The response to a hot spot in a combustion problem
1981 ◽
Vol 23
pp. 95-102
Hot Spot
AbstractA simple model for a problem in combustion theory has multiple steady state solutions when a parameter is in a certain range. This note deals with the initial value problem when the initial temperature takes the form of a hot spot. Estimates on the extent and temperature of the spot for the steady state solution to be super-critical are obtained.
2005 ◽
Vol 35
pp. 532-544
1974 ◽
Vol 11
pp. 263-277
1990 ◽
Vol 216
pp. 255-284
2006 ◽
Vol 16
pp. 779-802
2000 ◽
Vol 23
pp. 261-270
1998 ◽
Vol 350
pp. 4709-4756
2020 ◽
Vol 283
pp. 104349
1991 ◽
Vol 51
pp. 90-123