excised tissue
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2021 ◽  
pp. 074880682110609
Arian Mowlavi

Introduction: Performing optimal gluteal augmentation using traditional methods in moderate to severe weight-loss patients poses a surgical challenge as such patients typically present with (1) severe skin redundancy, (2) soft tissues containing high-density connective tissues than fat content, and (3) ptotic buttock cheeks. Materials and Methods: This procedure uses a modified lateral thigh and buttock tuck excision not only to lift the buttock cheek complex but also to create a dermal fat flap that is transposed into the upper buttock pole to achieve upper buttock fullness. The remainder of the excised tissue undergoes novel ex vivo liposuction while remaining sterile, which allows for simultaneous repair of the created excision line. Results: This novel ex vivo liposuction technique provides several advantages that include (1) limiting operative time, (2) allowing for maximal fat removal while avoiding unnecessary trauma to the patient, and (3) providing improved quality with less blood and fat volumes. This ex vivo fat is then transferred to the mid- and lower buttock to complete buttock augmentation for the Brazilian buttock lift. Discussion: Excess skin redundancy and buttock check ptosis require consideration of supplemental excisional tucking to achieve optimal results. In addition, subcutaneous tissues that maintain more connective tissue pose difficulty with fat removal using traditional liposuction techniques. As such, we present a novel surgical technique to optimally augment and shape the buttock in patients who have undergone weight loss. Conclusion: In summary, we present a novel Brazilian buttock lift technique to augment the buttock in weight-loss patients that maximizes both patient safety and efficacy.

Pharmaceutics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 975
Ander Egimendia ◽  
Susana Carregal-Romero ◽  
Iñaki Osorio-Querejeta ◽  
Daniel Padro ◽  
Jesús Ruiz-Cabello ◽  

Ex vivo models for the noninvasive study of myelin-related diseases represent an essential tool to understand the mechanisms of diseases and develop therapies against them. Herein, we assessed the potential of multimodal imaging traceable myelin-targeting liposomes to quantify myelin in organotypic cultures. Methods: MRI testing was used to image mouse cerebellar tissue sections and organotypic cultures. Demyelination was induced by lysolecithin treatment. Myelin-targeting liposomes were synthetized and characterized, and their capacity to quantify myelin was tested by fluorescence imaging. Results: Imaging of freshly excised tissue sections ranging from 300 µm to 1 mm in thickness was achieved with good contrast between white (WM) and gray matter (GM) using T2w MRI. The typical loss of stiffness, WM structures, and thickness of organotypic cultures required the use of diffusion-weighted methods. Designed myelin-targeting liposomes allowed for semiquantitative detection by fluorescence, but the specificity for myelin was not consistent between assays due to the unspecific binding of liposomes. Conclusions: With respect to the sensitivity, imaging of brain tissue sections and organotypic cultures by MRI is feasible, and myelin-targeting nanosystems are a promising solution to quantify myelin ex vivo. With respect to specificity, fine tuning of the probe is required. Lipid-based systems may not be suitable for this goal, due to unspecific binding to tissues.

