scholarly journals Partnerships in Environmental Education: The University of Notre Dame Australia, CALM, Local Government and the Community

1999 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 157-159
Angus Morrison-Saunders ◽  
Gil Field ◽  

The Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM), which is responsible for the management of natural areas in public ownership within Western Australian and wildlife management throughout the state, has entered into a partnership with the University of Notre Dame Australia to deliver some of the units within their Environmental Studies and Tourism programmes. CALM involvement with the university started in 1994 with the provision of occasional guest lecturers and involvement in field excursions with the students over a range of units (eg. during visits to national parks and other sites managed by CALM). More recently, however, CALM have taken the responsibility for presenting two units in their entirety: ES/ BS 181 Ecotourism and Heritage Management andES280/380 Recreation Planning and Management. In addition to the partnership between these two institutions, the two units directly involve local government and the community.This paper presents details of the two units and discusses how this partnership contributes towards community leadership and responsibility and represents effective environmental education.In order to appreciate the educational benefits of the partnership between CALM and the University of Notre Dame Australia, a brief overview of the two units taught by CALM is provided.The Ecotourism and Heritage Management unit focuses on interpretation techniques in natural and cultural heritage area management and the business of cultural and ecotourism. Subjects include interpretive planning, project design and evaluation as well as the planning, design and presentation of ecotours and other guided interpretive activities.

Nataša Petrovic ◽  
Veljko Jeremic ◽  
Dalibor Petrovic ◽  
Marko Cirovic

Many authors agree that it is essential to integrate social networking tools and sites with education. On the other hand, environmental education represents an umbrella for many forms of education that already exist and new ones that remain to be created. Bearing this in mind as well as the increasing use of Facebook in education, the key aspect of this chapter focuses on scientific research about modeling the use of Facebook in environmental education among students of the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Serbia. The research clearly points out the educational benefits of implementing Facebook with, subsequently, a significant improvement of students’ environmental awareness. The investigated model of using Facebook, presented in the chapter, could be useful to other educators, giving them suitable information about the possible ways to improve students` achievements in environmental and other kinds of higher education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 141 (05) ◽  
pp. 46-48
Lee S. Langston

An updated report is given on the University of Connecticut’s gas turbine combined heat and power plant, now in operation for 13 years after its start in 2006. It has supplied the Storrs Campus with all of its electricity, heating and cooling needs, using three gas turbines that are the heart of the CHP plant. In addition to saving more than $180 million over its projected 40 year life, the CHP plant provides educational benefits for the University.

1990 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
pp. 344-361 ◽  
Alasdair MacIntyre

Alasdair MacIntyre was installed in 1989 as the first occupant of the McMahon/Hank Chair in Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame. On April 18, 1990, he delivered his inaugural lecture, “The Privatization of Good,” before a large and appreciative audience in Notre Dame's Center for Continuing Education. He invited three Notre Dame colleagues to comment on his presentation: Donald P. Kommers, Professor of Law and Government, and Editor of The Review of Politics; William David Solomon, Associate Professor of Philosophy; and Richard McCormick, S.J., John A. O'Brien Professor of Christian Ethics. The following pages include the inaugural address, the remarks of two of the three commentators, and Professor Maclntyre's response. The editors wish to thank Professor MacIntyre for his cooperation in publishing his inaugural address.

1970 ◽  
pp. 263-281
Michał Marciniak

The author of this article presensts the structure of physical education and sports at the academic level at Notre Dame University in South Bend Indiana. The first part describes the historical aspect, the most important dates, names of the university. The next part is an analysis of the program of physical education classes, sports facilities and budget for sport. In the last part, the author attempted to present a episode of his qualitative research at Notre Dame University during his stay in 20122014. The research concerned the professional satisfaction of physical education teachers at the University of Notre Dame.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Angeletta KM Gourdine ◽  
Mary Celeste Kearney ◽  
Shauna Pomerantz

We are proud to introduce this special issue that was inspired by the 2019 International Girlhood Studies Association (IGSA) conference at the University of Notre Dame (IGSA@ND). At that time, we were not yet acquainted with each other beyond exchanging pleasantries and knowing of each other’s academic profiles. Yet we came together as three co-editors and scholars committed not only to the diversification of girlhood studies but also to the larger project of social justice for all. We want to promote such work through this special issue and, in the process, expand perspectives and practices within the field of girlhood studies, as many before us have done.

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