Development of 200kV ultrahigh-resolution analytical electron microscope
In the field of materials science, the importance of the ultrahigh resolution analytical electron microscope (UHRAEM) is increasing. A new UHRAEM which provides a resolution of better than 0.2 nm and allows analysis of a few nm areas has been developed. [Fig. 1 shows the external view] The followings are some characteristic features of the UHRAEM.Objective lens (OL)Two types of OL polepieces (URP for ±10' specimen tilt and ARP for ±30' tilt) have been developed. The optical constants shown in the table on the next page are figures calculated by the finite element method. However, Cs was experimentally confirmed by two methods (namely, Beam Tilt method and Krivanek method) as 0.45 ∼ 0.50 mm for URP and as 0.9 ∼ 1.0 mm for ARP, respectively. Fig. 2 shows an optical diffractogram obtained from a micrograph of amorphous carbon with URP under the Scherzer defocus condition. It demonstrates a resolution of 0.19 nm and a Cs smaller than 0.5 mm.