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Agriculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 353
Jarmila Lazíková ◽  
Ľubica Rumanovská ◽  
Ivan Takáč ◽  
Piotr Prus ◽  
Alexander Fehér

The agricultural land market and its legal and political limitations play an important role in sustainable agricultural production. This study analyzed the agricultural land market in particular regions of Slovakia in terms of the sustainability of agricultural production. We focused on the development of proposed land prices between 2014 and 2018 to find out whether the prices proposed by landowners align with administrative land prices reflecting the soil quality in particular regions of Slovakia, or whether they are influenced by the proposed land prices of neighboring regions. Moreover, we focused on the existence of regional differences in proposed land prices in Slovakia, including differences in supply prices of arable land and permanent grasslands in particular regions. Statistical induction tools, together with multiple range tests and spatial autocorrelation, were used to confirm or refuse our expectations. We confirmed statistically significant differences in proposed land prices between regions. Moreover, we found that landowners are only influenced by the proposed land prices of their neighboring regions to a slight degree. However, we found that the price scissors between proposed land prices and administrative land prices open towards smaller administrative land prices, meaning that land of poorer fertility is supplied at a higher price than land of the best soil quality. There is a risk that expensive and poorer land plots will be used by investors for non-agricultural purposes, and agricultural production will be crowded out from these regions. Therefore, we propose that changes to the prepared legislative measures are necessary in order to promote the sustainability of agricultural production in all regions of the country.

2020 ◽  
Vol 01 (Fall) ◽  
pp. 14-17
Narmina Hajiyeva

Purpose: This report presents 3 cases of esotropia in children and an attempt is made to explain the cause of the development of esotropia in these children.Methods: A comprehensive ophthalmic examination was carried out in the following order: photorefraction using the Plusoptix A09 photoscreener without cycloplegia; orthoptic examination with the alternate prism cover test; anterior segment assessment using a slit lamp; fundus examination and cycloplegic retinoscopy; and, for autorefractometry measurements, Sure-Sight.Results: Threecases of esotropia in children are presented. In all cases, a slight microanisometropia was observed along the cylindrical component ofthe squinting eye.Conclusion:Our three examples show how a slight degree of ametropia can cause a deviation of the eyeball. Therefore, case-by-case analysis can be more informative than large statistical studies. Thus, it is appropriate to evaluate eachcase from these new perspectives. The timely elimination of a small degree of anisometropia in the astigmatic or spherical components can lead to the restoration of the symmetrical position of the eyes

2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-55
M. O. Korzh ◽  
V. A. Filipenko ◽  
F. S. Leontieva ◽  
D. V. Morozenko ◽  
O. P. Marushchak ◽  

AbstractThe aim of the work was to study the agglutination and hemolysis of erythrocytes under diff erent conditions in vitro in a patient with unknown cause of anemia and concomitant secondary instability of endoprosthesis.Material and methods. One percent (1%) suspension of erythrocytes of a woman, 61 years old, A (II) Rh- (negative) presented with anemia was incubated with her serum and plasma at pH 7.3, pH 5.8 and 9.0, as well as with IgM α and β antibodies. Unithiol was used to destroy IgM antibodies. The samples were incubated for 12 hours at 37° C, and the presence of the agglutination and hemolysis was evaluated.Results. The incubation of the plasma with unwashed erythrocytes of the patient led to the agglutination of the erythrocytes and the usage of the complement led to the hemolysis. After inactivation of IgM in the plasma the agglutination was absent and the hemolysis was present under usual conditions and at pH 5.8, whereas at pH 8.0 the hemolysis was attenuated, however a slight degree agglutination appeared. The usage of the complement led to the agglutination and the hemolysis, absent at pH 8.0. The plasma incubated with washed red blood cells and the complement led to the hemolysis. The incubation of the serum with washed erythrocytes led to the hemolysis at pH 5.8, attenuated after the usage of the complement. The contact of terbinophine with plasma and unwashed red blood cells led to the absence of both the hemolysis and the agglutination. Candida lusitaniae growth was detected in the plasma.Conclusions. The agglutination of unwashed erythrocytes by own plasma, attenuated in the alkaline medium and enhanced in the acid medium, as well as the absence of the agglutination after the usage of terbinophine and the hemolysis in the presence of the complement might be the signs of mycogenic and autoimmune origin of anemia with the activation of autoimmune complement – binding antibodies.

