely received any attention, except for some sporadic references made in connection with studies on local, especially rural, industries.

1964 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 439-439

Dr. Jaffe is, of course, correct that it is often possible to culture H. pertussis from patients with whooping cough. Our statement in the paper referred to the facts as they are for our series, even though we regret the state of affairs. We therefore very carefully listed the criteria by which the diagnosis was made in the absence of finding the specific etiologic agent. The method referred to by Dr. Jaffe for culturing the organisms was not the one that was employed by the Bacteriology Laboratory of the hospital.

2017 ◽  
Vol 65 (3) ◽  
pp. 302-315
Jana Dudková

Abstract The text deals with the ways in which Slovak live-action films made in the 1990s introduced the topic of mistrust in the State and in its institutions. Using specific examples, the text demonstrates that such mistrust was not primarily a critical attitude, but rather consisted of two basic forms of rejection. On the one hand, live-action films made for cinema often promoted the post-modern principle of a “relative” truth, presenting a lifestyle with minimal ties to the State, sometimes also formulating a mistrust in specific state institutions (the police, state-run artistic institutions, education system) by means of irony. On the other hand, films made for state television frequently drew attention to corruption in state organisations and the fact it was usually being generally accepted as a status that did not need to be analysed. In both cases, the message of the 1990s was carried onto the next millennium, and can eventually be interpreted as a way of solidifying the discourse of mistrust that we perceive in contemporary Slovak film for cinemas and television.

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 229
Bambang Arif Rahman

<p>Shura as the system of representation of the Muslim’s voice in, typically, the<br />Islamic state is often confronted with the West representation system namely<br />Democracy. Some Islamic scholars believe that Shura is still the best system for<br />Muslims to vote for their need in the state. However, as Islam is not a monolithic<br />doctrine, some other Muslim groups have another alternative view to represent<br />their political opinion to the state by, surprisingly, practicing democracy. In brief,<br />Shura is still placed God instructions as the reference of all decisions which are<br />made in the council. Otherwise, democracy merely stands its policy on the people.<br />Both systems have a long tradition processes to find their recent way in this<br />global age. And the British Muslims have to realize that they live in a developed<br />country like Britain and still have to be Muslim. Giving challenging condition, Hizbut<br />Tahrir, Tablighi Jama’at, and Muslim Council of Britain, three prominent Muslim<br />Organizations in England, have different attitude towards democratic Britain to<br />voice their representation. On the one hand, Hizbut Tahrir strictly rejects the idea<br />of democracy as its goal is to establish the Islamic Caliphate in the world. And on<br />another hand, Tablighi Jama’at tends to stay away from the political issue, including<br />its representation, as the core of this organization is only preaching in a<br />peaceful way. Finally, Muslim Council of Britain as the umbrella of small-medium Muslim organizations in England, in fact is involving in the system of British democracy.<br />Shura sebagai sistem perwakilan seringkali diperbandingkan dengan sistem<br />perwakilan Barat, yaitu demokrasi. Beberapa tokoh umat Islam percaya bahwa<br />shura masih merupakan sistem perwakilan yang terbaik untuk menyuarakan<br />keinginan umat Islam terhadap negara. Namun demikian, karena Islam bukan<br />merupakan doktrin yang kaku, ada beberapa kelompok Muslim lain yang memiliki<br />pandangan berbeda di dalam mengemukakan aspirasi politiknya terhadap negara,<br />yang justru menggunakan sistem demokrasi. Secara singkat, sistem shura masih<br />menempatkan ajaran-ajaran Tuhan sebagai acuan untuk memutuskan segala<br />persoalan dalam dewan. Sedangkan demokrasi membuat kebijakan semata-mata<br />berdasarkan pada suara manusia. Kedua sistem ini memiliki proses tradisional<br />yang panjang untuk mencapai bentuknya seperti sekarang ini. Sementara itu,<br />Muslim Inggris harus menyadari bahwa mereka hidup di negara maju dan harus<br />tetap ber-Islam. Menghadapi kondisi yang menantang ini, tiga organisasi Islam<br />terkemuka di Inggris seperti Hizbut Tahrir, Tablighi Jama’ah, dan Muslim Council<br />of Britain memiliki sikap berbeda untuk menyatakan suara mereka terhadap<br />pemerintah Inggris yang demokratis. Satu sisi, Hizbut Tahrir dengan keras menolak<br />ide demokrasi dikarenakan cita-cita mereka adalah mendirikan kekhalifahan Islam<br />di dunia. Sementara di sisi yang lain, Tablighi Jama’ah cenderung menghindari<br />isu politik, termasuk keterwakilan mereka. Terakhir, Muslim Council of Britain<br />yang merupakan payung bagi organisasi-organisasi Islam kecil-menengah di<br />Inggris pada kenyataannya ikut serta di dalam sistem demokrasi Inggris.</p><p> </p>

2008 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 74-78
hank shaw

Portugal has port, Spain has sherry, Sicily has Marsala –– and California has angelica. Angelica is California's original wine: The intensely sweet, fortified dessert cordial has been made in the state for more than two centuries –– primarily made from Mission grapes, first brought to California by the Spanish friars. Angelica was once drunk in vast quantities, but now fewer than a dozen vintners make angelica today. These holdouts from an earlier age are each following a personal quest for the real. For unlike port and sherry, which have strict rules about their production, angelica never gelled into something so distinct that connoisseurs can say, ““This is angelica. This is not.”” This piece looks at the history of the drink, its foggy origins in the Mission period and on through angelica's heyday and down to its degeneration into a staple of the back-alley wino set. Several current vintners are profiled, and they suggest an uncertain future for this cordial.

