companion cells
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Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
So-Yon Park ◽  
Kohki Shimizu ◽  
Jocelyn Brown ◽  
Koh Aoki ◽  
James H. Westwood

Cuscuta spp. are obligate parasites that connect to host vascular tissue using a haustorium. In addition to water, nutrients, and metabolites, a large number of mRNAs are bidirectionally exchanged between Cuscuta spp. and their hosts. This trans-specific movement of mRNAs raises questions about whether these molecules function in the recipient species. To address the possibility that mobile mRNAs are ultimately translated, we built upon recent studies that demonstrate a role for transfer RNA (tRNA)-like structures (TLSs) in enhancing mRNA systemic movement. C. campestris was grown on Arabidopsis that expressed a β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter transgene either alone or in GUS-tRNA fusions. Histochemical staining revealed localization in tissue of C. campestris grown on Arabidopsis with GUS-tRNA fusions, but not in C. campestris grown on Arabidopsis with GUS alone. This corresponded with detection of GUS transcripts in Cuscuta on Arabidopsis with GUS-tRNA, but not in C. campestris on Arabidopsis with GUS alone. Similar results were obtained with Arabidopsis host plants expressing the same constructs containing an endoplasmic reticulum localization signal. In C. campestris, GUS activity was localized in the companion cells or phloem parenchyma cells adjacent to sieve tubes. We conclude that host-derived GUS mRNAs are translated in C. campestris and that the TLS fusion enhances RNA mobility in the host-parasite interactions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Cuicui You ◽  
Hui Wang ◽  
Yaru Huang ◽  
Peng Xu ◽  
Liquan Wu ◽  

The vascular bundles of rice panicles serve to connect the source and the sink, as well as serving as a channel for the transportation of materials. In this study, two homozygous japonica rice strains were used as materials. The vascular bundle structures of the branches in different positions within a rice panicle were observed, and their cross-sectional areas were calculated. In addition, the ultrastructure of the central large vascular bundle (LVB) phloem in the rachillae of superior spikelets (SS) and inferior spikelets (IS) was observed during the grain filling period. Moreover, the soluble sugar and protein contents of the SS and IS rachillae were also measured to study whether the differences in the structure of vascular bundles of the branches were related to the plumpness of grain at different positions. The results showed that vascular bundle cross-sectional areas of the basal primary branches were greater than those in the upper primary branches. Moreover, there was little difference in the areas of vascular bundles between the basal secondary branches and upper secondary branches. However, the vascular bundle areas of the IS rachillae were lower than those in the SS rachillae. Therefore, we believe that the poor vascular tissue channel of the IS rachillae could be the limiting factor in IS plumpness. The results also showed that a similar time course in the degradation pattern of some organelles of the sieve elements and companion cells in central LVB was observed in the SS rachillae and IS rachillae during the grain filling period. Compared with the IS rachillae, more abundant mitochondria and plasmodesmata were found in the companion cells of SS rachillae at the beginning of the filling stage, while no significant differences between SS and IS rachillae were identified at the middle and late filling stages, which implies that the SS rachillae were relatively more effective at transportation compared with the IS rachillae at the initial filling stage. Therefore, the undeveloped vascular bundles of the IS rachillae and their poor physiology and lack of ability to transport at the initial filling stages could be the limiting factor in IS plumpness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Olga V. Voitsekhovskaja ◽  
Anna N. Melnikova ◽  
Kirill N. Demchenko ◽  
Alexandra N. Ivanova ◽  
Valeria A. Dmitrieva ◽  

The ability to develop secondary (post-cytokinetic) plasmodesmata (PD) is an important evolutionary advantage that helps in creating symplastic domains within the plant body. Developmental regulation of secondary PD formation is not completely understood. In flowering plants, secondary PD occur exclusively between cells from different lineages, e.g., at the L1/L2 interface within shoot apices, or between leaf epidermis (L1-derivative), and mesophyll (L2-derivative). However, the highest numbers of secondary PD occur in the minor veins of leaf between bundle sheath cells and phloem companion cells in a group of plant species designated “symplastic” phloem loaders, as opposed to “apoplastic” loaders. This poses a question of whether secondary PD formation is upregulated in general in symplastic loaders. Distribution of PD in leaves and in shoot apices of two symplastic phloem loaders, Alonsoa meridionalis and Asarina barclaiana, was compared with that in two apoplastic loaders, Solanum tuberosum (potato) and Hordeum vulgare (barley), using immunolabeling of the PD-specific proteins and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), respectively. Single-cell sampling was performed to correlate sugar allocation between leaf epidermis and mesophyll to PD abundance. Although the distribution of PD in the leaf lamina (except within the vascular tissues) and in the meristem layers was similar in all species examined, far fewer PD were found at the epidermis/epidermis and mesophyll/epidermis boundaries in apoplastic loaders compared to symplastic loaders. In the latter, the leaf epidermis accumulated sugar, suggesting sugar import from the mesophyll via PD. Thus, leaf epidermis and mesophyll might represent a single symplastic domain in Alonsoa meridionalis and Asarina barclaiana.

