Filamentous Component (Slime) in Coniferous Sieve Elements

Lidija Murmanis ◽  
Irving B. Sachs

In the literature, it is agreed that in angiosperm sieve elements, a fibrillar, or filamentous, proteinaceous material is present, but the presence of this material in gymnosperms is not agreed upon. Some authors have reported filamentous material (slime) in Pinaceae by light and by electron microscopy. By contrast, some authors have found no structural component in conifers comparable to the sieve element fibrillar component in angiosperms.This report is an affirmation that filamentous material is present in Pinus strobus L. sieve elements. The finest filamentous unit, when measurable, appears to range from 40-60 A in diameter (Fig. 1, arrows). These filaments have a tendency to accumulate to various degrees. Generally, they aggregate in two; then the double structure measures 120-160 A in diameter (Fig. 1, double arrows), although the distance between two filaments is not constant.

1967 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 801-815 ◽  
James Cronshaw ◽  
Katherine Esau

An ontogenetic study of the sieve element protoplast of Nicotiana tabacum L. by light and electron microscopy has shown that the P-protein component (slime) arises as small groups of tubules in the cytoplasm. These subsequently enlarge to form comparatively large compact masses of 231 ± 2.5 (SE)A (n = 121) tubules, the P-protein bodies. During subsequent differentiation of the sieve element, the P-protein body disaggregates and the tubules become dispersed throughout the cell. This disaggregation occurs at about the same stage of differentiation of the sieve elements as the breakdown of the tonoplast and nucleus. Later, the tubules of P-protein are reorganized into smaller striated 149 ± 4.5 (SE)A (n = 43) fibrils which are characteristic of the mature sieve elements. The tubular P-protein component has been designated P1-protein and the striated fibrillar component P2-protein. In fixed material, the sieve-plate pores of mature sieve elements are filled with proteinaceous material which frays out into the cytoplasm as striated fibrils of P2-protein. Our observations are compatible with the view that the contents of contiguous mature sieve elements, including the P-protein, are continuous through the sieve-plate pores and that fixing solutions denature the proteins in the pores. They are converted into the electron-opaque material filling the pores.

1970 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 383-398 ◽  
Barry A. Palevitz ◽  
Eldon H. Newcomb

The fine structure of plastids and their starch deposits in differentiating sieve elements was studied in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Ultrastructural cytochemistry employing two carbohydrases specific for different linkages was then used to compare the chemical nature of "sieve tube starch" (the starch deposited in sieve elements) with that of the ordinary starch of other cell types. Hypocotyl tissue from seedlings was fixed in glutaraldehyde, postfixed in osmium tetroxide, and embedded in Epon-Araldite. Treatment of thin sections on uncoated copper grids with α-amylase or diastase at pH 6.8 to cleave α-(1 → 4) bonds resulted in digestion of ordinary starch grains but not sieve element grains, as determined by electron microscopy. Since α-(1 → 6) branch points in amylopectin-type starches make the adjacent α-(1 → 4) linkages somewhat resistant to hydrolysis by α-amylase, other sections mounted on bare copper or gold grids were treated with pullulanase (a bacterial α-[1 → 6] glucosidase) prior to digestion with diastase. Pullulanase did not digest sieve element starch, but rendered the starch digestible subsequently by α-amylase. Diastase followed by pullulanase did not result in digestion. The results provide evidence that sieve element starch is composed of highly branched molecules with numerous α-(1 → 6) linkages.

2015 ◽  
Vol 69 (8) ◽  
Jolanta Kochana ◽  
Katarzyna Hnida ◽  
Grzegorz Sulka ◽  
Paweł Knihnicki ◽  
Joanna Kozak ◽  

AbstractPolypyrrole nanowires (PPyNWs) were fabricated and examined as a structural component of amperometric biosensor matrix. An enzyme, tyrosinase (TYR), was immobilized onto PPyNWs using glutaraldehyde (GA). Matrix composite morphology was investigated using scanning electron microscopy. Electrochemical behavior of the prepared PPyNWs/GA/TYR biosensor towards catechol was studied and the assessment of its analytical characteristics was carried out taking into account linear range, sensitivity, repeatability, reproducibility and operational stability.

1979 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-22
K. Esau ◽  
A.C. Magyarosy

The compounds crystalloids formed in sieve element nuclei of Amsinckia douglasiana A. DC. (Boraginaceae) during differentiation of the cell become disaggregated during the nuclear breakdown characteristic of a maturing sieve element. The phenomenon occurs in both healthy and virus-infected plants. The crystalloid component termed cy, which is loosely aggregated, separates from the densely aggregated component termed cx and disperses. The cx component may become fragmented, or broken into large pieces, or remain intact after the cell matures. After their release from the nucleus both crystalloid components become spatially associated with the dispersed P-protein originating in the cytoplasm, but remain distinguishable from it. The component tubules of P-protein are hexagonal in transections and are somewhat wider than the 6-sided cy tubules. The cx tubules are much narrower than the P-protein or the cy tubules and have square transections. Both the P-protein and the products of disintegrated crystalloids accumulate at sieve plates in sieve elements subjected to sudden release of hydrostatic pressure by cutting the phloem. The question of categorizing the tubular components of the nuclear crystalloid of a sieve element with reference to the concept of P-protein is discussed.