Rocha da silva Solange Rocha da silva ◽  
Giuslane Francisca da Silva Silva

Pensar como o seriado Atipycal pode ser utilizado como um recurso pedagógico, é o objetivo desse artigo. Para tanto, exploramos alguns aspectos das três temporadas de Atipycal, seriado produzido pela Netflix. Atipycal aborda de uma forma descontraída as dificuldades e desafios enfrentados por Sam, um adolescente dentro do espectro autista, em grau leve. Ao problematizar as relações familiares e as dificuldades encontradas pela família Gardner para lidar com Sam, a série também evidencia a importância do engajamento da família para o desenvolvimento de uma pessoa dentro do espectro. Dessa forma, o seriado é um importante mecanismo que possibilita ao público conhecer e refletir sobre as condições de vida e a inclusão escolar e social de uma pessoa autista. Assim, a série pode ser utilizada como um recurso pedagógico em sala de aula, pois, Atypical nos possibilita refletir sobre como a escola tem lidado com as diferenças. Palavras-chave: Seriado; TEA; Dimensão educativa.   Teaching trought series: Atipycal and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Abstract: Reflecting on how the TV serie Atipycal can be used as a pedagogical resource is the goal of this paper. Therefore, we explore some aspects of the three seasons of the TV serie Atipycal, produced by Netflix. Atipycal explores, in a humorous way, the difficulties and challenges faced by Sam, a teenager within the autistic spectrum, in a slight degree. By problematizing family relationships and the difficulties encountered by the Gardner family in dealing with Sam, the TV serie also highlights the importance of family engagement for the development of a person within the spectrum. Consequently, the show is an important mechanism that enables the public to know and reflect on the living conditions and the school and social inclusion of an autistic person. This means that, the Tv serie can be used as a pedagogical resource in the classroom, because Atypical enables us to reflect on how the school has dealt with differences. Keywords: TV Serie; ASD; Educational dimension. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 222 ◽  
pp. 02015
A.P. Poryvaeva ◽  
N.A. Vereshchak ◽  
S.V. Malkov ◽  
A.S. Krasnoperov ◽  
Pechura E.V.

The assessment of the intoxication degree and the state of general organism resistance was carried by identifying “hematological indices” showing the connections between various cell classes of leukocyte formula. Comparison of integral indices of intoxication has recorded “slight degree of intoxication of the organism” in sick calves in 47.6% of cases. In the case of “moderate severity of organism intoxication”, the tension in the hemopoiesis system was recorded in 85.7% of cases, and the imbalance in the reactions of the cellular and humoral link of immunity – in 48.1% cases. For animals with a “severe degree of organism intoxication” imbalance in the links of immunity was determined in 90.9% of cases. According to the results of the determination of LII, LSI and LI, 31.6% calves were identified as having a risk of gastrointestinal complications development, whereas according to the results of CBC only 9.5% animals were classified as a “risk group”.

Salwa A. Aljassar ◽  
Jasem A. Altammar

The study aimed to identify field problems encountered by student-teachers during instruction and classroom management. A randomized sample of 90 male and female participants, specialized in social studies and mathematics, was selected from the College of Education at Kuwait University. This mixed research method employs a questionnaire that was forused on 53 key areas of teaching and classroom problems. After testing the research methods for validity and reliability, a thorough analysis was conducted to derive main averages, standard deviations, and t-test values for the challenges’ degrees of impact. Data results reflected a consensus amongst participants that the teaching profession was challenging due to the lack of quality in field training received. The first greatest challenge was  classroom management problems with a slight degree of severity (M=3.04). Instructional problems were the second greatest challenge with a slight degree of severity (M=2.48). Moreover, there were statistically significant differences between male and female student-teachers in the field of teaching problems, in favor of male student teachers. There were also statistically significant differences among student teachers based on their respective area of specialization (social studies and mathematics), in favor of mathematics. The research ended with a set of recommendations for enhancing the performance of student-teachers in dealing with teaching and classroom problems during field training.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-57
T. Boldyreva

The article presents and describes the style models of interpersonal interaction revealed through regression analysis, providing socio-psychological adaptation of adolescents with mild mental retardation and with normotypical development, studying in secondary schools. 75 adolescents from rural schools were examined, who had a sufficient level of social and psychological adaptation, identified through the methods of diagnosing the social-psychological adaptation of R. Rogers and R. Diamond. Characteristics of interpersonal interaction studied using a modified version of T. Leary's interpersonal diagnosis in the adaptation of L.N. Sobchik. The differences in the structure of interpersonal relations, contributing to the adaptation of adolescents with normotypical development and with a slight degree of mental retardation revealed. The analysis of the correspondence of the presented results to modern studies of interpersonal relations among adolescents made possible to discover originality in the determination of socio-psychological adaptation not only among adolescents with mild mental retardation, but also with their normally developing peers in inclusive education.

2018 ◽  
Vol LXXIX (3) ◽  
pp. 186-196
Valentina Gladkaja

"Social and Daily Living Orientation" is the most important academic subject in the teaching of students with mild intellectual disabilities from the 1st to the 10th grade, directly aimed at preparing them for independent living. The quality of training in this subject largely depends on the teacher's awareness of the goal of the training and on the choice of correct methodology for conducting training sessions. The aim, objectives, and content of training in the field of social and daily living orientation are substantiated in the article. The author's approach to the selection of types of training sessions, the structure and methodology of lessons are presented. Special conditions for conducting lessons are described.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-117
Michal Peprník

Abstract The article employs critical concepts from sociology and anthropology to examine the stereotype of the Vanishing Indian and disclose its contradictory character. The article argues that in James Fenimore Cooper’s late novels from the 1840s a type of American Indian appears who can be regarded as a Vanishing Indian in many respects as he displays some slight degree of assimilation but at the same time he can be found to reveal a surprising amount of resistance to the process of vanishing and marginalization. His peculiar mode of survival and his mode of living demonstrate a certain degree of acculturation, which comes close to Gerald Vizenor’s survivance and for which I propose a term critical integration. I base my study on Susquesus (alias Trackless), Cooper’s less well-known character from The Littlepage Manuscripts, a three-book family saga.

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