XXII.—The Effect of Thermal Treatment and the Effect of Longitudinal Strain in inducing a Sensitive State in certain Magnetic Materials
1914 ◽
Vol 33
pp. 243-256
It has been pointed out by several experimenters, notably by Ewing, and Gray and Ross, that a specimen of steel freshly annealed is in a peculiar magnetic condition. Thus, if a specimen, thoroughly demagnetised, is annealed and then tested, a certain I–H curve is obtained. If it be then demagnetised, and tested again, a second I–H curve is obtained which lies definitely below the first; and any further tests after demagnetisation produce a repetition of the second curve, which is characteristic of the specimen. To obtain the first curve again, the specimen has to be annealed from the same temperature as before, and a test made before demagnetisation.
1908 ◽
Vol 28
pp. 239-248
1974 ◽
Vol 32
pp. 532-533
1991 ◽
Vol 49
pp. 954-955
2007 ◽
Vol 6
pp. 33-33
1998 ◽
Vol 31
pp. 102A
1979 ◽
Vol 40
pp. C2-165-C2-166
1988 ◽
Vol 49
pp. C8-25-C8-29
2014 ◽
Vol 52
pp. 615-622