Cancers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 2727
Harrys Kishore Charles Jacob ◽  
John Lalith Charles Richard ◽  
Rossana Signorelli ◽  
Tyler Kashuv ◽  
Shweta Lavania ◽  

Tumor cells dissociate from the primary site and enter into systemic circulation (circulating tumor cells, CTCs) either alone or as tumor microemboli (clusters); the latter having an increased predisposition towards forming distal metastases than single CTCs. The formation of clusters is, in part, created by contacts between cell–cell junction proteins and/or cytokine receptor pairs with other cells such as neutrophils, platelets, fibroblasts, etc. In the present study, we provide evidence for an extravesicular (EV) mode of communication between pancreatic cancer CTCs and neutrophils. Our results suggest that the EV proteome of CTCs contain signaling proteins that can modulate degranulation and granule mobilization in neutrophils and, also, contain tissue plasminogen activator and other proteins that can regulate cluster formation. By exposing naïve neutrophils to EVs isolated from CTCs, we further show how these changes are modulated in a dynamic fashion indicating evidence for a deeper EV based remodulatory effect on companion cells in clusters.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1925020
Miroslav Krausko ◽  
Mária Labajová ◽  
Darina Peterková ◽  
Ján Jásik

Gaopeng Wang ◽  
Yue Wu ◽  
Li Ma ◽  
Yan Lin ◽  
Yuxiang Hu ◽  

Abstract Phloem loading is the first step in sucrose transport from source leaves to sink organs. The phloem loading strategy in rice remains unclear. To determine the potential phloem loading mechanism in rice, yeast invertase (INV) was overexpressed specifically in the cell wall by 35S promoter to block sugar transmembrane loading in rice. The transgenic lines exhibited obvious phloem loading suppression characteristics accompanied by the accumulation of sucrose and starch, restricted vegetative growth and decreased grain yields. The decreased sucrose exudation rate with p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid (PCMBS) treatment also indicated that rice actively transported sucrose into phloem. Moreover, the expression level of OsSUT1 was much higher than that of other plasma membrane localized OsSUTs in the source leaf. Cross sections of the GUS transgenic plant showed that the signals of OsSUT1 and OsSUT5 occurred in the phloem companion cells. The ossut1 and ossut4 mutants presented a decrease of grain yield, implying important roles of OsSUTs in phloem loading. Based on these results, we conclude that rice uses the apoplastic loading as a major phloem loading strategy.

2021 ◽  
Hao Tian ◽  
Yuru Li ◽  
Ce Wang ◽  
Xingwen Xu ◽  
Yajie Zhang ◽  

Abstract Photoperiod plays a key role in controlling the phase transition from vegetative to reproductive growth in flowering plants. Leaves are the major organs perceiving day-length signals, but how specific leaf cell-types respond to photoperiod remains unknown. We integrated photoperiod-responsive chromatin accessibility and transcriptome data in leaf epidermis and vascular companion cells of Arabidopsis thaliana by combining INTACT (Isolation of Nuclei Tagged in specific Cell/Tissue types) with ATAC-seq (Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin using sequencing) and RNA-sequencing. Despite a large overlap, vasculature and epidermis cells responded differently. Long-day predominantly induced accessible chromatin regions (ACRs); in the vasculature, more ACRs were induced and these were located at more distal gene regions, compared with the epidermis. Vascular ACRs induced by long day were highly enriched in binding sites for flowering-related transcription factors. Among the highly ranked genes (based on chromatin and expression signatures in the vasculature), we identified TREHALOSE-6-PHOSPHATASE SYNTHASE 9 (TPS9) as a flowering activator, as shown by the late flowering phenotypes of T-DNA insertion mutants and transgenic lines with phloem-specific knockdown of TPS9. Our cell-type-specific analysis sheds light on how the long-day photoperiod stimulus impacts chromatin accessibility in a tissue-specific manner to regulate plant development.

2020 ◽  
Andrea Paterlini ◽  
Delfi Dorussen ◽  
Franziska Fichtner ◽  
Martin van Rongen ◽  
Ruth Delacruz ◽  

AbstractThe plasticity of above ground plant architecture depends on the regulated re-activation and growth of axillary meristems laid down in the axils of leaves along the stem, which often arrest as dormant buds. Plasmodesmata connecting plant cells might control the movement of regulators involved in this developmental switch. Constructs capable of occluding these structures were employed in phloem cell types, because of the importance of phloem in local and systemic trafficking. We show that over-accumulation of callose within companion cells of the Arabidopsis inflorescence reduces the growth rates of activated buds, but does not affect bud activation. Growth rate reductions were not dependent on the phloem-mobile strigolactone receptor, which regulates bud activation. Furthermore, there was no correlation with early bud sugar profiles, which can also affect bud activity and depend on phloem-mediated delivery. It is therefore possible that an as yet unknown mobile signal is involved in modulating branch growth rate.

2020 ◽  
Vol 63 (5) ◽  
pp. 321-329
Kyunghyuk Park ◽  
Seunga Lee ◽  
Hyunjin Yoo ◽  
Yeonhee Choi

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