Plant Disease ◽  
2021 ◽  
Jinlong Chen ◽  
Zhaoyu Wang ◽  
Joon-Ho Choi

Oats (Avena sativa) are an important fodder crop in the vast ranges of northern and northwestern China, given the growing demand from livestock. (Yang et al. 2010). In July 2020, diseased leaf samples of cultivar Dingyan-2 were collected from fields near Gonghui Town, Zhangbei County, Zhangjiakou City (41.35° N, 114.55° E). These leaves showed oval to irregular yellowish-brown spots (0.5 to 6 mm in diameter) surrounded by a yellowish halo progressing to form narrowly striped spots fusing into lesions in severe cases. In a disease survey of six fields (about 1.5 ha in total), 35% of the plants were infected with a disease severity ranging from 0 to 20%. To isolate the pathogen, 12 symptomatic leaves (two leaves for each plant) were arbitrarily sampled from different locations across the fields and small pieces (5 mm2) of diseased leaves were excised from the border between diseased and healthy tissue. Excised tissue pieces were surface sterilized by immersion in 75 % ethanol for 30 s, then 1% NaClO solution for 1 min, rinsed in sterilized distilled water three times, and transferred to potato dextrose agar (PDA). Colonies on PDA were 41–46 mm diam in 10 d at 25 °C with surface texture floccose, obverse pale mouse grey to black due to ascomata and aerial mycelium, and reverse pale olivaceous. Asci were ellipsoidal to ovoid, 12–18 × 11–15 μm (av.= 15 ×12 μm; n=30) in spore-bearing part, containing eight irregularly arranged ascospores. Ascospores were 1-celled, dark brown when mature, smooth, ellipsoidal, with attenuated ends, 7.5–8.4 × 4.3–5.5 μm (av.= 8.1 × 5.0 μm; n=50), with an apical or slightly subapical germ pore. These morphological characteristics were consistent with previous descriptions of Canariomyces microsporus (syn. Thielavia microspora, Wang et al. 2019). For molecular identification, genomic DNA (isolate MNK-Y1) was extracted and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and β-tubulin (tub2) were amplified and sequenced by using the primers ITS1 and ITS4 (White et al. 1990) and Btub2Fd and Btub4Rd (Woudenberg et al. 2009). Sequences were deposited in GenBank under accessions MW080329 (ITS) and MW557539 (tub2). Blast search revealed that the ITS and tub2 sequences matched 99.4%, 100% (471 bp out of 474 bp; 648 bp out of 648 bp) with the sequences of the ex-type isolate CBS 276.74 of C. microsporus accession number MH860852.1 and MK926899. Koch’s postulates were proven to confirm the pathogenicity of isolate MNK-Y1. Eight-week-old healthy oat seedlings of cv. Dingyan 2 were grown in the greenhouse, at 15-20 ℃ under 30-40% of relative humidity. Ten oat plants were spray inoculated with a spore suspension (5×105spores/ml; isolate MNK-Y1). Another ten oat plants were sprayed with sterile water as controls. All plants were covered with a transparent glass cover and a black polyethylene bag to maintain relative humidity and dark for two days. After 15 days, all the inoculated plants had developed yellowish-brown spots similar to those observed in the field whereas the control plants sprayed with sterile water remained healthy. The pathogen was reisolated from inoculated plants and identified as C. microsporus based on morphological characteristics and the molecular methods described above. This species has previously been isolated from saline and desert soils as well as from leaves of Thymus (Wang et al. 2019). To our knowledge, this is the first report of leaf spot of oat caused by C. microsporus in China.

2021 ◽  
Vol 108 (Supplement_2) ◽  
H Abed ◽  
G Pickering ◽  
R Jose ◽  
D Chester

Abstract Introduction Whilst lipomas are the most common tumour of the human body, it is rare in the hand. Less than 50-cases are reported in the literature. We present six-cases from a specialist hand unit, UK, presenting over a 10-year period. All patients had a distinct swelling within the affected hand which was growing in size. Method Patients were investigated with MRI and given the benign appearance; no pre-excision biopsies were performed. All excised tissue was sent for histology. Only one patient reported altered neurology of the hand, describing altered sensation within the ulnar nerve distribution of the index finger. Results In all cases, the lipoma originated in the deep palmar space from adipose tissue surrounding the deep palmar arch. They all extended distally, along natural tissue planes, encasing neurovascular and tendinous structures. In two cases the lipoma extended into the dorsum of the hand, following the perforating artery between the index and middle metacarpal heads. The lipomas all spread radialwards, penetrating the thenar muscles. The largest was 13x12x4cm in size. Conclusions Giant lipoma is a rare cause of symptomatic swelling of the hand. Compression of structures is extremely rare, but careful excision is critical as neurovascular bodies are classically enveloped within the growing lipoma.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 149-156
Yan Yan ◽  
Samuel John ◽  
Jurgita Meiliute ◽  
Loay Kabbani ◽  
Mohammad Mehrmohammadi

Inaccurate placement of the ablation catheter and the inability to monitor the real-time temperature within the tissue of interest such as veins curbs the treatment efficacy of laser ablation procedures during thermal therapies. Our previous studies have validated the efficacy of photoacoustic (PA) imaging during endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) procedures. However, the PA-guided therapies suffer from low temporal resolution, due to the low pulse repetition rates of pulsed lasers, which could cause a problem during fast catheter motion and rapid temperature changes. Herein, to enhance the accuracy and sensitivity for tracking the ablation catheter tip and temperature monitoring, we proposed to develop a high frame rate (500 Hz), combined ultrasound (US), and PA-guided ablation system. The proposed PA-guided ablation system was evaluated in a set of ex vivo tissue studies. The developed system provides a 2 ms temporal resolution for tracking and monitoring the ablation catheter tip’s location and temperature, which is 50 times higher temporal resolution compared to the previously proposed 10 Hz system. The proposed system also provided more accurate feedback about the temperature variations during rapid temperature increments of 10°C per 250 ms. The co-registered US and PA images have an imaging resolution of about 200 μm and a field of view of 45 × 40 mm2. Tracking the ablation catheter tip in an excised tissue layer shows higher accuracy during a relatively fast catheter motion (0.5–3 mm/s). The fast US/PA-guided ablation system will potentially enhance the outcome of ablation procedures by providing location and temperature feedback.

