Nuclear Envelope Dynamics During Mitosis
The nuclear envelope is a complex membrane structure that forms the boundary of the nuclear compartment in eukaryotes. It regulates the passage of macromolecules between the two compartments and may be important for organizing interphase chromosome architecture. In interphase animal cells it forms a remarkably stable structure consisting of a double membrane ouerlying a protein meshwork or lamina and penetrated by nuclear pore complexes. The latter form the channels for nucleocytoplasmic exchange of macromolecules, At the onset of mitosis, however, it rapidly disassembles, the membranes fragment to yield small vesicles and the lamina, which is composed of predominantly three polypeptides, lamins R, B and C (MW approx. 74, 68 and 65 kDa respectiuely), breaks down. Lamins B and C are dispersed as monomers throughout the mitotic cytoplasm, while lamin B remains associated with the nuclear membrane vesicles.