A Resorcinol-Formaldehyde Resin as an Embedding Material for Electron Microscopy of Membranes
The extraction of lipids from tissues during fixation and embedding for electron microscopy is widely recognized as a source of possible artifact, especially at the membrane level of cell organization. Lipid extraction is also a major disadvantage in electron microscope autoradiography of radioactive lipids, as in studies of the uptake of radioactive fatty acids by intestinal slices. Retention of lipids by fixation with osmium tetroxide is generally limited to glycolipids, phospholipids and highly unsaturated neutral lipids. Saturated neutral lipids and sterols tend to be easily extracted by organic dehydrating reagents prior to embedding. Retention of the more saturated lipids in embedded tissue might be achieved by developing new cross-linking reagents, by the use of highly water soluble embedding materials or by working at very low temperatures.