SEM of non-coated hepatocellular cytoskeleton of perfused livers
Previous SEM studies of liver cytoskeletal elements have encountered technical difficulties such as variable metal coating and heat damage which occurs during metal deposition. The majority of studies involving evaluation of the cell cytoskeleton have been limited to cells which could be isolated, maintained in culture as a monolayer and thus easily extracted. Detergent extraction of excised tissue by immersion has often been unsatisfactory beyond the depth of several cells. These disadvantages have been avoided in the present study. Whole C3H mouse livers were perfused in situ with 0.5% Triton X-100 in a modified Jahn's buffer including protease inhibitors. Perfusion was continued for 1 to 2 hours at ambient temperature. The liver was then perfused with a 2% buffered gluteraldehyde solution. Liver samples including spontaneous tumors were then maintained in buffered gluteraldehyde for 2 hours. Samples were processed for SEM and TEM using the modified thicarbohydrazide procedure of Malich and Wilson, cryofractured, and critical point dried (CPD). Some samples were mechanically fractured after CPD.