2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-73 ◽  
I. Csáky ◽  
F. Kalmár

Abstract Nowadays the facades of newly built buildings have significant glazed surfaces. The solar gains in these buildings can produce discomfort caused by direct solar radiation on the one hand and by the higher indoor air temperature on the other hand. The amplitude of the indoor air temperature variation depends on the glazed area, orientation of the facade and heat storage capacity of the building. This paper presents the results of a simulation, which were made in the Passol Laboratory of University of Debrecen in order to define the internal temperature variation. The simulation proved that the highest amplitudes of the internal temperature are obtained for East orientation of the facade. The upper acceptable limit of the internal air temperature is exceeded for each analyzed orientation: North, South, East, West. Comparing different building structures, according to the obtained results, in case of the heavy structure more cooling hours are obtained, but the energy consumption for cooling is lower.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-103
Komang Sukaniasa

International agreements are agreements between international subjects that give rise to binding obligations in international rights, which can be bilateral or multilateral. Based on these opinions, an understanding can be taken that international treaties are agreements or agreements entered into by two or more countries as subjects of international law that aim to cause certain legal consequences. International agreements, whether ratified or through approval or acceptance or accession, or other methods that are permitted, have the same binding force as ratified international treaties established in the Ratification Law of International Treaties. Once again, it is equally valid and binding on the state. Therefore, the authors consider that the position of international treaties are not made in the form of the Ratification Act of the International Agreement but are binding and apply to Indonesia. Then Damos Dumoli Agusman argues that ratification originates from the conception of international treaty law which is interpreted as an act of confirmation from a country of the legal acts of its envoys or representatives who have signed an agreement as a sign of agreement to be bound by the agreement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (10-2) ◽  
pp. 86-98
Ivan Popov

The paper deals with the organization and decisions of the conference of the Minister-Presidents of German lands in Munich on June 6-7, 1947, which became the one and only meeting of the heads of the state governments of the western and eastern occupation zones before the division of Germany. The conference was the first experience of national positioning of the regional elite and clearly demonstrated that by the middle of 1947, not only between the allies, but also among German politicians, the incompatibility of perspectives of further constitutional development was existent and all the basic conditions for the division of Germany became ripe. Munich was the last significant demonstration of this disunity and the moment of the final turn towards the three-zone orientation of the West German elite.

Jong Hak Lee ◽  
Jong Eun Kim ◽  
Chang Su Park ◽  
Nam Il Kim ◽  
Jang Won Moon ◽  

Abstract In this work, a slightly unetched gate hard mask failure was analyzed by nano probing. Although unetched hard mask failures are commonly detected from the cross sectional view with FIB or FIB-TEM and planar view with the voltage contrast, in this case of the very slightly unetched hard mask, it was difficult to find the defects within the failed area by physical analysis methods. FIB is useful due to its function of milling and checking from the one region to another region within the suspected area, but the defect, located under contact was very tiny. So, it could not be detected in the tilted-view of the FIB. However, the state of the failure could be understood from the electrical analysis using a nano probe due to its ability to probe contact nodes across the fail area. Among the transistors in the fail area, one transistor’s characteristics showed higher leakage current and lower ON current than expected. After physical analysis, slightly remained hard mask was detected by TEM. Chemical processing was followed to determine the gate electrode (WSi2) connection to tungsten contact. It was also proven that when gate is floated, more leakage current flows compared to the state that the zero voltage is applied to the gate. This was not verified by circuit simulation due to the floating nodes.

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 34-66
Joyce Valdovinos

The provision of water services has traditionally been considered a responsibility of the state. During the late 1980s, the private sector emerged as a key actor in the provision of public services. Mexico City was no exception to this trend and public authorities awarded service contracts to four private consortia in 1993. Through consideration of this case study, two main questions arise: First, why do public authorities establish partnerships with the private sector? Second, what are the implications of these partnerships for water governance? This article focuses, on the one hand, on the conceptual debate of water as a public and/or private good, while identifying new trends and strategies carried out by private operators. On the other hand, it analyzes the role of the state and its relationships with other actors through a governance model characterized by partnerships and multilevel networks.Spanish La provisión del servicio del agua ha sido tradicionalmente considerada como una responsabilidad del Estado. A finales de la década de 1980, el sector privado emerge como un actor clave en el suministro de servicios públicos. La ciudad de México no escapa a esta tendencia y en 1993 las autoridades públicas firman contratos de servicios con cuatro consorcios privados. A través de este estudio de caso, dos preguntas son planteadas: ¿Por qué las autoridades públicas establecen partenariados con el sector privado? ¿Cuáles son las implicaciones de dichos partenariados en la gobernanza del agua? Este artículo aborda por una parte, el debate conceptual del agua como bien público y/o privado, identificando nuevas tendencias y estrategias de los operadores privados. Por otra parte, se analizan el rol y las relaciones del Estado con otros actores a través de un modelo de gobernanza, definido en términos de partenariados y redes multi-niveles.French Les services de l'eau ont été traditionnellement considérés comme une responsabilité de l'État. À la fin des années 1980, le secteur privé est apparu comme un acteur clé dans la fourniture de certains services publics. La ville de Mexico n'a pas échappé à cette tendance et en 1993, les autorités publiques ont signé des contrats de services avec quatre consortiums privés. À travers cette étude de cas, nous nous interrogerons sur deux aspects : pourquoi les autorités publiques établissentelles des partenariats avec le secteur privé ? Quelles sont les implications de ces partenariats sur la gouvernance de l'eau ? Cet article s'intéresse, d'une part, au débat conceptuel sur l'eau en tant que bien public et/ou privé, en identifiant les tendances nouvelles et les stratégies menées par les opérateurs privés. D'autre part y sont analysés le rôle de l'État et ses relations avec d'autres acteurs à travers un modèle de gouvernance, défini en termes de partenariats, et des réseaux multi-niveaux.

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