2021 ◽  
Leonard M. da Silva ◽  
Flávio C. Ferreira ◽  
Luiza A. de Souza ◽  
Livia de A. Freire ◽  

Abstract Purpose To evaluate striated skeletal muscle fibers (upper eyelid levator muscle) in specimens taken from conjunctivo-müllerectomy surgery and correlate the surgical response of elevation greater than 2 mm in this surgery. Methods Histopathological analysis of 20 excised conjunctivo-müllerectomy fragments for treating involutional ptosis of any magnitude with a 10% positive and satisfactory phenylephrine test to check for skeletal muscle fibers. Results All analyzed tissue samples only had conjunctiva and smooth muscle tissue. We attest to the absence of striated muscle fibers in these samples. Conclusion There are no upper eyelid levator muscle fibers in the excised tissue in conjunctivo-müllerectomy surgery. The surgical response of elevation greater than 2 mm in this surgery may only be due to the closeness of the upper eyelid levator muscle to the superior border of the tarsal plate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-3
M. Elbaz ◽  
S. Hiroual ◽  
F. Boukis ◽  
H. Raiss ◽  
A. Matrane ◽  

Ovary involvement of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is rare. We report a rare case of ovarian NHL during adolescence revealed by bone metastasis. The diagnosis of malignant lymphoma was established after adnexectomy and histological study of the excised tissue. The tumor was classified as a diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. The patient has been treated according to the LMB French protocol with good outcome after two years. Although NHL is a rare ovarian neoplasm, it is essential to establish an accurate diagnosis as early as possible for therapeutic purposes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Ozgur Caglar ◽  
Remzi Arslan ◽  
Binali Firinci ◽  
Muhammed Enes Aydin ◽  
Erdem Karadeniz ◽  

Abstract Background Circumcision is a surgical removal process of the preputium. Surgical excision and electric current cause neurodegeneration in the excised tissue-related neural network. This study investigates if circumcision and current surgical methods would cause histopathological changes in the penile tissue innervating pudendal nerve dorsal root ganglia. Results Vascular congestion occluded the microvessels, and degenerative changes were detected in postexcised penile tissue. Neuronal angulation, cytoplasmic condensation, nuclear shrinkage, and condensed nuclei were observed in the pudendal nerve ganglia. Moreover, the degenerated neuron (DN) densities of the pudendal nerve ganglia were 5 ± 2, 98 ± 22, 1093 ± 185, 236 ± 43 and 151 ± 19 in the control, the surgical circumcision, the monopolar cautery, the bipolar cautery and the thermocautery groups, respectively. Conclusions Although only the pudendal nerve endings are affected secondary to prepusium excision another pudendal axons can be damaged during bleeding control with cautery, the destruction of the neuron that sends this axon initiates a general inflammation in that ganglion. As a result, there may be a somatosensitive innervation defect in extrapenile tissues innervated by this ganglion. High-voltage electric devices should not be used unless obligatory.

2021 ◽  
Gerardo Alejo-Jacuinde ◽  
Tania Kean-Galeno ◽  
Norma Martínez-Gallardo ◽  
Daniel Tejero-Díez ◽  
Klaus Mehltreter ◽  

Plants can tolerate some degree of dehydration but below a threshold of water content most plants die. However, some species display specific physiological, biochemical, and molecular responses that allow survival to desiccation. Some of these responses are activated at critical stages during water loss and could represent the difference between desiccation tolerance (DT) and death. Here, we report the development of a simple and reproducible system to determine DT in Selaginella species. This system is based on the use of excised tissue (explants), exposed to a dehydration agent inside small containers, rather than whole plants making it faster, better controlled, and potential use under field conditions. We also report that the triphenyltetrazolium chloride test is a simple and accurate assay to determine tissue viability. The explant system is particularly useful to identify critical points during the dehydration process and was applied to identify novel desiccation-tolerant Selaginella species. Our data suggest that desiccation-sensitive Selaginella species have a change in viability when dehydrated to 40% RWC, indicating the onset of a critical condition at this water content. Comparative studies at these critical stages could provide a better understanding of DT mechanisms and unravel insights into the key responses to survive desiccation.

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