Two Distinct Types of Microfilaments in the Cytoplasm of Human Adenohypophysial Cells
Surgically removed human pituitary glands as well as pituitary tumors fixed in glutaraldehyde, postfixed in osmium tetroxide, embedded in epon resin, stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate have been investigated by electron microscopy in order to correlate ultrastructure with functional activity. In the course of this study two distinct types of microfilaments have been identified in the cytoplasm of adenohypophysiocytes.Type I microfilaments (Fig. 1) were found in the cytoplasm of anterior lobe cells of five female subjects with disseminated mammary cancer and two patients with severe diabetes mellitus. The breast cancer patients were treated pre-operatively for various periods of time with different doses of oxysteroids. The microfilaments had an average diameter of JO A, formed parallel bundles, were scattered irregularly in the cytoplasm and were frequently located in the perikaryon. They were not membrane-bound and failed to show any periodicity.