1987 ◽  
Vol 65 (12) ◽  
pp. 2592-2600 ◽  
Thompson Demetrio Pizzolato

The interconnecting vascular system of the floret of Alopecurus carolinianus Walter begins as a single, collateral bundle, which enters the rachilla and becomes reorganized into a diarch pattern while ascending between the glumes. During a pronounced posterior enlargement, the rachilla bundle becomes connected with the median and four lateral bundles of the lemma. Above the trace to the lemma median, elements of a xylem discontinuity surrounded by those of a sieve-element plexus form in the rachilla bundle. Higher, a trace consisting of elements of the xylem discontinuity and the plexus enters the anterior and the posterior stamen. Two bundles, the lowest portion of the pistil vasculature, rise eccentrically from the xylem discontinuity and sieve-element plexus at the level of the stamen traces. The bundles condense into one which rotates counterclockwise and connects with the anterior sieve tube of the pistil. The xylem discontinuity of the bundle now in the pistil begins to diminish, and the sieve elements fan out to the sides and posterior of the xylem discontinuity. From the sieve elements one or two posterolaterals emerge toward the styles. The bundle of diffuse sieve elements in a semicircle behind the diminishing xylem discontinuity is now the placental bundle of the pistil. After its xylem discontinuity and then its sieve elements fade out, the placental bundle merges with the ovule at the chalaza.

1985 ◽  
Vol 63 (7) ◽  
pp. 1231-1240 ◽  
Job Kuijt ◽  
D. Bray ◽  
A. R. Olson

The endophytic system of Pilostyles thurberi Gray consists of initially uniseriate filaments which develop into an anastomosing complex of larger cortical strands and radial sinkers. In the cortical strands three cell types are recognized, two of which differ largely in the density of the cytoplasm, the shape of the nucleus, and the degree to which the cytoplasm becomes plasmolyzed during fixation. The nuclei of both cell types contain two nucleoli which are physically connected by a nucleolar bridge. The third cell type demonstrates sieve plates, including a calloselike substance in the sieve pores and is consequently considered to be a sieve element. The sieve elements appear to form a discontinuous system and are regarded as a vestigial cell type. Plasmodesmal connections across the host–parasite interface have not been observed.

1965 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 171 ◽  
MC Wark ◽  
TC Chambers

An ontogenetic study of secondary phloem sieve elements of Pisum sativum L., fixed on the intact plant for electron microscopy, indicates that the connecting strands across the sieve plates are continuities of the endoplasmic reticulum. Each connecting strand is surrounded by a callose cylinder. The peripheral cytoplasm of the nucleate "young" sieve elements contains longitudinally oriented tubules of endoplasmic reticulum. As the sieve elements develop, nuclear material is extruded into the cytoplasm by way of a fibrotubular body which is structurally distinct from the slime body. When the cells are fully expanded the slime bodies disperse. This process is followed by breakdown of a number of organelles including the nucleus and tonoplast. This apparently leaves the endoplasmic reticulum free in the cell lumen.

1968 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 37 ◽  
SY Zee ◽  
TC Chambers

The morphogenesis of the sieve elements, companion cells, and phloem parenchyma in the region between 0.5 and 2.0 mm from the actively growing root apex of seedlings of Pisum sativum L. cv. Telephone is described. The overall developmental pattern is essentially similar to that already described for the secondary phloem of the young stem internode of the same species, although differences in the development of some organelles do exist between the two types of phloem. The development of the sieve element is traced from the earliest stages of cross wall formation up to the morphologically mature stages. Very few sieve elements reach morphological maturity in this region. The possibility that the functional translocatory sieve elements are those at earlier stages of development is discussed.

1985 ◽  
Vol 63 (8) ◽  
pp. 1402-1411 ◽  
D. J. Grenville ◽  
R. L. Peterson ◽  
Y. Piché

Sclerotia were produced by growing Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker and Couch in association with Pinus strobus L. and Pinus resinosa Ait. in plastic growth pouches. Developing and mature sclerotia were collected, fixed, and embedded for light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. They were found to consist of an outer pigmented rind, an inner and outer cortex, and a large central medulla. Cortical and medullary areas were comprised of pseudoparenchyma which contained large deposits of glycogen, as well as protein and lipids. The structure of these sclerotia indicates that they are persistent propagules. Sclerotia may be important in nature for the recolonization of root tips after environmental stresses. They may also be useful for storing valuable strains of P. tinctorius and as a source of inoculum for experimental studies.

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